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  对于旅行者来说,意大利实在有太多值得流连的地方——罗马、威尼斯、佛罗伦萨、那不勒斯……这些大名鼎鼎的地方每年不知吸引了多少游客。也许正是因为意大利的名胜古迹太多,很少人会注意到其北部的湖区。位于湖区的科莫湖距离熙熙攘攘的米兰只有一小时车程,环境清幽,风景如画,被誉为“米兰的后花园”。英国诗人雪莱曾用“超过了所有的美(exceeds anything I ever beheld in beauty)”来形容它。本期“环球风情”将带大家领略科莫湖的别样风情。
  My wife and I began visiting Italy in 2000. Each year we would pick a few different places to see. We started with some of the most well known destinations –
  Venice, Florence, Rome, the Amalfi coast, as well as many less well known places and small towns. We toyed with the idea of actually moving to Italy and leaving
  San Francisco for good[永久地]. But as much as we liked Italy, no place really grabbed us. That is until we went to Lake Como. We arrived in October of 2003. By April of the following year, we were full time residents[居民].Just like that!
  After a few days in Varenna, we visited Bellagio and then Menaggio. But it was on the western side of the lake, an area called Tremezzina – one of the nicest and certainly the warmest, that we decided to live. We now make our home in Lenno, an ancient romantic village nestled[挨着,靠着] on the shore.
  When we stepped off the train that day in Varenna, it was a bit like walking through the looking glass[镜子]. The beauty of the lake is truly incredible. It changes slowly, endlessly and you never really get used to it. Surrounded by very steep[陡峭的] mountains, the lake stretches[伸展] for 25 miles. The largeness of the lake provides the area with relatively[相对地] warm winters. Palm trees are everywhere. Persimmons[柿子], oranges, figs[无花果], and even kiwis[猕猴桃] grow easily.
  Numerous villages dot[在……上打点] the shore at times, stretching back up into the mountains here and there. Some are perched[栖息,位于] on ridges[山脊]. Thick stone masonry[砖石建筑] is everywhere, as are splendid[壮丽的] 18th century villas[别墅,小屋] and simple stone houses, many of which are five hundred years old.
  Life is slow and simple. And yet the bustling[熙熙攘攘的] world of Milan is only an hour away. It was this combination of stepping back in time and also having easy access[通路] to modern life that made the lake so attractive to us – and to me, the possibilities for painting.
  There are harbors of every size with an endless variety of colorful boats. Or if you are at the lake shore, you turn and look up and see magnificent mountains silhouetted[使现出轮廓] against the sky, with houses and pieces of villages reflecting light and creating shadows. Within a minute’s walk from the lake shore, you find yourself surrounded by cobble[鹅卵石] stone paths, tall rock walls, arches[拱门] and cafes. The houses are positioned in a variety of ways, each overlapping[重叠] the other, each with coral tiled[用瓦盖] roofs. After a few more minutes up the hill, you are looking down into the lake, enjoying velvet vistas[远景,深景], rooftops and church towers. And if painting people is your thing, you will find villagers, kids and fishermen working, resting,eating outside in what seems like a fabulously pre-arranged studio of life.
  Flowers, fields, goats, gardens – it’s all here.
  Another plus for plein-air注1 artists is that once you park your car, which is simple and free, everything is within easy walking distance. Hiking up the steep paths may not be for everyone, but it is certainly worth the effort. In addition, cafes and restaurants are sprinkled[使散布] throughout, which makes it quite easy and delightful to take a break, enjoy fish from the lake and a glass of wine, relax as you eat out-of-doors[户外,在露天] and contemplate[沉思] where you might set up your easel[画架] next.
  “Paradiso注2?” Well, if beauty, good weather and relaxation are not your cup of tea, perhaps not. But for those of us who wish to enjoy the simple pleasures and the simple pleasure of painting, Lake Como is a MUST destination.
小朋友过年最开心的是什么?当然是收到长辈的压岁钱啦!这笔小财富大家是怎么花的呢?估计大多数人都会存起来,留待以后做有意义的事情吧,就像本期“花季故事”的主人公那样——    Traveling by myself was a dream of mine throughout my childhood. I grew up in Hong Kong where my Dad’s company of
白天越来越短,气温越来越低,商店里也开始摆出琳琅满目的圣诞礼品和饰物。这样的日子最适合看几部动画片,轻松搞笑,愉悦心情。别以为动画片就是没内容、没深度的垃圾电影,正如本文作者所说:“如果你厌倦了狐猴随着‘我们喜欢动起来,动起来’的歌声跳舞,那么你也厌倦了生活。”    Igor  科学小怪蛋    Directed by: Anthony Leondis  Starring: John Cusac
作为迎接2010年上海世博会的主题推广活动之一,第14届“21世纪·联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛于4月中旬在上海圆满结束。比赛以“从时代的发展看人类生活方式的改变:主动性与便利性”为主题,让青年学子就新的世界经济与发展形势下的城市生活不同侧面进行思考。本期我们选登了本届比赛冠军——清华大学金璐同学的已备演讲。她的演讲虽然文字难度不大,却能由浅入深,以情动人,大家写作议论文时不妨借鉴借鉴哦。    La
Introduction  Lake Como is in the northern Italian Lakes District.   It lies between Milan and the border of Switzerland. It is surrounded by mountains and hills.  Lake Como is Italy’s most popular la
拿起外套,戴上帽子  将所有顾虑都留在门口  现在就出发  到阳光灿烂的街道上去    听见啪嗒啪嗒的声响了吗  那快乐的节奏就是你的步伐  生活可以如此甜美  在阳光灿烂的街道上    *过去我只在阴暗中行走  忧伤仿佛在那里列队等候  但如今我不再害怕  因为这名流浪者如今已走向光明*    **即使身无分文  我还是像洛克菲勒那般富有  金糠仿佛洒在脚下**  在阳光灿烂的街道上    重复
作为2009国际天文年的其中一个基础项目,“她是天文学家”(She is an Astronomer: breaking down misconceptions)致力于推动天文学领域的性别平等。一直以来,女性天文学家对天文学作出了极大贡献,然而为人熟知的少之又少。在她们当中最不可忽略的当数美国第一位女性天文学家玛丽亚·米切尔。可以说,现今有许多女性活跃于美国天文界,或多或少要归功于这位长期投身于天
1)Meteorites on the ground or icy comets millions of miles away are usually the only sources of ancient matter from the early days of the solar system.   But in a high-flying experiment, researchers h
娱乐圈和时尚界最不缺的就是新面孔,问题的关键在于这些新人能否在人们心中留下深刻印记,从此一步步走出自己的天空。回首2008,有那么一个与众不同的身影,让人忍不住想起米罗的断臂维纳斯。“缺”不能为“美”?看看以下这个让人有所触动的故事吧——    t a studio in North London, an unusual photo shoot was unfolding. Rankin, one
每年1至3月就是全球各大电影颁奖典礼的盛宴,从有力的提名者评估到最后尘埃落定的得奖感言,各大媒体和万千粉丝的目光都没办法离开那一张张星光闪烁的红地毯。纵观2009年众影视作品的表现,小编们也有各自的“心水”号码了哦,纷纷摩拳擦掌等待最后结果!你们的心头好又如何呢?  这期“口语角”为大家带来的两部动画,都在各自的领域以其独特的创意征服了观众的心,大有和  皮克斯(Pixar)一比高下的势头——可见
As Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon on July 21st, 1969, his words “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” became synonymous[同义的] with the scale of the achievement.  However, in the eve