
来源 :寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:d2587754
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患者,女性,44岁,农民。因发热、咳嗽、气急、上腹隐痛和腹泻4d,于1987年10月20日急诊入院。发病前10余天,因腰痛复发,服用消炎痛和强的松每天各60mg,以往因腰痛常服上述药物。10d前,患者雨后在菜地劳动,足部曾出现瘙痒。体检:T 38℃,P 128次/min,R 42次/min。神志清晰,急性重病容,呼吸急促,口唇和肢端轻度紫绀。两侧肺下部叩诊呈浊音,肺底可闻湿啰音。腹部气胀,有触痛。大便呈果酱色,白细胞++,红细胞+++,高倍镜下每视野发现圆柱形两头尖的蠕动线虫5~8条,虫卵3~5个。测20条经碘染色虫体,平均长265μm,口腔平均长0.55μm;食管平均长153.4μm,鉴定为粪类圆线虫杆状蚴。虫卵为椭圆形,壳薄,大小为48~63×33~42μm。痰涂片,低倍镜下,见 Patient, female, 44 years old, farmer. Due to fever, cough, shortness of breath, upper abdominal pain and diarrhea 4d, October 20, 1987 emergency admission. More than 10 days before onset, due to low back pain recurrence, taking indomethacin and prednisone 60mg daily, due to low back pain often served the above drugs. Before 10 days, the patient worked in the vegetable field after the rain and had itchy feet. Physical examination: T 38 ℃, P 128 times / min, R 42 times / min. Conscious, acute and serious illness, shortness of breath, mild cyanosis of lips and extremities. Peripheral lung on both sides of percussion was voiced, the lungs can be heard wet rales. Abdominal flatulence, tenderness. Stool color was jam, white blood cells ++, red blood cells +++, each field of view found under high magnification cylindrical tip of the peristaltic worm 5 to 8, 3 to 5 eggs. Measured 20 iodine-stained parasites, the average length of 265μm, oral average length of 0.55μm; esophagus average length of 153.4μm, identified as stool worm stool worm. Egg oval, shell thin, the size of 48 ~ 63 × 33 ~ 42μm. Sputum smears, low magnification, see
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