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为隆重纪念中国共产党建党77周年和纪念党的十一届三中全会召开20周年,人民银行云南省分行机关党委于1998年6月30日下午隆重召开了纪念建党77周年暨“一先两优”表彰大会。全行350余名党员、入党积极分子和党员发展对象参加了大会。会上纪玉书等八名新党员进行了庄严入党宣誓;机关党委对1996年至1997年度评出的纪检监察室、稽核处、云南银行学校一支部等3个先进党支部;周家祥等13名优秀党务工作者,吴丽华等37名优秀共产党员进行了表彰;省分行机关党委书记彭志强同志在会上作了题为“加强党的建设,全面完成金融改革任务”的报告。党组成员、副行长彭志强同志代表省分行党组、机关党委向受表彰的先进党支部、优秀党务工作者和优秀共产党员表示热烈的祝贺,对新加入党组织的同志表示热烈的欢迎。回顾了中国共产党77年走过的光辉历程。重点讲述了十一届三中全会以来,我党在政治建设、思想建设、理论建设、组织建设和作风建设等方面取得的新成就。同时肯定了机关党委各支部、云南银行学校党委和全体共产党员在省分行党组的领导下,以邓小平理论为 To solemnly commemorate the 77th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the People’s Bank of China branch in Yunnan Province on the afternoon of June 30, 1998 solemnly held commemorating the 77th anniversary of founding and Excellent “commendation ceremony. More than 350 party members, party activists and party members attended the conference. Eight new party members such as Ji Yushu attended the solemn election to join the party; Party committees of the organs made three outstanding party branches, including the discipline inspection and supervision office, the auditing department and the Yunnan branch of the school from 1996 to 1997; and 13 outstanding party members including Zhou Jiaxiang Workers, Wu Lihua and other 37 outstanding Communist Party members commended; provincial branch Party Secretary Peng Zhiqiang made a speech entitled ”to strengthen party building, the task of completing the financial reform, " the report. Party member and vice president Comrade Peng Zhiqiang, on behalf of the Provincial Party Branch and the organ party committee, extended warm congratulations to the commended advanced party branches, outstanding party workers and excellent communists and extended a warm welcome to the comrades newly joining the party. Reviewed the glorious history that the Chinese Communist Party has passed in 77 years. After focusing on the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, our party has made new achievements in political construction, ideological construction, theoretical construction, organizational construction and style construction. At the same time, it affirmed that all the branches of the organ party committees, the school party committees of Yunnan Bank and all communist party members under the leadership of the party branch of the provincial branch, with Deng Xiaoping Theory as
编者按:在互联网时代,公众对信息传播的手段和方式都有所提高。以网络为代表的新兴媒体已经逐渐担负起跨媒体、跨区域、跨层次传播媒介的角色。针对这一现状,应如何应对? Ed