Kansei Engineering:A Consumer—oriented Product Research Methods

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  Abstract:Kansei engineering is a consumer-oriented product development technology.This paper first introduces the concept of Kansei Engineering,the current research status and theoretical system at home and abroad.It also discusses the limitations of Kansei Engineering.This paper is expected to provide an effective reference for the research and application of Kansei Engineering in China.
  Keywords:Kansei engineering;Emotional design;Consumer-oriented technology;design method
  With consumer behavior and lifestyle changes,the sales tactics of product-out strategy(Manufacturers rely on their own design strategies regardless of consumer demand and preference production)can not satisfy people's demand for products.At this time,the emotional design,emotional design and psychological design of consumers' inner emotional appeals are paid more and more attention.It also changed from "product-oriented" to "consumer-oriented".
  2.Kansei Engineering
  The term“Kansei Engineering”was first proposed in the speech“Car Culture”by Kenji Yamamoto of the Mazda Corporation of the United States at the University of Michigan in 1986[1].Mitsuo Nagamachi define kansei engineering as "a technique that transforms the perception or image produced by a consumer into a design element"[2].It is a technology based on ergonomics and consumer-oriented product development[3].
  3.Category of kansei engineering.
  3.1Category Classification
  Through the investigation of consumer image of products in the form of a tree diagram layered,and then divided into 0 layers to N layers,until the details of product detail design can be clearly defined,thus the conversion of consumer image to product design elements is completed.Japan's Mazda is dedicated to developing a sports car designed for young people,miyada.The Mazda design team defined the zero-level concept as "Human Machine Unity,HUM" through consumer research[4].
  3.2 Kansei Engineering System
  This system can be divided into forward kansei engineering system and backward kansei engineering systems.
  The forward kansei engineering is a one-way system that transforms the kansei image of the consumer into the design elements.It can provide the designer with the design direction,but it can not verify whether the designed products conform to the consumer image.
  The backward kansei engineering recognizes the designer's input sketches through the computer identification system and the evaluation system,and give the kansei evaluation of the sketches designed by the designers with the help of the kansei database and the extraction of the design elements of color and shape.   3.3 Hybrid kansei engineering
  Hybrid kansei engineering systems combines forward and backward systems.The product design elements can be obtained by entering the kansei image of consumers,and the sketches and ideas of designers can be effectively verified through databases[6].The design is repeated so as to make the product conform to the consumer image while improving the effectiveness of kansei design.
  3.4 Kansei Engineering Modeling
  Using abstract mathematical form,table and flowchart to build relationships between kansei vocabulary and product design elements,and to establish a mathematical prediction model,in order to reveal the logical relationship between consumer image and product design elements.
  3.5 Virtual Kansei Engineering
  Virtual kansei engineering is an extended type of kansei engineering system,which is a kind of advanced computer technology.It is to use the Virtual Reality(VR)technology to realize the designer's design concept in the multimedia virtual space.Through the experience in the virtual space,designers can give designers feedback on their design products to improve their design repeatedly.
  3.6 Collaborative Kansei Engineering
  Collaborative kansei engineering is a software program that uses the Internet as a basis to use computers to work together,enabling multiple designers to work together.After determining the product's design goals,designers used computer sound and visual technology to make designers and consumer break through the space barriers,exchange ideas and cooperate in research and development of products[6].
  4.Kansei engineering limitations
  Although this consumer-oriented design element is being used by more and more designers,kansei engineering still faces many problems in product development:
  (1)Designers usually use Category Classification to analyze consumers.However,this method will result in inaccurate results due to personal factors of designers and selected samples.
  (2)The discussion of consumer image is mostly from the design point of view,ignoring the research on psychology.
  (3)Kansei engineering is often used to evaluate products that already exist.Therefore,kansei engineering is more effective in evaluating products and prototypes after long-term use[4].
  In today's fierce market competition,kansei engineering was born to adapt to this kind of market.Therefore,kansei engineering plays an important role in product development and innovation.This article hopes to provide an effective reference for Chinese enterprises and design scholars from the introduction and discussion of kansei engineering,which is also the purpose of this study.
  [1]Yamamoto K.Kansei Engineering the Art of Automotive Development at Mazada[A].The University of Michigan,1986.
  [2]Nagamachi,M.Lokman,A M.Innovations of Kansei Engineering[M].CRC Press,USA,2011.
  [4]Mitsuo Nagamachi,Simon Schütte.Affective Meaning:The Kansei Engineering Approach.《Product Experience》,2008.
一、思想品德教学中存在的问题  1.学生的主体地位没有体现 虽然小学教学方法一直在进行改革,但是小学思想品德教学课堂中,教师还是处于高高在上的地位,教师通常都是按照教学大纲的要求,空洞死板地给学生进行教学,忽略了学生的主体地位。教师在教学中缺乏系统性的研究,不能掌握相关的规律,小学品德还是停留在课堂上,作为学生的一项任务去完成,对小学生的积极性有不好的影响。  2.教材和生活缺乏联系 很多教师在进
摘 要:随着信息技术的发展,互联网已经渗透到人类生活的各个方面,在“互联网+”时代下,社会对我国高职行业英语教学也提出了更高的要求,高职行业英语教学也在积极地探索与创新,改革教学模式,以满足社会的要求。“互联网+”能够将优质的教学资源和先进的信息技术相融合,实现资源的优化配置,提高教学质量,本文基于高职行业英语教学的现状,对“互联网+”时代下高职行业英语教学策略进行简要阐述。  关键词:“互联网+
摘 要:小学语文教学过程中,由于学生多方面的原因,致使其在教学工作开展中存在着很多的差异性,这些差异性的存在对于小学语文教学工作的开展是非常不利的,要想提升整体的小学语文教学质量,就应该从根源上分析小学语文学习中形成障碍的原因,并且及时的按照其障碍出现的原因,将对应的教学工作开展重心转变,保障在教学工作开展转变中,能够优化对应的教学工作,提升小学生语文学习能力。鉴于此,本文针对小学语文学习障碍的转
摘 要:初中英语课程目标主要包括语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略及文化意识等五个方面。初中英语课程要在全面提高学、说、读、写等四项技能以及在提高这四种技能综合运用能力的前提下,着重培养学生理解与表达的能力,用英语获取信息,处理信息的能力,用英语分析问题,解决问题的能力等。翻转课堂作为教学手段的一种重要创新,通过角色迁移对英语课堂教学效果以及教学目标的实现有着极大的促进和帮助作用。本文结合笔者
摘 要:德育是学校教育的重要组成部分。在小学体育教学中对学生的渗透德育教育,是体育课的重要任务,是提高体育教学质量的重要环节。体育教学同其他学科育人要求一样,要把“育人”放在体育教学首位。体育教学比其他学科更有机会培养学生自尊、自信、公平、公正、坚毅、勤劳、勇敢、团队精神、组织纪律性等优良品质。因此,体育教师要根据学生在体育课中表现出来的思想、情感、个性行为和意志,掌握其特点、遵循其规律,把德育工
摘 要:助理班主任制度是各高职院校都会设立的管理制度,选拔高年级学生作为低年级学生的助理班主任是通常做法。不仅是学习生活,思想政治教育工作也是其管理的主要任务。本文主要从高职院校的思想政治教育出发,论述助理班主任制度如何实施,以及在实践过程中,该制度在学生和助理班主任之间产生的实际效果。  关键词:助理班主任制度;思想政治教育;探索与实践  1 助理班主任制度  助理班主任是在有专业教师担任班主任
摘 要:近几年,青少年群体特别是大学生是手机消费群体中不容忽视的力量。目前,高校已经高度重视通过新媒介进行思想政治教育和学生管理。但是,通过对西华大学手机“易班”客户端学生使用情况进行问卷调查,反映出学生还未真正接受手机“易班”客户端,未反馈良好的使用体验。因此,应该通过加强技术支持、打造手机“易班”品牌、营造手机“易班”文化氛围和建立有效的用户体验回馈与沟通机制等途径使得手机“易班”客户端为大学
摘 要:当前教育界迎来了多元学习、全民学习的全面革新形态。高职、高专院校作为为社会培养实用性人才的院校,在面对新形势的环境下应该调整教育方式,基于此,本文先分析目前高职高专院校所采取的传统的教育方式弊端,然后提出在新形势的环境下高职高专的应运用教育方法,以此供相关人士交流参考。  关键词:新形势;高职高专学生;教育方式  引言  高职高专院校为国家培养实用性人才而开设,目的是补充社会急需的职业岗位
摘 要:能力本位是对高职教育理念的新突破,更加强调学生的主体性,突出学习过程、学习质量的提升,实现对学科核心职业能力的养成。将能力本位理念融入到高职公共英语教学中,转变过去“重知轻能、高分低能”的教育模式,回归高职教育的本质。  关键词:高职;能力本位;公共英语  高职教育确立了“高技能应用型人才”培养目标,而在“能力本位”教育改革与实践中,将学科职业技能、就业能力作为重点,来化解高职教育与社会就