Problems and Measures for English Teaching Assessment in Primary and Junior Middle School

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  【Abstract】John Cowan says that “Assessment is the engine which drives students in learning.” And New Curriculum Standard for English emphasizes the importance of Assessment reform to the reform of class teaching and curriculum. This paper mainly analyses problems existing in primary and middle school and explores measures needed.
  【Key words】primary and middle school; English teaching and learning; assessment
  I. A brief introduction to English teaching assessment
  Teaching assessment is the process of collecting, comprehending and analyzing information and evaluating teaching process and results according to requirements of teaching objectives and principles. According to the purpose of assessment, there are three types in teaching assessment: diagnostic assessment, formative assessment and summative assessment. Teaching assessment scientifically and effectively is an important element of the teaching activity. How to use it properly and correctly plays an important part in improving our education quality.
  II. Problems existed in traditional Assessment
  More and more Chinese students learn English as a foreign language, so the Chinese Ministry of Education pays much attention to English teaching in China. Although under this circumstance, English teaching is still far from satisfaction. There isn’t a satisfaction in target, content, methods and types in assessment, the concrete manifestation of which is in following aspects:
  For a long time, because people misunderstand English teaching task in basic education stage, and treat examination as the main means of assessment for teachers’ teaching effect and students’ academic achievement so the goal of assessment is to pursuit ranking and high scores and promotion rate.
  The main way to evaluate the quality of students’ English learning is test understanding this can only evaluate students after the completed part of learning content and achieve learning objectives but not in the process of learning.
  Teaching assessment tends to focus only on the cognition of students and only pays attention to factors about intelligence related to assessment and memory and thinking, while ignoring non-intellectual factors, such as assessments on learning interest learning attitude and learning habits, which has a strong connection with English learning activities and effects. Therefore, to evaluate basic stage of English learning, students should not only reach assessment standard, but also conduct comprehensive non-intellectual factors to test and analyze.   The above points help us to understand acknowledge clearly disadvantages and shortcomings of the past China’s English teaching assessment.
  III. Measures to reform English teaching assessment
  The traditional teaching assessment is lack of advanced educational concepts to support and evaluate which are often confused with concept of examination and test. So assessment focuses only on students’ learning results. Assessment can be reflected in the following aspects:
  It is important to pay attention to students’ emotional evaluation from neglecting emotional assessment. In the past, teaching assessment only pays attention to the development of students’ cognition; some people think that study of theory is irrelevant with emotion. In fact, it is a misunderstanding.
  As we all know, interest is the best teacher. More importantly, any subject is not only composed of a knowledge system of concepts and principles, but also by a system of nature and social attitudes. As for English, it cannot be taught without the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar behind which hides natural and social views, attitudes and values about world.
  IV. Conclusions and Implications
  Traditional assessment are using exam or test and comments on students by teachers. There isn’t a satisfaction in target, content, methods and types in assessment and some measures can help reform English teaching assessment, but there is still a long way to go.
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  [3]教育部.英语课程标准解读[M].北京师范大学出版社,2002: 27-31.
【摘要】英语阅读能力是高中学生应当具备的基本能力。因此,重视高中英语阅读教学有其现实基础。如此,学生的英语综合素质才能得以提升。本文首先阐述重视高中英语阅读教学的现实价值,然后分析英语阅读目前的困境,最后针对困境提出合理的措施,希望对提升学生的阅读能力起到积极的作用。  【关键词】高中 英语 阅读教学 困境 途径  一、重视高中英语阅读教学的重要性  1.重视高中英语阅读教学有利于平稳实现教学目标
【摘要】近年来研究发现元认知策略在大学英语教学中起着非常重要的作用。本文主要分析了元认知和元认知策略,并提出了如何利用元认知策略促进英语自主学习能力的提高,为学生以后的终身学习打下坚实的基础。  【关键词】元认知 元认知策略 自主学习  一、引言  长久以来,我们所受到的教育都是以教师讲解为中心,学生只负责听,这样的结果就是在大学这个相对自由的环境里,没有了老师的指导,学生不知道该如何学习。随着时
【摘要】动机在外语学习中占有重要地位,也是决定外语学习成果的重要因素之一。本文以动机理论为基础,从融合型和工具型两方面分析非英语专业大学生的英语学习动机。本文采用动机调查问卷为研究工具分析两种动机在研究对象外语学习中的地位和作用对如何提高学习动机以提高英语水平给大学英语教学提出建议。  【关键词】英语学习 融合型动机 工具型动机  在二语习得研究中学习动机是影响学生学习效果的一个重要因素。学习动机
众所周知,英语教学中的学困生问题一直是困扰英语教师的重要问题。学困生英语成绩提升困难,教师常常使出浑身解数也很难让学困生的成绩有大幅的提升,要么就是很难从根本中改善学困生的英语学习能力,常常出现“昙花一现”式的提升:某一两次考试的惊艳,然而大部分情况下,成绩还是不如人意。那么,如何转变学困生,消除两极分化现象,对于全面提高学生素质,推进素质教育具有重要意义。  一、引导学生认识学习方法在英语学习中