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在确保水稻正常生育和高产稳产的前提下,最大限度地节省灌溉用水,是水稻高产节水栽培的核心问题。通过几年来稻田不同灌溉量和水稻各生育时段定量供水试验,基本摸清了水稻高产最佳用水量的下限值及水稻各生育时段灌溉用水的适宜指标,并确定了水稻高产节水栽培的灌溉方法。一、节水灌溉的综合效益水稻实行节水灌溉,不仅仅为了节约用水,扩大水田面积,更主要的是能克服长期淹水灌溉给水稻生育带来的不利影响。据研究,水稻节水灌溉,可增强水稻的抗逆性,提高产品质量,降低成本;可使纹枯病减轻75.5%、稻曲病减轻12.2%,倒伏显著减轻。因此,推行节水灌溉,对促进水稻高产优质、提高经济和社会效益具有重要意义。从1982~1984年试验结果看,节水灌溉与常规灌溉相比,每亩净用水量节省235.6~288.1立方米,单产比常规灌溉增加6.4~8.6%(亩产1,245.2~1,305.6斤),水的生产效率提高74.3%,每亩节省水费1.99元。 Under the precondition of ensuring the normal fertility and high and stable yield of rice, it is the key problem to save water for irrigation to the maximum extent. Through several years of different irrigation amounts in paddy fields and quantitative water supply tests in different growth stages of rice, the lower limit value of optimal water use for high-yielding rice and the appropriate index of irrigation water for each growth period of rice were basically found out and the high-yielding water-saving cultivation of rice Irrigation methods. First, the comprehensive benefits of water-saving irrigation Water-saving irrigation practices in rice, not only to save water and expand the paddy field area, more importantly, to overcome the long-term flooding irrigation to rice adverse effects. According to the research, rice water-saving irrigation can enhance the resistance of rice, improve product quality and reduce costs; reduce sheath blight by 75.5%, reduce false smut by 12.2% and significantly reduce lodging. Therefore, the implementation of water-saving irrigation, to promote high yield and quality rice, improve economic and social benefits of great significance. From 1982 to 1984, the results showed that compared with conventional irrigation, water saving irrigation saved 235.6-288.1 cubic meters of net water per mu and the yield increased by 6.4-8.6% (1,245.2-1,305.6 kg per mu) compared with that of conventional irrigation. Water Production efficiency increased by 74.3%, 1.99 yuan per mu to save water costs.
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