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除夕年饭的杯盘碗盏刚收拾停当,正月的“春姑娘”就翩然而至。 此时尽管春寒料峭,间或还有好霏霏雨雪,但一年的辛苦终于熬过,新年希望的种子已播入地里,天南地北普贺新春也就顺理成章了。 贺春当然从家庭开始。正月初一,千家万户的门扉在铺天盖地的爆竹声浪中次弟启开,全家老幼新衣新帽喜气洋洋,依次祭拜神祖,祝贺新春,然后喜孜孜争尝新春第一餐─—金线吊葫芦。这吉祥味挺浓的食品,其实就是面条和汤圆。重庆的汤圆与北方不同,用的是水磨吊浆的汤圆粉,白赛雪,细如脂,心馅以甘甜为主调,寓有甜甜蜜蜜之意,至于面条,则做得丰富多彩有滋有味,一筷子挑出姹紫妈红,光那色就足以今人直吞馋口水。 Lunar New Year’s dinner bowl cup just cleared up, the first month of the “spring girl” to light. At this time, despite the chill of the spring and the start of the rain and snow, the hard work of the year finally passed through. The seeds of the New Year’s hope have been sown into the earth. He Chun certainly started from the family. On the first day of the first lunar month, the doors of thousands of families are opening their doors to the second wave of firecrackers in the world. The whole family, old and young, are wearing new hats and festively, and worship the gods and ancestors in succession. They congratulate the Spring Festival and celebrate the first meal of the spring - Crane hoist. This auspicious and strong food, in fact, noodles and glutinous rice balls. Chongqing, different from the North and the dumplings, with the water mill hanging pulp of rice balls, white snow, fine as fat, sweet heart-filled heart-based tune, meaning sweet and nourishing, as for the noodles, then do have colorful Taste, a chopsticks pick out purple mama red, light that color is enough for people now directly greedy mouth saliva.
女人穿衣服自己说了算,但也是给别人看的,谁让我们不是生活在真空里?男人说的话,女人可以听,也可以不听,但是听听,绝对无妨大碍。 Women wear their own have the final say
餐桌上热气腾腾的鲜汤,常使人垂涎欲滴,特别是在冬春季,汤既能暖人,又能使人胃口大开。 煲汤往往选择富含蛋白质的动物原料,最好用牛、羊、猪骨和鸡、鸭骨等。做汤时,先将原
本文是作者在多年的玉米机械化播种技术推广过程中,通过对推广使用2BFC1型侧充式单体播种机的具体实践而总结出该机器的播种作业工艺。 This article is the author in many yea
(一) 1938年秋,在嘉陵江上颇为有名的周口,就是当地人人皆知的成了定论的“好个蓬溪生坏周口”的周口,我坐的煤炭船在周口上游约五里地就不走了。原来船老板要办喜事。我阮囊