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近年来,随着城市建设的高速发展和产业经济结构调整,城市工业布局由传统的空间集聚向城市扩散演变,工业遗产的毁损甚至消失现象十分严重。目前,社会普遍还没有认识到工业遗产的特殊价值,大部分工业遗产徘徊在国家各级文物保护范围之外,对工业遗产地实施保护的法规制度、政策措施、基础设施和周边环境整治等行政作为滞后,根本原因在于工业遗产的认定、价值评价和保护等相关政策制定究竟应该以什么为基准和目标,工业遗产能为社会带来哪些效益以及效益波及范围的大小等问题的研究在我国还是空白。我国对CVM的应用还不成熟,对工业遗产的理论和实证研究还刚刚起步,因此,研究对象区域的工业遗产地理分布、历史特征、价值属性分析;针对CVM的局限性和工业遗产地的特殊性,筛选评价指标并确定科学的评价方法;对CVM的关键技术,如指标值、引导技术、受众人群范围的选择等进行本土化修正,以推进CVM统计分析模型的建立和谋求理论上的改进等内容,都是本课题的重要研究方向和难点。本课题以对辽宁省实地调研和进行面对面访谈发放二分式调查表的数据为依据,对986份有效问卷进行统计,通过进行与支付意愿相关要素的有效性、敏感性分析,得出WTP与性别、年龄、文化程度、职业、去工业遗产地的次数、对辽宁历史的了解程度、对工业遗产的了解程度及对工业遗产的认识呈极显著相关;本次调查存在着对工业遗产的了解程度、受教育程度的极敏感性,所在地的较敏感性和其他因素的不敏感性;本课题以辽宁省内城镇职工人口数作为总体人群样本的原因在于调查结果表明,省内受访者、城镇职工人口是意愿支付的主要人群。以2010年年末辽宁省城镇职工人口数为总体样本,运用改进后的模型测算总价值得出2010年辽宁省工业遗产的总经济价值为6.114亿元,其中,用于支付使用价值、存在价值、选择价值及遗产价值的比例分别42.6%、49.9%、15.7%及31.3%。对支付意愿统计分析表明,非使用价值(包括存在价值、选择价值、遗产价值)是工业遗产总价值的重要组成部分,表明只有工业遗产的整体存在才可能满足现代人、子孙后代的需要和将来的选择利用,也是工业遗产资源保护最根本的依据。 In recent years, along with the rapid development of urban construction and the adjustment of industrial economic structure, the industrial layout of cities has evolved from the traditional spatial agglomeration to urban diffusion, and the destruction or even disappearance of industrial heritage has been very serious. At present, most of the industrial heritage has not yet recognized the special value of industrial heritage. Most of the industrial heritage is hovering outside the scope of the protection of cultural relics at all levels of the country. The administrative regulations and systems, policies and measures, infrastructure and environmental remediation of the industrial heritage sites As a lag, the fundamental reason lies in the identification of industrial heritage, value evaluation and protection and other related policies should be based on what criteria and goals, industrial heritage can bring benefits to society as well as the effectiveness of the scope of the spread of such issues as research in our country blank. The application of CVM in our country is not yet mature. The theoretical and empirical research on industrial heritage has just started. Therefore, the geographical distribution, historical characteristics and value attribute analysis of industrial heritage are studied. According to the limitations of CVM and the special industrial heritage To screen the evaluation index and determine the scientific evaluation method. To localize the key technologies of CVM, such as index value, guidance technology, the choice of the crowd range and so on, in order to promote the establishment of CVM statistical analysis model and to seek the theoretical improvement Etc., are the important research directions and difficulties of this topic. Based on the data of two-point questionnaires issued by field research and face-to-face interviews in Liaoning Province, this study conducted statistics on 986 valid questionnaires. By analyzing the validity and sensitivity of the factors related to willingness to pay, , Age, education level, occupation, the number of going to industrial heritage sites, the level of understanding of Liaoning history, the level of understanding of industrial heritage and the understanding of industrial heritage. The survey contains the degree of understanding of industrial heritage , The extreme sensitivity of education level, the sensitivity of the location and the insensitivity of other factors. The reason why the population of urban workers in Liaoning Province as a sample of the general population lies in the fact that the survey results show that the respondents in the province, The worker population is the main group of people who are willing to pay. Taking the population of urban workers in Liaoning Province as the overall sample by the end of 2010 and using the improved model to calculate the total value, the total economic value of industrial heritage in Liaoning Province was 6.114 billion yuan in 2010, of which, the total economic value for the use value, existence value, The ratios of selected value and heritage value were 42.6%, 49.9%, 15.7% and 31.3% respectively. The statistical analysis of willingness to pay shows that the non-use value (including existential value, selective value, and heritage value) is an important part of the total value of industrial heritage, indicating that only the overall existence of industrial heritage can meet the needs and future generations of present and future generations The choice and utilization of industrial heritage resources is also the most fundamental basis for the protection.
人均受教育年限:8年 截至2002年底,我国人均受教育年限为8年,与其他国家还有一定的差距,如美国为13.4年、爱尔兰为11.7年、韩国为12.3年。 高等教育毛入学率:17% 2003年,我国
【目的】在前期比较基因组学分析中,我们发现中国无乳链球菌鱼源株GD201008-001基因组中有一段10 kb基因序列,内含11个未知功能的开放阅读框。为了研究该段基因序列与细菌的