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  Fire is burning up the paper spinning wheel. In a flash, an old spinning wheel begins to drift like butterflies fluttering1 into my memory.
  The old spinning wheel once belonged to Grandma.
  It was really old, as old as some withered artifacts in a museum or of an out-of-date story.2 Its hand rocker arm was rubbed smooth and bright, which could show its long life.
  Grandma told me the spinning wheel was the dowry3 her mother gave her. Before Grandma got married in 1925, her mother repeated what she had always exhorted4: A woman who can’t spin isn’t a real woman.
  So Grandma spun her life into the long thread with braided5 cords.
  Grandma devoted most of her time to spinning whenever she was free from other domestic chores like cooking or cleaning. There was often buzzing from her room, like a drowsy lullaby,6 or an old and simple song. When I was a child, I liked to sit by Grandma on a wooden bench, watching her spin with my eyes fixed and my ears pricked7. Time had left its marks on her hands with horizontal and vertical wrinkles interlacing with each other, making them the witness of the elapse8. She lifted her big, roughened hand and flexibly moved back and forth through hundreds of intertwined threads.9

  With her left foot treading on the wooden pedal in a certain rhythm only known to herself, Grandma spun with the most exquisite skills.10 She was so proficient11 in spinning as if her hands were full of magic—all the seemingly complex sewing and threading was an easy task for her. Without lifting her eyes or pausing her work, Grandma often told me stories as old as her wrinkly face. She said a woman should follow rules and should not take chances or run about madly. She particularly enjoyed talking about her glamorous12 youth and good old days like how she could spin a lot of thread and finished a delicate piece of cloth overnight, how people around were impressed and how she was credited as a handy and competent girl. She had always been a woman so industrious that she hurled herself at13 life with an energy that made her seem always at work, like the ceaseless running spinning wheel.
  There was a gleam in her eyes. The satisfaction and pride often lighted her face, declaring that she had been what she was supposed to be “a real woman”.   My Grandma was ill in bed at that time, but eventually she discovered the wheel’s whereabouts27. How she burst out in fury! Her hollow eyes glared with disbelief, her thin chin thrust with anger.28 She lay in bed, too shocked and irritated to utter a word. Then she exhaled all the pent-up anger and exclaimed in a hoarse voice, half crying, “Why did you ruin it?”29
  “It’s too old and useless.” We tried to explain,“There’s no space for it.”
  Her anger quickly subsided into untold melancholy.30 “You can repair it; you can use it when you get married.” I was startled at her remark which reminded me of the heavy promise.
  “Grandma, we don’t need to use that spinning wheel you know. Nowadays, shops are full of polyester fiber31... Now I’m studying. Someday I might go out to the big outer world.”
  “Big outer world?” Grandma’s face was filled with wonder.
  She would never know.
  Grandma’s anger and despair were incomprehensible32 to me years ago. I had always believed in a naive conviction33 that age and depression could be overcome by a simple encouragement. I tried to convince her that by the time I got married, I could just simply buy smart clothes in supermarkets without any trouble. Yet I failed to realize that life ahead of her was never a big, new world, but the unchanging stony earth. A poor village.
  In 1987, Grandma died of old age and perhaps the incurable depression at losing the spinning wheel. A year later, our family moved to a bigger county, leaving the poor village behind.
  Now, living in a bigger city where spinning wheels have become extinct, I often recall my Grandma, that haunting image of her spinning under the dim light, that branded34 silhouette. A stinging guiltiness and gloom seized me whenever I thought of breaking her beloved wheel.35
  Twenty years have passed since Grandma passed away. Nearly every tomb sweeping festival, my parents will go back to the village where she is buried. I go back with them sometimes. Now, here I am again, to see her. I follow the local customs and burn some paper money, a paper house, and a paper spinning wheel.
  The spinning wheel burns into ashes. The smoke stings my eyes. I bewail36 the fact that she spun her whole life and dreams into that wheel. A life without glamour or affluence. A life so mundane without sparkles of uniqueness. A life shared by thousands of common rural women who have buried their youth in illiteracy and impoverishment.37   Then the sound of buzzing comes. Yes, it’s her, a real woman. Grandma is still spinning, with her painful eyes filled with tears.
  1. flutter: 飘动,翩翩飞舞。
  2. withered: 枯萎的,凋谢的;artifact:人工制品,手工艺品。
  3. dowry: 嫁妆。
  4. exhort: 规劝,告诫。
  5. braided: 编织的。
  6. drowsy: 昏昏欲睡的;lullaby: 摇篮曲,催眠曲。
  7. 儿时,我喜欢坐在奶奶身旁的一把木凳子上,目不转睛地看着她纺线,倾耳细听。prick one’s ears: 竖起耳朵。
  8. 奶奶的手上,一条条皱纹纵横交错,印记着岁月的流逝。interlace: 交织;elapse:消逝。
  9. roughen: 变粗糙;interwine: 缠绕。
  10. pedal: 踏板;exquisite: 精致的,细腻的。
  11. proficient: 精通的,熟练的。
  12. glamourous: 迷人的,光彩的。
  13. hurl at: 猛投。
  14. grumble: 抱怨,发牢骚。
  15. exhilarate: 使高兴,使兴奋;buoyant:愉快的,乐观的。
  16. kerosene lamp: 煤油灯。
  17. stamp: 用脚踩踏。
  18. stoop: 俯身,驼背。
  19. 她的身影宛如一尊雕像,直至今日,每每想起,它总会悠悠浮现在心头。silhouette:轮廓,侧影;haunt: 萦绕心头,常出没;dormant: 蛰伏的,休眠的。
  20. arithmetic: 算术。
  21. fleeting: 短暂的,一瞬的。
  22. deteriorate: 退化,变坏。
  23. unwittingly: 不知不覺地,不经意地;be imbued with: 充满。
  24. skirting board: 踢脚板,壁脚板(墙体和地面连接处的条形装饰物,起装饰和保护作用,多为木头、石材、瓷砖材质)。
  25. feeble: 虚弱的。
  26. hermit: 隐士。
  27. whereabouts: 下落,去向。
  28. 她凹陷的眼睛圆睁着,瘦削的下巴扬起,满是怀疑和愤怒。hollow: 凹陷的;thrust: 扬起。
  29. 然后她深呼一口气,压抑着心头的怒火,用沙哑的声音吼着,几近哭出声来:“你们干吗毁了它啊?!”exhale: 呼出,发出;pent-up: 被压抑的;hoarse: 沙哑的。
  30. 她的愤怒很快转为一种难以言状的惆怅。subside: 减弱,平息;melancholy: 忧郁。
  31. polyester fiber: 聚酯纤维。
  32. incomprehensible: 不可思议的,难以理解的。
  33. conviction: 信念,确信。
  34. branded: 铭刻于心的。
  35. 每当我想起自己摔坏了她心爱的纺车,歉疚和悲哀就会深深刺痛我的内心。stinging: 刺痛的,强烈的。
  36. bewail: 哀叹,悲叹。
  37. 这是既无魅力,也不富足的一生;这是平庸无奇,黯淡无光的一生;这是埋葬了万千乡村女性的青春韶华,并置她们于无知和贫穷的一生。mundane:平凡的,单调的;illiteracy: 文盲,无知;impoverishment: 贫穷。
经历不凡的李弘一,曾在特种部队服役,原SOHU网站汽车社区“总舵主”,总管100多家汽车俱乐部论坛版主,现任中国汽车网活动中心总监。自驾线路遍布祖国大江南北,多次担任自驾活动总指挥,车队的领航者,被圈内朋友亲切地称呼“头车老李”。      对有车族而言,生机勃勃的春天充满了难以言喻的诱惑。如今,自驾出游已经成为越来越多人的挚爱,因为这不仅是为数不多的可以拥抱大自然、享受自由的好机会,更是充满勇气
阔别一年,在今年两会上又见到了全国人大代表宗庆后。  过去的一年,宗庆后有着一波三折的经历——与达能跨国婚姻失败,愤然辞去合资公司董事长,遭遇官司,以及扑朔迷离尚无进展的谈判。本想着他老人家会有一丝憔悴,可见了面,他依旧泰然自若。这次两会,尽管企业事务繁忙,宗庆后还是带来了两项议案,以及十八项建议。  今年,宗庆后即将结束人大代表五年一届的任期,回首五年来的代表历程,宗庆后用了简单的六字加以概括:
2007年是一个“三高年”,CPI高、气温高、薪酬高,据相关部门统计,国内物价指数CPI一直维持在高位,全年预计4.5%,而有些行业,如食品、饮料等行业都超过了10%,在这样的前提下,广大民众迫切希望自己的收入能够“跑赢”CPI,这样才能使自己的钱袋不至于缩水。     图1中国不同经济区域薪酬整体状况对比(年度现金收入总额)  从地区的整体薪酬对比中,东部沿海地区的薪酬整体高于内陆地区,这与中国
高高的个头、挺拔的身形、精干的小平头、一双不大却神采奕奕的眼睛,如果不说,任谁也不会想到眼前的魏来已近知天命之年      毕业于吉林艺术学院,大学毕业后在报社当过美编,自己下海做过广告公司、开过印刷厂,给别人打工时月收入竟然比老板还高,现任北京中卡世纪动漫文化传媒有限公司总裁,魏来的人生,起起伏伏,看似坎坷却也丰富。    能上大学是一种偶然    魏来的故乡通化是吉林省较为偏远的一个小山城,他
摘 要:高中英语阅读教学活动的有效展开要基于明确且科学的目标设计。本文以一节高中阅读课为例,探讨如何加工教材,设计阅读教学活动目标,并有效落实各步骤、各环节的目标。  关键词:高中英语阅读;教学活动目标;目标设计;目标理解现状与思考  《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版2020年修订)》(以下简称《课标》)指出,普通高中英语课程的具体目标是培养和发展学生在接受高中英语教育后应具备的语言能力、文化
十年时间,当年的海归潮过后,有些人已退出江湖;有些人还在调整步伐;有些人已经在某个领域取得辉煌的成就,而沈南鹏在时代的三个热点上的连胜,最终成就了其今日的影响力    2007年8月的一天,沈南鹏接到一个让他兴奋的电话。朋友告诉沈南鹏麦考林的大股东华平投资准备退出……有着“敏锐嗅觉”的沈南鹏是绝对不会错过这种机会。  一个月后的一天,上海金茂大厦咖啡厅,刚从机场赶到的沈南鹏显得有些疲惫。经朋友引荐
摘 要:本文将从阅读工作坊开展的“图书漂流”课题研究入手,从阅读工作坊成立的背景与问题、课题实践成果等方面展开论述,浅析教师如何基于阅读工作坊,通过开发泛读教学方式,提升泛读教学中的读后活动设计能力。  关键词:阅读工作坊;图书漂流;读后活动;设计能力阅读工作坊的成立背景与问题聚焦  通过下校调研和问卷调查,笔者发现了北京市朝阳区初中学校在阅读教学尤其是泛读教学方面存在的一些问题。  为了解学生在
提要:商务会展旅游所涉及的领域很广泛,并不是含义狭窄的所谓高端旅游概念,“我们的角色更像一个集成商,把各种资源集成在一起为客户提供全方位、专业地服务。”      作为一种“舶来品”,会奖旅游或者商务会展旅游(MICE)将成为中国旅游市场的下一个金矿。  正像港中旅商务会展部总经理毕建文所说,“中国的会奖旅游市场不是谁发现的,而是早就客观存在的。”最初商务会展业务的主角是各行业的协会,比如由各行业
在吴晖看来,“如何让数字创新成为国家战略一部分,实现下一阶段国家竞争力的提升。”是欧特克在中国未来的新战略目标,“这个阶段刚刚开始。”亲身经历了欧特克中国前两段发展历程的吴说      当吴晖被欧特克(Autodesk)全球总部告知,“你来负责中国市场吧!”他没有感到太多的意外。  已经在欧特克中国工作了11年的吴晖“几乎经历了所有的职位”,从最初的销售代表、华东区经理、渠道总监以及销售总监到目前
摘 要:《新概念英语》作为经典教材,虽然创造了诸多辉煌,但其课文内容、编排体系和教授模式在时代的发展中都面临着诸多挑战。《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》颁布后,如何让基于《新概念英语》的教学更好地契合国家对教育提出的立德树人总目标,满足新时代的需要,成为许多使用《新概念英语》授课的教师所关注的问题。笔者结合本校教学实践,从主题意义探究的角度例析了基于“主题提炼—语篇研读—活动开展”的整合性