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川沙地处长江口南侧,西与上海市的黄浦、南市、杨浦三区毗邻,北与上海市的宝山区隔江相望,南与南汇、上海两县接壤。全境总面积448.65平方公里,总人口62万,境内地势平坦,土壤肥沃,气候温和,年平均气温15.5℃。川沙,人称“浦东宝地”,是上海市开发、开放浦东的主战场。根据上海市开发浦东的总体规划,开发浦东的总面积约350平方公里,其中312平方公里在川沙境内,占89.14%,成为上海开发建设浦东的“黄金地段”。 Chuansha is located on the south side of the Changjiang River Estuary, bordering Huangpu, Nanshi and Yangpu in Shanghai on the west and across from the Baoshan District in Shanghai on the north and bordering on Nanhui and Shanghai on the south. The total area of ​​448.65 square kilometers, with a total population of 620,000, the territory of flat, fertile soil, mild climate, the annual average temperature of 15.5 ℃. Chuansha, known as “Pudong treasure”, is the main battlefield for the development and opening up of Pudong in Shanghai. According to the overall planning of Shanghai’s development of Pudong, Pudong developed a total area of ​​about 350 square kilometers, of which 312 square kilometers were in Chuansha territory, accounting for 89.14% of the total. It became the “prime site” for Shanghai’s development and construction of Pudong.
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