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  Don’t 1)brag, but be proud of what you’ve done. These two pieces of advice were tough to 2)balance long before Facebook existed, and the share-it-all nature of today’s social media world hasn’t made it any easier. It’s just difficult to draw a line between a 3)humble brag and straight-up bragging. But one thing we know for sure is that oversharing doesn’t do your friendships any favors—a new study out of Carnegie Mellon University 4)proves it.
  To find out how social sharing 5)impacts our relationships, Professor George Loewenstein and his 6)colleagues 7)surveyed Amazon employees, dividing them into groups: 8)self-promoters and those who received that self-promotion. Both groups told stories about past experiences with bragging, and how it made them feel. The results? When we 9)inform our 10)peers about our good experiences, we 11)tend to 12)predict their reactions incorrectly. So telling your friends about your great new job or early college 13)admission decision might make them proud of you, but not nearly as proud as you might think. On the other hand, even if you know your news might 14)bug your friends, you probably don’t know just how much.
  Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are awesome. But together, they make up our network of bragging, a place where we’re certainly in danger of oversharing. Once upon a time, only your family and close friends would be there to see you eagerly open presents on Christmas morning; now, the photo you take on your iPhone will likely become a 15)touched-up Instagram in about 15 seconds. Sure, it might seem like a barely 16)noticeable move. But your sharing behavior could easily be considered 17)annoying or even narcissistic.
  要了解narcissistic的意思,就要从Narcissus([?????????],那喀索斯)说起。那喀索斯是古希腊神话中的美少年,他是河神刻菲索斯与水泽神女利里俄珀之子。那喀索斯出生后,利里俄珀向著名的预言家提瑞西阿斯询问自己儿子的命运。提瑞西阿斯说,那喀索斯只要不看到自己的脸,就能得长寿。因此,尽管那喀索斯长大后成为全希腊最俊美的男子,他却从不知道自己长什么样子。那喀索斯的美貌让全希腊的女性为之倾倒,但他对所有前来求爱的女人都无动于衷。被他拒绝的女子们都要求复仇女神涅墨西斯惩罚那喀索斯,涅墨西斯同意了她们的请求。那喀索斯在一次打猎归来时,在池水中看见了自己俊美的脸。他爱上了自己的倒影,无法从池塘边离开,终于憔悴而死。在那喀索斯死去的地方生出了一株水仙花,所以水仙花的英文就是narcissus(注意n不用大写)。后来,Narcissus就成了“孤芳自赏者”、“自我陶醉者”的代名词。   由此衍生的词就很容易理解了:名词narcissism [???????????]表示“自我陶醉、自恋(的行为)”;narcissist(名词)[??????????]表示“自我陶醉者”;形容词narcissistic [?????????????]则表示“自恋的,自我陶醉的”。

  What’s more: As our personal fame grows alongside our social media 18)presences, so do the number of people we could 19)potentially impress—or 20)piss off. We’ve become social beings 24 hours a day. Our circles are bigger than ever. Sometimes that’s a good thing. But an evergrowing audience to our personal lives brings up the question we should all be asking ourselves before hitting the share button: to 21)post or not to post?
  To answer that, we brought in the experts. According to New York-based 22)therapist Jessica Michaels, the trick is to think about how you say something, not just what you say. “23)Frame it in a way that makes it more of a sharing idea,” she says. “Let’s say you get a spa visit for Christmas. Instead of saying ‘Oh I can’t wait to enjoy my 24)massage,’ you could post ‘Hey friends of mine! Let’s plan this together. Maybe we could all go.’ We forget that the 25)original 26)intention behind social media was a connector.”
  Dr. Marsha Levy-Warren, a 27)psychotherapist and author of The Adolescent Journey: Development, Identity, Formation and Psychotherapy, agrees. “There’s a big difference between posting ‘I feel so lucky that I had this experience,’ and just 28)presenting it,” she says. Providing“emotional context” may help prevent what might be seen as bragging.
  One more thing to keep in mind? Your true 29)BFFAEs definitely do want to know when things are going good for you, and you should 30)keep them in the loop of your life. Just make sure that when you do it, you’re keeping it among those closest to you: When you post a photo of your fantastic winter vacation, for example, make sure to 31)tag your friends and tell them you wish they were by your side on the beach. A little bit of social media love goes a long way!

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