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  Saying Goodbye
  (Nate and his mom are packing suitcases at home)
  Nate: No way! I don’t need to bring so much stuff.
  Mom: Just trust your mother. You should always be prepared for whatever life throws at you.

  Nate: But I don’t think life is gonna need me to have a professional grade toolbox. I honestly don’t even know how to use at least half of these 1)contraptions. I’m not going to air-conditioner repair school.
  Mom: It doesn’t matter if it’s a vocational college or the Sorbonne, you will be living in unfamiliar surroundings, far from the comforts of home.
  Nate: I’m just so excited to be out in the world, expanding my horizons. And I finally understand what that means.
  Mom: I know that the further your journeys take you, to all those far off horizons, your poor mother will be forced to suffer alone here in this 2)hollow house full of fading memories of my little baby...
  Nate: Woah! Are you OK Mom? ①We both know you can guilt-trip with the best of ’em, but that seemed like something else. Is something weighing on you?
  Mom: Isn’t it obvious? You’re off to follow your dreams at Harvard, and one day you will be an amazing 3)cardiothoracic surgeon, just like your father, but your mother’s breaking heart is a wound that only time can heal, my dear.
  Nate: But I’m not wounding you, Mom. You should be happy for me, but with the anxiety and sadness and overprotectiveness, those are 4)telltale signs of Empty Nest Syndrome.
  Mom: Oh, I think I’ve heard of that. So in this 5)scenario, I would be the mother bird, consuming my worms of knowledge and 6)regurgitating them for you, my hungry little 7)chickadee.
  Nate: That is one of the most disgusting things you have ever said. What a terrible visual…But yes, it’s only natural for you, the mother bird, to have feelings of emptiness when there are no eggs or chicks taking up the nest. ②Oh, and now I’m picturing Professors literally coughing up loogies of information, all because of your regurgitation remark. Thanks a lot for that.

  Mom: Well, what if I’m not ready to say goodbye yet?
  Nate: ③I have it on good authority that you don’t have a choice in the matter, Mother.   Mom: On whose authority, exactly?
  Nate: Mine. Cuz I’m a man now!
  Mom: OK, Mr. Man. Here, don’t forget these.
  Nate: My underwear! Where were they?
  Mom: Oh, your unmentionables were just cleaned by your “overprotective” mother. And they sure needed it.
  Nate: Aw Mom, what would I do without you?
  Mom: We’re about to find out. Kiss your mother goodbye and get out before the waterworks start…
   Smart Sentences
  ① We both know you can guilt-trip with the best of ’em, but that seemed like something else. Is something weighing on you?
  guilt-trip: make sb. feel guilty about sth.(让某人有负罪感、内疚感)。例如:
  There’s no need to guilt-trip Sandy for the car accident; it’s not her fault.
  ② Oh, and now I’m picturing Professors literally coughing up loogies of information, all because of your regurgitation remark.

  cough sth. up: (lit.) sth. comes up from sb.’s throat or mouth when
  coughing; (fig.) say or present sth.(咳出;说出)。例如:
  My parents were furious when my little brother started coughing up blood.
  ③ I have it on good authority that you don’t have a choice in the matter, Mother.
  have it on good authority: believe that certain information is true because it came from a person one can trust(来自权威人士的说法,可靠消息)。例如:
  We have it on good authority that their business is so bad that they can’t even pay their employees.

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