Research on Interface Design of Using Service APP Development

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  【Abstract】: The use of the intelligent mobile phone is quite extensive, it ushered in a new era of interaction design. To adapt to the development of APP is also now, such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain, emerge in an endless stream, constantly upgrading. But how to make high quality, excellent interactive experience, APP has become a problem worth discussing. In this paper, the interface and operation in APP design are discussed from the principles of APP design, UI interface design in order to present some inspiration and guidance.
  【Keywords】: interface design, APP, service,
  Good design is good experience, this is particularly important for the APP designs. IIf you want to stand out from large number of products and to be successful, the most important point is to enhance the user experience.Good user experience derived from the appropriate software of human-computer interaction, logic operation, the nice overall design of the interface.Early in the development of a APP, you should pay attention to choose experienced development team, and master the principle of UI design.
  There are many constrains in mobile web design, such as small dimension for less functional keys, small display screen for less information and navigation space, small capacity for less micro-processing and memory volume.
  User interface design (UID) or user interface engineering is the design of user interfaces for machines and software, such as computers, home appliances, mobile devices, and other electronic devices, with the focus on maximizing the user experience. The goal of user interface design is to make the user's interaction as simple and efficient as possible, in terms of accomplishing user goals (user-centered design).
  The principles of APP design
  2.1 Summarizing the prior design
  When it comes to the flat UI design, there are a couple of key characteristics that you need to be aware of. First, there is ZERO use of effects such as shadowing that creates a depth effect. Second, flat UI designs are usually clean with crisp lines and bold colors. Third, words are often the focus as the overall UI has a minimalist look about it. From the above interface designs, it can be carried out the 2 aspects principles.
  2.2 The clarity
  Clarity is job.Clarity is the first and most important job of any interface. To be effective using an interface you've designed, people must be able to recognize what it is, care about why they would use it, understand what the interface is helping them interact with, predict what will happen when they use it, and then successfully interact with it. While there is room for mystery and delayed gratification in interfaces, there is no room for confusion. Clarity inspires confidence and leads to further use. One hundred clear screens is preferable to a single cluttered one.   The user interface design sources
  3.1 User interface design requires a good understanding of user needs
  There are several phases and processes in the user interface design, some of which are more demanded upon than others, depending on the project.
  Functionality requirements gathering – assembling a list of the functionality required by the system to accomplish the goals of the project and the potential needs of the users.
  User and task analysis – a form of field research, it's the analysis of the potential users of the system by studying how they perform the tasks that the design must support, and conducting interviews to elucidate their goals.Typical questions involve:
  What would the user want the system to do?
  How would the system fit in with the user's normal workflow or daily activities?
  How technically savvy is the user and what similar systems does the user already use?
  What interface look & feel styles appeal to the user?
  Prototyping – development of wire-frames, either in the form of paper prototypes or simple interactive screens. These prototypes are stripped of all look & feel elements and most content in order to concentrate on the interface.
  Usability inspection – letting an evaluator inspect a user interface. This is generally considered to be cheaper to implement than usability testing (see step below), and can be used early on in the development process since it can be used to evaluate prototypes or specifications for the system, which usually can't be tested on users. Some common usability inspection methods include cognitive walkthrough, which focuses the simplicity to accomplish tasks with the system for new users, heuristic evaluation, in which a set of heuristics are used to identify usability problems in the UI design, and pluralistic walkthrough, in which a selected group of people step through a task scenario and discuss usability issues.
  3.2 The dynamic characteristics of a system
  Which are described in terms of the dialogue requirements contained in seven principles of part 10 of the ergonomics standard, the ISO 9241. This standard establishes a framework of ergonomic "principles" for the dialogue techniques with high-level definitions and illustrative applications and examples of the principles. The principles of the dialogue represent the dynamic aspects of the interface and can be mostly regarded as the "feel" of the interface. The seven dialogue principles are:
  Suitability for the task: the dialogue is suitable for a task when it supports the user in the effective and efficient completion of the task.
  Self-descriptiveness: the dialogue is self-descriptive when each dialogue step is immediately comprehensible through feedback from the system or is explained to the user on request.
  Controllability: the dialogue is controllable when the user is able to initiate and control the direction and pace of the interaction until the point at which the goal has been met.
  Conformity with user expectations: the dialogue conforms with user expectations when it is consistent and corresponds to the user characteristics, such as task knowledge, education, experience, and to commonly accepted conventions.
  Error tolerance: the dialogue is error tolerant if despite evident errors in input, the intended result may be achieved with either no or minimal action by the user.
【摘要】:招贴又成为海报,招贴设计本就是一种艺术形式,通过颜色文字等元素组成。但是发展的速度不是那么引人注目,而且招贴设计的名家少之又少,能够灵活的运用中国传统元素进行设计实践,在我国民族风格的基础之上展现出世界风格的又是凤毛麟角。水墨元素和文化招贴一样,都属于视觉艺术,追求视觉的美感和享受。所以二者可以互相结合,相互交融。  【关键词】:水墨元素;文化招贴;运用;研究  1序言  招贴,意思就是
[Abstract] Why does man suffer and how can man get free to live a meaningful life in a world seemingly full of suffering? Both Graham Greene and Muriel Spark excellently recorded man's uncertainty and
【摘要】:口语也是英语听、说、读、写能力中的重要一环,它不仅能促进听力的发展,还能提高阅读能力和写作能力。但是,在实践中,很多学生感到熟练的掌握口语很有困难。初中英语教学中,口语交际方面的教学很多教师不够重视,甚至有些学校根本不开设这样的课,错误地认为口语交际对提高学生的英语分数不够明显。从研究学生口语表达困难入手,探讨改进口语教学的策略和方法。  【关键词】:学生;口语交际;实践  1、影响中学
【摘要】:高校在进行音乐授课时,一般以专业个别课为主要方式进行教学,集体课只是作为辅助教学,尤其是民族乐器类课程,其受教面非常窄。为适应目前古筝艺术蓬勃发展的现状,对古筝课进行集体课改革实有必要,一方面可以提高教学质量和教学效率,另一方面为了满足古筝艺术普及的需求。本文对集体课教学应用于高效古筝课中作出了探讨,以期古筝课在教学中取得更好的教学效果。  【关键词】:古筝教学;集体课;应用  古筝是我
【摘要】:《干校六記》由中国文坛大家杨绛先生所著,其文体模仿清代文人沈复的《浮生六记》,记叙个人在五四干校期间的所见所闻及所悟,以其低调独特的文风赢得极大反响。该书出版后,相继被白杰明、葛浩文和章楚等人翻译出版。本文将三位译者的译文从语意、修辞等方面进行对比分析,对《干校六记》的英文译本进行批评与赏析。  【关键词】:《干校六记》文本分析;翻译批评  一.引言  杨绛,著名作家、戏剧家、翻译家,由
【摘要】:医疗行业本是最受尊重的,因为人从出生到衰老、从生病到死忘都离不开医生,但最近20年医生的职业光环正在日渐消逝。但前几天的全国卫生与健康大会在北京召开,特别是习近平总书记的讲话让我们看见医疗事业明亮的朝阳。  【关键词】:医生;青少年;医二代  《北京青年报》调查显示,不少医生明确表示不愿意让子女再学医。到底是怎样的现实问题让一些医生“寒了心”?调查:向3860名医务工作者发出的问卷调查结
【摘要】:本文通过对现如今艺术设计专业素描课程的教学现状进行分析,并提出相应的问题思考。在进行剖析问题的基础之上,对此提出几点思考建议以及措施,力图对这个的分析研究,进行一定的改革提供建议,为日后的教学奠定基础。  【关键词】:艺术设计;专业素描;教学改革  1、现状分析  素描作为艺术设计专业的基础,就如同地基对于房子。其起源于文艺复兴时期,但是作为一种专业基础课程的培训则是构建于包豪斯1919
【摘要】:随着现代文化的发展与外来文化的交融,苏州评弹这一传统文化不断受到冲击。出现了后继无人、场地骤减、曲目缺乏创新度等本文从苏州評弹的一系列问题进行思考与探索。通过多方分析提出复兴评弹艺术的具体方法,为传统文化的传承与保护贡献一份力量。  【关键词】:苏州评弹;现状;措施  一、苏州评弹综述  评弹又称苏州评弹,是苏州评话和苏州弹词的总称。2008年被列入国家首批非物质文化遗产名目。评弹产生于
汉字这种符号系统以它独特的方式记录着语言的声音和意义,所以我们学习汉字的时候,离不开对汉字形体结构的分析。  汉字的形体结构,是指汉字的构造方式,即通过什么样的组合方式构造起来表达字义。我们可以从不同的角度去分析漢字的结构,如“章”字,从书写结构讲,分为立、早两部分,就是人们通常所说的“立早章”。古汉语讲汉字的结构,主要是从造字角度讲的。书写结构只能告诉人们一个字的写法,造字结构则能体现一个字的本