
来源 :广西医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:choww
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Kaposi肉瘤在我国是极为罕见的,我院在广西地区遇到一例,报道如下: 患者男,15岁,汉族,1981年7月27日在插秧劳动时被玻璃刺破左小腿皮肤,出血少许,经门诊一般换药治疗,一周后伤口愈合。此后常感到伤处发痒,搔抓后皮肤溃破,有少许渗液,逐渐形成约有五分硬币大小溃疡,久治不愈。后发现溃疡周围皮肤有点状青紫色色素沉着,缓慢向整个小腿及足背部扩散,部分融合成片,溃疡周围更明显,伴有小腿肿胀,局部发痒和轻微疼痛。82年4月,右小腿被蚊虫咬后抓破皮肤,又逐渐出现与左小腿类似病变。患者一向健康,家族史无特殊。体查:体温、脉搏、血压均正常,发育佳,无畸形,体重64kg,身高1.63m。心肺正常,肝脾未触及,无叩击痛。双小腿肿胀,左侧明显,左小腿内踝上有一4×4cm的皮肤溃疡,溃疡肉芽组织呈半球形、淡褐色,高出皮肤1.5cm。溃疡周围皮肤20×10cm范围呈青 Kaposi’s sarcoma is extremely rare in our country. Our hospital encountered one case in Guangxi, and the report is as follows: The patient was male, 15 years old, Han nationality. He was punctured by the glass on the left calf skin on July 27, 1981, and he had a little bleeding. The general dressing changed after treatment and the wound healed after one week. Afterwards, he often feels itchy, scratched skin, has a little exudate, and gradually develops an ulcer of about five cents in size. The skin around the ulcer was found to have a bit of bluish-purple pigmentation that spread slowly throughout the calf and the back of the foot, partially fused into pieces, surrounded by ulceration, with swelling of the calf, localized itching and mild pain. In April of the year 82, the right calf was bitten by mosquitoes and scratched the skin, and gradually similar to the left leg. Patients are always healthy and family history is not special. Physical examination: body temperature, pulse, blood pressure are normal, good development, no deformity, weight 64kg, height 1.63m. The heart and lungs were normal, the liver and spleen were not touched, and there was no percussion pain. The double lower leg was swollen with obvious left side. There was a 4×4cm skin ulcer on the medial malleolus of the left calf. The ulcer granulation tissue was hemispherical and pale brown, 1.5 cm above the skin. The area around the ulcer is 20×10cm
要点应用干板射线摄影术125系统(xefox125 system)对17例皮肤及皮下肿瘤,1例阴茎结核疹的检查所见,其结果是:表皮囊肿,脂肪瘤,钙化表皮瘤,所谓的混合肿瘤,外毛根鞘囊肿,多发