Review on the Issue of the Ownership of English

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   Abstract: The ownership of English is one chapter of Widdowson's book Defining Issues in English Language Teaching. From this particular issue, the writer elicits some individual understanding about the ownership of English and some thinking about English teaching to share with English teachers and English reseachers.
   Key words: ownership of English English teaching
   1. Introduction
   Professor Widdowson is best known for his contribution to English language teaching and he has always been liking to promote critical thinking into the issues he has raised. At the 27th Annual TESOL Convention, H. G. Widdowson puts forward a serials of questions about the ownership of English, which is closely related to the language teaching. He concludes his argument by saying that no nation can have custody over English—the international language; and nonnative English teachers should not be discriminated in linguistic territory in that they are familiar with students' reality and know how to design the instruction of teaching in their own social context(Widdowson). It is such a thought-provoking argument for all English teachers, both native and nonnative. As a nonnative English teacher, the writer provides some understanding about the issue of the ownership of English and some thinking about English teaching in this paper.
   2. About the Ownership of English
   Widdowson thinks it is reactionary, arrogant and totally unacceptable to define real English as Royal English, Queen's English or Oxford English, the Vintage language(Widdowson). He also says that how English develops in the world is no business whatever of native speakers in England, or the United States, or anywhere else…it is only international to the extent that it is not their language(Widdowson). The writer entirely agrees with him and obtains some individual understanding about the Ownership of English.
   2.1 Only the best qualified-seed can produce healthy offshoots and outgrowths. Then what is the imperial seed?It is Oxford English.
   As the origin of language spreading, Oxford English, like the forerunner, should not keep arbitrary control over the development of some gradually influential offspring or have prejudice against the underdeveloped. On the contrary, it should be overjoyed to see many children grow individually and form their own features. At present American English, North American English, and Australian English have equal shares with British English since the English language ceased to be the sole possession of the English some time ago. Meanwhile several other varieties of New Englishes have also grown in distinctiveness. However some people think the language standards are at stake due to varieties. These varieties like African English, Middle-East English, South-Asian English, South American English may sound displeasing to the ear of those so-called Native Speakers or BANA Speakers, but these Englishes absolutely serve as a tool of clear communication and intelligibility in both written and spoken forms. All varieties are excellent no doubt in their way.
   2.2 The British find various excuses to claim that English is the property of their national trust and they have right to maintain standard English for the sake of quality assurance.
   In fact what they are emphasizing is the nontransferable privilege. The Englishmen take it for granted that they speak standard English and their voice is the most beautiful one in the world. They enjoy privilege exclusively for themselves. Other English speakers (except BANA speakers) don't dream to become a member of that supreme community although she/he speaks perfect English. After all, it won't be privilege to those distinguished speakers any longer if it goes easily to everybody. Once it happens their personal interests are in danger. In a broader sense, the excuse to maintain exclusive quality of Standard English is in essence to guarantee their national profits. Then what do they want to maintain on earth? Widdowson says they claim to protect the grammar and spelling jealously. In native speakers' mind well-educated people don't make stupid mistakes of spelling and grammar. It is a symbol of social status. This argument sounds so out of date that it is only applicable in Bernard Shaws' time. Now the telecommunication and information technology develop at tremendous speed. Computer which serves people quite conveniently can check all the spelling and grammatical mistakes in written form automatically. As for the spoken form, it is secondary and only a written variety for education, administration and business is regarded as standard English. As a result the grammar and spelling don't show their identity at all. This excuse doesn't hold water.
   2.3 Widdowson mentions another excuse of native speakers'.
   They claim that if Standard English is not properly protected, the security of its community is to be undermined, and the spreading of undermined Standard English shakes the stability of the whole world. The native speakers exaggerate things just to scare people. They can certainly set their minds at rest. For one thing, language itself is unstable. Many new language forms are created to express new ideas or new attitudes to suit changing circumstances. The various localization of new Englishes is communicative and meets the needs of in-group transaction. In this way the security of community is far from our concern. And for another, cultural shock or cultural conflict, which inevitably appears in international communication, provides the very chance for different communities to learn from and understand each other rather than put the whole world into anarchy. Evidently culture exchange includes language exchange. The world used to follow the native speakers and have taken much from their culture. But people like to give as well as to receive. It is the time for native speakers to broaden their outlook, stop their superiority complex for English and find a place for other localization of Standard English, because it is clearly vital for the interests of the international community. In that case the whole world will share a common standard of English and obstacles of international communication will gradually decrease so that people from different cultures can live in perfect harmony.
   3. About English Teaching
   Realizing that Standard English is not the privilege or advantage of native speakers or the BANA speakers, other English speakers especially nonnative speakers feel much more confident and relieved, namely, they will be given more chances to display their English capability. Yet it is critically important for all English teachers to answer some guiding questions about English teaching.
   3.1 Who has the authority to define possible teaching policy and target objectives of teaching? Are they native English teachers, as they know what is appropriate in contexts of language use?The answer is negative.
   Firstly, if native-speaker competence is used to set teaching targets and define language proficiency, the learner is left playing a game in which the goal posts are being perpetually moved by people they can not challenge(Rampton). Secondly, teaching policy reflects the social norms or values which are part of a nation's ideology. Foreign teaching staff may give some proposals but their opinions are not decisive. They have to perform what they are expected to do according to the specific teaching aims and tasks. In addition, to use the language at their disposal doesn't mean native speaker teachers are suitable to define teaching objectives for other nations, because they don't know the real condition in that country. For instance Chinese Ministry of Education establishes the teaching objectives, teaching tasks and testing models for different levels of English learners. All the schools and universities need to grasp the essence of education policy and carry it out. Therefore the target objectives should be reasonably defined by individual country based on its specific national condition.
   3.2 Do nonnative English teachers know what is appropriate in contexts of language teaching?Who is most qualified to teach students who don't speak English as native language?
   If nonnative English teachers live abroad for quite a few years, it will be a very precious experience for them, as they can truly understand the local culture and the real meaning of some English expressions. But they will also encounter some teaching problems that they themselves can't solve. Therefore, nonnative English teachers should be language learners in their whole life and both proper English and proper pedagogy are very critical for them. In the contexts of language teaching, English teachers of Chinese know what students have learned, what they should learn, what they are interested in and what teaching methods should be adopted. The familiarity with students helps greatly in pedagogic principle for such subjects as Literature, Linguistics,Grammar, Translation, Phonetics and etc. But foreign teachers are more competent in Speaking, Writing and World Cultures since they have acquired the language and culture as integrated experience and have a feel for its nuances and idiomatic identity, which the nonnative English teachers don't have. To answer the above questions, nonnative English teachers should not neglect the authenticity and accuracy of language if they want to know what is appropriate in contexts of language teaching. And English teachers, both native and nonnative, are respectively playing important roles in educating the genuine English talents.
   4. Conclusion
   In recent years many nations like Singapore make English an official language and other nations like China choose English as their chief foreign language in school, so English has become the language on which the sun never sets (Crystal). It is self-evident that no one can claim sole ownership of English and it is undoubtedly logical that the English teaching policy is an issue of each nation's. In English teaching, both native and nonnative English teachers should be given equal chance to exert their unique ability and teach subjects that they are particularly good at. But nonnative English teachers have to make constant efforts to learn accurate, appropriate and up-to-date English for their teaching career.
   1.Crystal, David. English as a Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003
   2.Rampton, MBH. The ‘Native Speaker': Expertise, Affiliation and Inheritance. ELT Journal. V.55. 1990, 335-346.
   3.Widdowson, HG. Defining Issues in English Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003
摘 要:英语课外阅读教学对于小学英语教学来说是一个新兴课题。笔者通过自己所上的一堂英语课外阅读课,谈谈自己对课外阅读教学的体会和认识。  关键词:小学高年级英语 课外阅读教学 实践与思考    阅读是小学英语教学中的重要内容。新课程标准课程目标中的二级目标指出,学生应能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并能正确地朗读所学的故事和短文。作为教材阅读教学的继续和延伸,英语课外阅读显得尤为重要,它不仅能巩
摘 要:在英语课堂教学中,信息技术教育体现了它得天独厚的优势,它不仅对提高课堂教学质量与效率有极大的帮助,还更好地激发了学生的兴趣,培养了学生学习的积极性,提高了教学质量,从而使教师更好地完成了教学任务。  关键词:英语 课堂教学 信息技术    信息技术的发展为英语教学提供了很多有利条件,为英语教学提供了更为广阔的天地。把信息技术和学科教学有机地结合起来,将信息技术与学科课程的教与学融为一体,将
阅读理解。本质是读者获得信息的一种思维活动,在当今的信息社会里,被广泛应用于人们的生产生活中。而对于广大学生来说,培养良好的阅读习惯,能从庞杂的外语资料中迅速、准确地抓住有效信息,不仅是完成大学学业的要求,也是将来工作的需要。在阅读过程中,逻辑思维至关重要,是解题的关键。  阅读理解。从另一个角度看是读者解读作者逻辑思路的过程,因此有必要对常见的逻辑思路进行总结。从阅读理解测试类型来看,主要分为两
“老人”不说是“old People”,而说是“Senior Citizens”。  “黑人”不说是“Black People”,而说是“African Ameficans”。
摘要:社会的发展产生了更多的需要,时代对日语人才提出了更高的要求。为了实现人才培养目标.要批判性地继承传统的教学方式,也要重新审视和考虑今后日语教育的发展方向。本文围绕沟通型语言研究的相关内容,旨在探讨教育内容、教育方式和人才培养定位等方面的改革,对沟通型研究在日语教学中的应用及相关课题提出了意见和建议。  关键词:沟通型语言研究、沟通型日语教学、情境教学、主动性、人才培养
1 巧记定冠词的用法  A 名词前不用定冠词的情况:抽象、物质、独一专有名,已有代词定语前面行,节日①、月份、季节与星期,球类、游戏、呼语与餐名,新闻标题,专加普②,一般省冠是常情。