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物理教学中,上好一堂课,教法的选择固然十分重要,但一堂课结束时的三言两语——课堂结束语,在某种程度上也起着不可轻视的作用。结束语运用得好,能使所讲的当堂课的知识得到概括、深化甚至升华,同时对教学目标的落实也起到一定的保证作用。 那么,选择怎样的结束语才能恰到好处?就结束语而言又有哪些形式呢?本文就此谈点粗浅的认识。 一、思考性结束语 亚里士多德说过,“思维自惊奇和疑问开始”。有疑问,才会执着追求、探根究底,好奇心人皆有之,对新奇的事物要问,对想知道的事物要问,对困惑的事物也要问。为培养学生的思维能力,养成多思、勤想的好习惯,在学生掌握了课堂讲授内容的基础上,通过教师精心 In physics teaching, it is very important to choose a teaching method, but the choice of teaching method is very important. However, at the end of a class, a few words—the end of the class—have played a role that cannot be ignored. The good use of the concluding remarks can help to generalize, deepen, and even sublimate the knowledge of the class in class, and at the same time it also guarantees the implementation of teaching goals. Then, what kind of concluding words can be justified? In the end, what are the forms? This article will talk about the superficial understanding. I. Concluding remarks Aristotle said, “Thinking starts with surprises and doubts.” When there are doubts, it will be persistently pursued and explored. Curiosity is what all people want. They must ask questions of novelty, ask questions that they want to know, and ask questions that they are confused about. In order to cultivate students’ thinking ability and cultivate good habits of thinking and diligent thinking, students should carefully teach the students on the basis of the content they have taught in class.
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