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  Africa breaks your heart—that’s the simplest and most persistent emotion that bursts out of such recent films as The Last King of Scotland, Blood Diamond, The Constant Gardener, and Hotel Rwanda. These best and most enjoyable of this cycle of movies, set against the background of civil wars, 1)ethnic conflict, and Western 2)meddling and 3)exploitation. Such exciting and stunning adventure stories with politics in the background now seem to find favor with the 4)Academy.
  The Last King of Scotland
   Starring:Forest Whitaker,
  James McAvoy
   Director:Kevin Macdonald
   Academy Awards & Nominations:Oscar, Best Actor,2007
  A Scottish doctor on a Ugandan medical mission becomes 5)irreversibly entangled with one of the world’s most 6)barbaric figures: Idi Amin. Impressed by Dr. Garrigan’s 7)brazen attitude in a moment of crisis, the newly self-appointed Ugandan President Amin hand picks him as his personal physician and closest 8)confidante. Though Garrigan is at first flattered and fascinated by his new position, he soon awakens to Amin’s savagery—and to his own 9)complicity in it. Horror and betrayal ensue as Garrigan tries to right his wrongs and escape Uganda alive.
  This film is about the lure of power, a universal condemnation of all dictators and their 10)protégés. All the while, it remains 11)spellbinding entertainment, filled with unexpected moments of 12)levity, that almost make you feel guilty laughing at the 13)antics of a tyrant. Director Kevin Macdonald, whose previous experience was limited to documentaries, skillfully brings the “Last King” to life, bathing the landscape in 14)pastels, capturing the 15)joviality of Ugandan people in the face of the hardships unendurable.

  When clips of the real Amin are shown at the end, it’s almost shocking to realize the extent to which Forest Whitaker has become him. As for his unforgettable performance, the new Oscar Best Actor says: “I kept trying to find all of his emotions and feeling inside myself.”
   主演: 福里斯特·惠特克
   导演: 凯文·麦唐纳
   奥斯卡奖项及提名: 2007年度奥斯卡最佳男主角(福里斯特·惠特克)
  Blood Diamond
   Starring:Leonardo DiCaprio,
  Djimon Hounsou,
  Jennifer Connelly
   Director:Edward Zwick
   Academy Awards & Nominations:Nomination, Best Actor,2007
  Nomination, Best
  Supporting Actor 2007
  Set against the backdrop of chaos and civil war in 1990’ 16)Sierra Leone, Danny Archer, a South African 17)mercenary, and Solomon Vandy, a Mende fisherman are joined in a common quest to recover a rare pink diamond, that can transform their lives. While in prison for smuggling, Archer learns that Solomon, who had been taken away from his family and forced to work in the diamond fields, has found and hidden the extraordinary rough stone. With the help of Maddy Bowen, an American journalist, the two men embark on a trek through rebel territory to recover the diamond.
  You may sense that this tale is vaguely 18)derivative—there are elements of Casablanca, The Defiant Ones, and Under Fire—but you can enjoy what’s 19)synthetic and movieish in Blood Diamond without finding the film any less stirring as a portrait of Africa in chaos.
  Zwick has 20)jettisoned the noble 21)clichés of Glory, the grandstanding of The Siege, the embarrassing solemn antics of The Last 22)Samurai. His work is serious there, pulling back from the obvious, digging deeper into Africa’s 23)psyche. Leonardo DiCaprio, who has earned two previous Oscar nominations was also nominated for Best Actor this year for the role of Danny Archer in Blood Diamond.
   主演: 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥
   导演: 爱德华·瑞克
   奥斯卡奖项及提名: 2007年度奥斯卡最佳男主角提名(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥)
  The Constant Gardener
   Starring:Ralph Fiennes,
  Rachel Weisz
  Director:Fernando Meirelles
  Academy Awards & Nominations:Oscar, Best Actress, 2006
  In a remote area of Northern Kenya, the region’s most dedicated activist, the brilliant and passionate Tessa Quayle, has been found brutally murdered. The evidence points to a crime of passion. Haunted by 24)remorse, and 25)jarred by rumors of his wife’s 26)infidelities, Justin Quayle, Tessa’ mild-mannered and unambitious 27)widower, surprises himself by plunging headlong into a dangerous odyssey to clear his wife’s name and “finish what she started.” Justin embarks on a crash course to learn about the 28)pharmaceutical industry, whose crimes Tessa was on the verge of uncovering, and journeys across two continents in search of the truth.

  Set mostly in Africa, directed by a Brazilian, starring two Brits and financed by an American studio, The Constant Gardener is a truly multicultural film. This is not a thriller designed for the crowd that prefers shoot-outs, chases, and other action-packed incidents. The Constant Gardener is talky and intelligent, and never takes the cheap way out. It’s also something of a 29)downer, both in terms of how the main characters are handled and in its 30)cynical attitude toward the pharmaceutical industry. Yes, there’s also a love story here, but the most powerful aspect of the movie is what it has to say about the problems in Africa.
   主演: 拉尔夫·费因斯
   导演: 费南多·梅利勒斯
   奥斯卡奖项及提名: 2006年度奥斯卡最佳女主角(蕾切尔·薇兹)
  Hotel Rwanda
   Starring:Don Cheadle,
  Sophie Okonedo
   Director:Terry George
   Academy Awards & Nominations:Nomination, Best
  Actor, 2005
  Nomination, Best
  Supporting Actress, 2005
  Nomination, Original
  Screenplay, 2005
  As the country of Rwanda descends into madness, one man has resolved to protect the family he loves, and ends up finding the courage to save over 1,200 people. Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager in Rwanda, secretly uses his position and intelligence to shelter over a thousand refugees during the 31)genocide crisis. With the rest of the world watching by the 32)sidelines, Paul begins a voyage that would ultimately prove the unimaginable strength of human spirit.
  Hotel Rwanda has been repeatedly compared to Schindler’s List. Yet Schindler’s List is an artistic rendering of a tragedy, whereas writer and director Terry George dreads for dramatic realism and delivers a riveting drama.
  Hotel Rwanda works not because of a screen filled with superficial special effects, spectacular action or vast digital armies, but because the filmmakers’ interest in the choices or ordinary men confronted with extraordinary circumstances.
   主演: 唐·钱德尔
   导演: 特里·乔治
   奥斯卡奖项及提名: 2005年度奥斯卡最佳男主角提名(唐·钱德尔)

Across the oceans, across the seas   Over forests of blackened trees   Through valleys so still we dare not breathe  To be by your side   Over the shifting desert plains   Across mountains all in flam
小兰 译  1)Graffiti Culture: Street Art or Street Vandals?   第一次接触涂鸦是在念初中的时候,班上一个捣蛋的男孩子常常偷偷摸摸地用马克笔在大院的居民楼墙壁上写着他讨厌的男生的名字以示报复,我们都觉得这种行为很不道德,而且很破坏城市容貌。后来在书上了解到涂鸦文化,看到那些街头艺术家忘我地创作,不禁为他们的艺术牺牲精神深表叹服。涂鸦作为一种产生于街
阳春三月,春暖花开的日子,正是出游好时节!一直觉得旅行的魅力就在于可以暂时忘却一切喧嚣和烦恼,无拘无束地拥抱自己向往的那方风景,尽情享受那份行在路上的轻松自在……现在就让我们跟随本文的作者Mike一起骑上摩托车,畅游南美吧!本文虽生词较多,但语言优美,描写细致,值得细读一番!  ——Maisie    We flew across the Chilean Altiplano until, like
Incurable romantic Stuart Conway has spent the last 10 years throwing messages in a bottle into the sea off Britain—but now his local town council says it’s time to recycle.    A 2)quirky 3)eccentric,
It’s four in the afternoon  I’m on a flight leaving 1)L.A.  Trying to figure out my life   My youth scattered along the highway   Hotel rooms and headlines   I’ve made a living with a song   Guitar as
F. Scott Fitzgerald once observed “there are no second acts in America.” Although that may have been true in 1925, the rule no longer applies in this day and age. These days, celebrities reinvent(彻底改造
一年有四季,岁月有寒暑,似乎再正常不过,虽然偶尔也会惊叹时光的流逝,却从未认真体会季节的变迁,直到某一天恍然大悟,原来四季早已融入了我们的生命。  只有经历了春的生机盎然,才能有秋的累累硕果;若非体会过冬的肃静萧杀,怎会怀念夏的激情澎湃?假如自然没有四季,生活何其苍白,感受不到任何细微的变迁,只能茫然地度过相似的每一天。  而人生亦如四季。童年的记忆繁花似锦,甜美如三月的春风;年轻的世界生命绽放,
I’m a good man,  A man who tries to embody old-fashion values  Like respect, honesty and trust  I am to many a role model  Someone to admire   I often fight with my 1)demons  I usually win with though
For 52 years my father would get up every morning at 5:30 a.m., except on Sundays, and went to work. For 52 years he would return home at 5:30 p.m., 1)like clockwork, and would have dinner at 6:00 p.m