解读单元考点,牵手高频考题——高一下Unit 16 Scientists at work

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  1. 课本原句: Having realized that I could use a kite to attract lightning, I decided to do an experiment.
  考点: 分词的完成式的用法。
  解读: 1) 分词的完成式having (been) done 可在句中作时间或原因状语,表示动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,有明显的先后之分。其否定式not应放在having 的前面。例如:
  Not having received her letter, he decided to write another.由于没有收到她的来信,他决定再写一封。
  2) 分词的完成式也可以作介词宾语。例如:
  He was praised for having done a good deed.
  1. The manager, _______ it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us, left the meeting room.
  (NMET 2005江西卷)
  A. who has made B. having made
  C. made D. making
  2. The storm left,_______a lot of damage to this area. (2005全国卷I)
  A. caused B. to have caused
  C. to cause D. having caused
  3._______in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. (2004北京)
  A. To wait B. Have waited
  C. Having waited D. To have waited
  4. Tony was unhappy for_______to the party. (2000上海卷)
  A. having not been invited
  B. not having invited
  C. having not invited
  D. not having been invited
  2. 课本原句: The string was getting charged!
  考点: “get-型被动语态”的运用。
  解读: 构成:由“get + 过去分词”构成,其中get相当于be动词,起助动词的作用。该结构多用来表示主语遭受某种损失、伤害,或者不能提供具体的动作发出者。例如:
  The computer got damaged (was damaged) when we were moving.当我们搬家时,电脑碰坏了。
  My bike is getting (is being) repaired now.我的单车正在修理中。
  注意: get-型被动语态一般不可接介词短语引出的动作执行者,如要表示动作的执行者,则需用“be+过去分词”。例如:
  The boy was hurt by a car on his way to school. 这孩子在他上学的路上被车伤着了。
  1. Sarah, hurry up . I am afraid you can’t have time to_______before the party. (2004全国)
  A. get changed B. get change
  C. get changing D. get to change
  2. As we joined the big crowd I got_______
  from my friends. (NMET 2000)
  A. separated B. spared
  C. lost D. missed
  3. —How are the team playing?
   —They are playing well, but one of them_______hurt. (2002北京春)
  A. got B. gets C. are D. were
  3. 课本原句: Others followed even before the whole string was wet, and I was able to collect and store a great deal of electricity in the condenser.
  考点: even的热点用法。
  解读: 1)even作副词,意为“甚至;连...都”,用于加强语气。Even可以强调形容词、介词短语、名词、或从句等。
  2)与even构成的短语有:even if / even though(即使);even so(虽然如此); even as(恰好在……的时候)。例如:
  The new method is not perfect; even so, it’s much better than the old one.新方法不完美,虽然如此,比老方法好得多。
  Even as we got in the wheat, it began to rain. 我们刚收麦子,天就开始下雨了。
  1. There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely,_______she was an only child.
  (2005 辽宁卷)
  A. ever since B. now that
  C. even though D. even as
  2. Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost._______ , their political influence should be very great. (2006广东卷)
  A. As a result B. As usual
  C. Even so D. So far
  3. Everyone was on time for the meeting
  _______ Chris, who’s usually ten minutes late for everything. (2004湖南卷)
  A. butB. only C. even D. yet
  4. 课本原句: To do the experiment, you need four things: a kite, a key, some really bad weather and a condenser to store electricity.
  考点: 不定式作目的状语的用法。
  解读: 1) 不定式作目的状语常放在句首,可用逗号或不用逗号将其隔开,此时可与in order(not) to替换,但不可与so as (not)to替换,因so as to结构不可以放在句首。
  What do you enjoy to spend your holiday?
  1. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just_______a look at the sports stars. (2005上海卷)
  A. had B. having C. to have D. have
  2. All these gifts must be mailed immediately_______in time for Christmas. (2005辽宁卷)
  A. in order to have received
  B. in order to receive
  C. so as to be received
  D. so as to be receiving
  3._______this cake, you will need 2 eggs, 175g sugar and 175g flour. (2006广东卷)
  A. Having made B. Make
  C. To make D. Making
  5. 课本原句: ... there are better ways of finding out what we want to know.
  考点: 形容词与副词隐含比较级的运用。
  解读: 在英语中,使用比较级时,为了表达的简洁,常将比较对象省略,即隐含比较。常表现在以下三个方面:
  1) 在对话中,双方都知道比较对象时,用隐含比较级。例如:
  —How are you feeling?
  —Thanks. I’m feeling much better now.
  2) 上下文有时间或条件状语的暗示,可用隐含比较级。例如:
  After taking the medicine, the patient felt even worse.
  3) 在上文中有never或not暗示时,隐含比较级有最高级含意。例如:
  Yao Ming plays basketball so well. In fact, I’venever seen a better player.
  1. Bob ran the 100 metres in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen_______this year.
  A. the best B. better
  C. the most D. more
  2. I don’t think this film is by far the most boring. I have seen_______ . (2006江西卷)
  A. better B. worse
  C. the best D. the worst
  3. Your story is perfect; I’ve never heard_______ before. (2006全国卷Ⅱ)
  A. the better one B. the best one
  C. a better one D. a good one
不是那样的    A:我看见7个女孩共撑一把伞却没有一个被淋湿。  B:啊?那一定是把很大的伞吧!  A:不是,当时并没有下雨。
1. 课本原句: Sorry, I didn’t recognize you.   考点: 一般过去式在语境中的妙用。  解读: 过去式在语境中运用起来往往有较大的灵活性,可表示在说话之前的情况,表示“原以为”之意。谓语动词常用know, think, recognize, notice, remember, forget等来表达。如: Hello, I didn’t know you were
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