New regulations on silver export

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The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Eco-nomic Cooperation(Moftec)recently issueda circular with provisional regulations onsilver export.According to the circular,silver export willbe subject to export license issued by theQuota and License Bureau under Moftec.The export licenses will be issued only tothose aulhorized exporters and such au-thorization will be announced annually byMoftec.However,the circular noted that The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Eco-nomic Cooperation (Moftec) recently issued a circular with provisional regulations onsilver export.According to the circular,silver export willbe subject to export license issued by the Quota and License Bureau under Moftec.The export licenses will be issued only Tothose aulhorized exporters and such au-thorization will be announced annually byMoftec.However,the circular notedthat
The statistics showed that in the first fivemonths,processing trade,for the first timein this year,grew by 1.4 per cent to US$39.61 billion,while export value
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The Chinese government has showed itsdetermination again in its continuous effortsto urge for more measures aimed at in-creasing exports and drawing foreign in
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