
来源 :航空标准化与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:puhongjin
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本刊综合消息新中国航空工业建立六十周年纪念大会于2011年4月17日上午在北京人民大会堂举行。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理张德江出席庆祝大会并发表重要讲话,工信部、国防科工局、民航总局、海军、空军、二炮、总参、总装等主要负责领导干部出席大会,吴邦国委员长、习近平副主席以及李克强副总理等党和国家领导人也都向大会发来贺电并作出重要批示。 General News China’s aviation industry to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the General Assembly on April 17, 2011 morning in Beijing’s Great Hall. Zhang Dejiang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council attended the celebration and delivered an important speech. Leaders of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Defense Science and Industry Bureau, Civil Aviation Administration of China, Navy, Air Force, Second Artillery, General Staff, General Assembly and other leading cadres attended the congress. Chairman Wu Bangguo, Vice President Xi Jinping and Vice Premier Li Keqiang and other party and state leaders also sent congratulatory messages to the General Assembly and made important instructions.
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随着2011年春天的到来,节能减排工作预计也将在“十二五”期间得到进一步具体落实。与此同时,在经济增长、产业结构升级背后的绿色建筑推广也成为现实的课题。 With the arr
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