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随着广州亚运会游泳赛的结束,今年在50米池举行的重大国际赛事基本结束。依惯例,本刊译载了2010年世界游泳单项前10名成绩,并对26个奥运会游泳个人项目(男、女,50、100、200、400米自由泳,100、200米仰泳、蛙泳、蝶泳,200、400米个人混合泳及男子1500、女子800米自由泳)积分进行了计算(计算办法见本刊2009年第1期47页)。为便于比较分析,我刊再次刊出2009年世界游泳大国各单项前10名积分。分析表明,2010年,我国选手在26个奥运会个人游泳赛项目中,有5项成绩列世界首位,较2009年增4项,令人欣慰。另外,高畅50米仰泳成绩27.45秒,也列世界首位。这年美国选手有7项,日本选手有3项成绩列世界首位,韩国、法国、英国、意大利选手各有2项,加拿大、荷兰、瑞典选手各有1项奥运会竞赛项目成绩列世界第1名。2010年我国选手在26个奥运会游泳赛项目上积分达162分,较2009年增加7分,仍居世界第2位。美国、澳大利亚、日本积分大幅增多,这3个国家积分较前一年分别增加53、42和77分。中国积分增速较慢的原因之一是处于巅峰状态的齐晖、杨雨、庞佳颖、朱颖文、周雅菲及刘子歌等优秀选手过早退赛。我刊刊出世界优秀运动员排名、成绩的同时,也顺便刊出他们的年龄,希望引起有关部门的关注。笔者初步印象是我国顶级选手年龄偏小。原因有二:一是我国选手多以骨龄确定年龄,如此确定的年龄一般较实际年龄偏小2~3岁;二是训练,竞赛制度的原因造成的。如果几十年来我国顶级运动员的年龄都小于世界优秀运动员的平均年龄,并且这种现象继续延续下去的话,那大概就是训练竞赛体制出了问题,那就要找出病根,进行治理,以促进游泳水平持续提高。 With the end of the swimming contest in Guangzhou Asian Games, this year’s major international event held in the 50-meter pool has basically ended. In accordance with the usual practice, we have published the 2010 Top 10 Results of the World Swimming Individuals and evaluated 26 Olympic Swimming Individuals (Male, Female, 50,100,200,400m Freestyle, 100,200m Backstroke, Breaststroke, , 200,400 meters individual medley and men’s 1500, women’s 800 meters freestyle) points were calculated (calculation method, see issue 2009 No. 1 page 47). In order to facilitate comparative analysis, I published once again published in 2009 the world’s top 10 single swimming pool individual points. Analysis shows that in 2010, China’s athletes in 26 Olympic individual swimming race project, five achievements in the world rankings, compared with 2009 by 4, we are very pleased. In addition, the Chang 50m backstroke results 27.45 seconds, also ranked first in the world. This year, the United States has seven players, Japan has three world leaders in performance, South Korea, France, Britain, Italy, each have two players, Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, each have a Olympic athletes results in the world ranked first . In 2010, Chinese athletes scored 162 points in 26 Olympic swimming competitions, an increase of 7 points over 2009, ranking second in the world. United States, Australia, Japan, a substantial increase in points, the three countries increased by 53,42 points and 77 points compared with the previous year. One of the reasons for the slowdown in China’s integral growth is that the best players such as Qi Hui, Yang Yu, Pang Jia Ying, Zhu Ying Wen, Zhou Ya Fei and Liu Zige at their peak have prematurely withdrawn from competition. I published the world’s best athletes rankings, grades, but also by the way published their age, hoping to arouse the concern of the departments concerned. The author’s initial impression is that China’s top players age is small. There are two reasons: First, the majority of athletes in China to determine the age of bone age, so the age is generally less than the actual age of 2 to 3 years of age; the second is training, competition system causes. If decades of top athletes in China are younger than the average age of elite athletes in the world and the continuation of this phenomenon is probably a problem with the training competition system, find the root cause and governemnt to promote swimming The level continues to improve.
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