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比较是确定客观事物彼此之间异同和关系的一种思维过程。发挥直观教具在自然课教学中的比较归纳作用,既可以让学生通过比较明确自然事物之间的异同点,又可以让学生通过归纳,从大量的自然事物中概括出一般的本质或规律,使学生在观察比较中认识自然界,明确自然事物之间的内在联系,培养学生的想象力、创造力,使他们对自然知识产生更加浓厚的兴趣。 一、同类事物相比较,归纳出其内在规律。 运用教具对同类事物进行比较归纳,比较的内容要合理,比较的方法要恰当。如物体在水中的沉浮规律,学生很不易理解。在教学中教师把两个重量相同、形状不同的铁块和用铁片做成的船形,摆在学生面前,然后放在水里进行比较。学生发现:铁块下沉,铁船上浮,给学生以“沉、浮”的概念。其次教师再用体积相同(重量不同)的铁块和木块,放入水中进行比较,学生发 Comparison is a process of thinking that determines the similarities and differences between the objective things and each other. Visual instructor to play a more inductive role in the teaching of nature, both to allow students to more clearly the similarities and differences between natural things, but also allows students through induction, a large number of natural things out of the general nature or law, so that Students observe nature in observation and comparison, clarify the internal relations among natural things, cultivate students' imagination and creativity, and make them have a more intense interest in natural knowledge. First, compared to similar things, summed up its inherent laws. The use of aids to compare similar things summarized, the content should be more reasonable, more appropriate method. Such as the law of the object in the water, students are not easy to understand. During the teaching, the teacher put two iron weights of the same weight and shape and the shape of a boat made of iron plates in front of the students and then put them on the water for comparison. Students found: iron sinking, iron boat floating, to students with “Shen, floating” concept. Second, teachers then reuse the same size (different weight) of iron and wood, into the water for comparison, students hair
在小学数学教学中,常常碰到几何题。一些小学生在解答几何题时经常发生错误。如小学生在解答“一个等腰三角形的底角是45度,顶角是( )度,这个三角形是( )三角形。”这道题中
小学奥林匹克数学竞赛A级初赛样题中有一道几何题:如右图,正方形ABCD的边长是4厘米,CG=3厘米,长方形DEFG的长:DG=5厘米,那么它的宽DE是多少厘米? There is a geometric que