Bonjour, Montreal

来源 :疯狂英语·口语版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyi686
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  Karen最近来到位于加拿大魁北克省的蒙特利尔市,展开一段为期三天的旅程。蒙特利尔市是加拿大第二大城市,是典型的英法双语城市。第一次来到蒙特利尔的Karen会经历怎样的culture shock呢?这里与美国的城市有着怎样的区别呢?
  I don’t speak French but when I visited Montreal for the first time this summer I was completely immersed[沉浸] in a French speaking environment. I couldn’t tell between tourists or local people because the only language I captured on the street was French. Just like its language, so foreign to me, Montreal’s cityscape[城市风光] is European-like. From the old sandstone[砂岩] churches, Victorian buildings and storefront[临街的] patio[露天的] restaurants, I was dazzled by the differences in Montreal compared with the American cities I have been to.
  To many Americans, Canada is another state bordering the U.S. rather than a foreign country. Canadian students who study in the U.S. don’t consider themselves international students. For me, as a first-time traveler to Canada, I see lots of dissimilarities[不同点].
  Perhaps I was in the French-speaking Quebec province, so the Canadians in this province are unique. They are proud of their French heritage[传统]. Many places are named after saints. So the road names in Quebec in general are very long. If I didn’t look Asian, the waitresses or the cashiers wouldn’t have spoken to me in accented English.
  Montreal is a biker-friendly city. Many Montrealers ride bikes instead of driving cars. In Montreal, you can borrow bikes right on the street from the public bike racks which are all digitally programmed. Once you start the rental, the digital timer also begins. All the bikes have a global positioning[定位] system. So it’s easy to locate the lost bike. You can return the bike anywhere in the city. I heard this bike rental system is similar to that in France. No matter subway or buses, Montreal provides very good public transportation. I think this is what the American cities lack.
  Perhaps because more people choose to ride bikes or walk, Montrealers are quite fit. During my three-day visit, I hardly ever saw overweight or senior people on the street. There were lots of young people in Montreal, thanks to several big universities like McGill[麦吉尔大学] and Concordia[肯考迪亚大学] in the city. The nightlife flourished in summertime with visitors from everywhere.
  Montreal is like a little Paris in North America during summer. All kinds of festivals are held one after another. While I was there, the Comedy Festival was on. Street performers played music and told jokes in public. Some even entertained the passersby through games. It was so much fun. I think I will return to Montreal for a long stay next time.
30年前,出国旅游是一个遥不可及的梦;30年后,出国旅游成为国人出游的一个普通选择。面对人满为患的国内景点,出去体验新鲜的异国风情无疑是另一个绝佳选择。当然,无论你是跋山涉水、历尽艰辛的背包族,还是“上车睡觉、下车拍照”的旅游团成员,事先做好调查和准备,都是必须而重要的一步。    (去哪儿旅游)取决于你的预算。  It depends on your budget.    我想体验当地文化。  
读者来信  无意间看到桌子上才买的2010年2月的《疯狂英语口语版》已经是总第38期,一阵感叹!时间怎么如此之快,亲爱的《口语版》竟已经陪伴了我三年多。还记得06年10月的第二期试刊的蓝色封面,甚至是其中“锦囊妙句”、“影视派对”中的具体内容。其实,在某种意义上说,我见证了《口语版》一步一步的成长,还能回忆起那个时候的愿望是书架上有厚厚一堆《疯狂英语》,包括那个时候的双月刊和《口语版》。而现在那已
2010年的第52届格莱美是碧昂斯的盛会。她实力超群,获得10项提名,并最终夺得包括年度“最佳单曲”、“最佳流行女歌手”在内的6项大奖,创造了格莱美设立52年来女歌手单届获奖最多的  记录。  Beyonce是原美国女子偶像团体Destiny’s Child(“真命天女”)的成员,2002年团体宣布解散后,她凭借对音乐的执着和过人的天分,在乐坛逐渐闯出自己的一片天地。《If I Were a Bo
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这本书给我的阅读体验是难以名状的,它是那么温暖的柔弱,让我数次有想哭的冲动;它又是那么勇敢的真切,使我有种如被刺一刀的冷颤。故事其实很简单很纯净,但她却令我此类对真爱如对宗教一样始终抱有审慎悲观的人,感到无比的震撼——爱即信,信即爱。所有的犹豫、恐惧都要在付出的同时才能洗去……  本书作者保罗·科埃略是当今拉丁美洲最具影响力的作家之一。作品主要描写了女主人公皮拉尔与其初恋情人自小一起长大,在分别了
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“奥普拉·温弗瑞”就像一个商标,标志着一个人,一种电视节目类型,一个时代。她是世界上几乎所有谈话类主持人的偶像,她是全球观众最忠实的朋友。过去的24年时间里,她一直陪伴着大家,于是我们很自然地以为这一切不会停止。然而她说:四分之一个世纪,是时候停止了。  “选秀之父”西蒙·考威尔,一手捧红了《美国偶像》、《X元素》,还有从这些节目走出去的无数明星。他让我们见证,从普通人到巨星,只在一夜之间。他的毒