出台专门文件 创新工作方法 南通市检察院主动接受政协民主监督

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为贯彻落实《中共中央关于加强人民政协工作的意见》和全省政协工作会议精神,5月下旬,南通市人民检察院出台《关于进一步自觉接受人民政协民主监督的意见》,要求各县(市)、区检察院结合本地实际,认真贯彻执行。市检察院《意见》提出了五点要求:一是高度重视政协的民主监督作用。全市检察机关要深刻认识政协工作的重要性和必要性,真诚自觉地接受政协的民主监督。全市两级检察院在向人代会所作的工作报告中,应明确政协的民主监督地位,体现政协的民主监督作用。二是认真倾听人民政协的批评和建议,自觉接受民主监督。完善民主监督机制,在知情环节、沟通环节、反馈环节上建立健全制度,依法保障政协委员知情权、参与权和监督权。三是及时办理政协委员的提案、建议。对政协委员提交的提案、建议,严格按照有关规定,在3个月内办结并答复委员,对情况特殊未能及时办 In order to implement the “Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the CPPCC Work” and the spirit of the work conference of the CPPCC province, Nantong People's Procuratorate promulgated the “Opinions on Further Consciously Accepting the CPPCC's Democratic Supervision” in late May, requiring counties (cities) District Procuratorate combined with local reality, conscientiously implement. City Procuratorate “Opinions” put forward five requirements: First, attach great importance to the democratic supervision of the CPPCC. The city's procuratorial organs should profoundly understand the importance and necessity of the work of the CPPCC, and sincerely and conscientiously accept the CPPCC's democratic supervision. In the work report to the people's congress, the city's two levels of procuratorates shall clearly define the position of democratic supervision of the CPPCC and reflect the role of democratic supervision of the CPPCC. Second, we should earnestly listen to the criticisms and suggestions of the CPPCC and consciously accept democratic supervision. Improve the democratic supervision mechanism, establish and perfect the system in the aspects of information, communication and feedback, and protect the CPPCC members' right to information, participation and supervision according to law. Third, timely proposals and suggestions made by CPPCC members. CPPCC members submitted proposals, suggestions, strictly in accordance with the relevant provisions, within 3 months and reply to the committee members, the special situation failed to do in a timely manner
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