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《爱国报》(周报),只存在了短短5年,像流星划过夜空。但是,它在江苏新闻事业特别在坚持党的爱国统一战线舆论宣传方面做出的贡献,是不可磨灭的。政协南京市七届委员会,章臣桓为主席。曾任省委宣传部副部长、南京市委副书记的周伯藩任市政协副主席、党组书记。在他们极力倡导和精心策划下,《爱国报》于1983年7月在南京创刊,赵朴初先生题写报名。它是全国最早由城市地方政协创办的报纸。办报伊始,《爱国报》就坚持自力更生、艰苦创业之路,除7000元开办费之外,自始至终没要国家一分钱财政补贴,从主编到编辑、记者到分发报纸的,十多人挤在一间办公室,出报、发报,自己搬运。到外地出差,买不到卧铺票,就挤站在硬座车厢里,住最便宜的旅店、招待所。为了扩大《爱国报》发行,编辑、记者下班后,到街头、高等院校、五台山体育场(馆)卖报,利用出差乘车之机,在列车上卖报。参加各地发行工作会议,与邮电局(所)当面洽谈宣传、四处奔波,不疲不歇,短短两年,《爱国报》的订阅和零售突破12万份大关,成为江苏省除《新华日报》外另一份公开发行的报纸。它的发行宣传口 “Patriot” (Weekly), only existed in just 5 years, like a meteor across the night sky. However, it is indelible in its contribution to journalism in Jiangsu especially in upholding the party’s propaganda on the patriotic united front. CPPCC Nanjing City, the Seventh Committee, Zhang Chenhuan chairman. Former Vice Minister of Propaganda Department of CPC Provincial Committee and Zhou Bofan, deputy secretary of Nanjing Municipal Committee, served as Vice Chairman and Party Secretary of CPPCC. Under their advocacy and careful planning, “Patriotism” was founded in Nanjing in July 1983, and Mr. Zhao Puchu wrote the application. It is the first newspaper run by the local city CPPCC. At the beginning of the newspaper, “Patriotism” insisted on the road of self-reliance and arduous pioneering. Except for the start-up fee of 7,000 yuan, it never required the government a penny of financial subsidies. From chief editor to editor and reporter to newspaper distribution, more than 10 people squeezed In an office, report, send a report, move by oneself. Travel to the field, can not buy sleeper tickets, squeeze the hard seat on the carriage, live in the cheapest hotels, guest houses. In order to expand the “Patriotic News” issue, edit, reporters after get off work, to the streets, colleges and universities, Wutaishan Stadium (Museum) to sell newspapers, the use of travel by car, selling newspapers in the train. To participate in the distribution of work meetings throughout the country, discuss and publicize with the post office (the office), and run around endlessly. In just two years, the subscription and retail sales of “Patriotic Newspaper” exceeded 120,000 and became the " Another public offering outside the newspaper. It’s distribution announcement
“以礼制乐,以信服人”是儒家思想的倡导观念,就礼乐文明来说,它为儒家思想拓展了进步空间,塑造了以理服人的教育体制,让儒家“礼信”思想发扬光大并传承至今。 In order to
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