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  It was 2 p.m., and she was running. She hated running. 1)Loathed it really. She felt like it was something only 2)masochists would truly enjoy. That’s what made it so appropriate. Today she was punishing herself.
  Each foot slapped gracelessly down on the
  3)treadmill, the rhythm of her feet echoing the
  repetitive questions in her mind. Every 4)thump of her foot turned into Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? As in, “Why him? Why cancer? Why now?”
  Occasionally, the whys would turn into hows. How? How? How? How? How? Except there was no variation to this question. It was always, “How can I continue?”
  The only other 5)refrain was a simpler one. Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot. It had too many syllables for just one footfall, though, so instead it was slower, more measured. Id-i-ot. Id-i-ot. Id-i-ot.
  That last day, he tried to comfort her. She hated to see him like that, pale and 6)wasted. The face looking at her, the 7)skeleton holding her hand, was not the man she married five years ago. He saw her 8)dismay, her fear. He knew that no matter what she said to his face, she was three steps short of panic. He had gotten sick too quickly, they had caught it too late. Three months was not long enough to adjust.
  “Hey,” he said.
  “A 9)priest, a 10)rabbi and a 11)minister walked into a bar...”
  She rolled her eyes. “And?”
  “And the 12)bartender said, what is this, a joke?”
  She 13)snorted. “Just because you’re dying doesn’t mean you get a pity laugh, you know.”
  “Not even a 14)snicker?” he asked.
  “You know what I could really go for?”
  “A million bucks and another 50 years of life?”
  “Very nice, Madam 15)Morbid. No, I could really go for some of those beef noodles from Shanghai Charlie’s. You know, the ones that are so tasty—how did you describe them? Something about 16)pores.”
  “Every noodley注 pore is 17)impregnated with tasty 18)teriyaki deliciousness.”
  His snort of laughter turned into a painful cough. “Yeah, that’s it. You have talent.”
  “Being able to 19)spout a ridiculous 20)tagline for a menu item doesn’t mean I have talent,” she replied.
  She didn’t want to leave him, but he was insistent that he wanted to eat. He hadn’t had an 21)appetite in so long, she finally 22)relented.
  When she got back to the hospital, it was too late. A nurse cleaned the food off the floor, where the teriyaki
  23)seeped across the 24)tile in a scene of noodle 25)carnage.
  She held his hand, dry-eyed. She kissed him good-bye, dry-eyed. She signed where they told her to sign. She called the family. She packed up his things. Dry-eyed.
  It was hot outside. 26)Muggy. 27)Stifling. Humid. The 28)cicadas 29)shrieked. She climbed in the car, put her head on the steering wheel, and sobbed for half an hour. Finally she stopped because her 30)hiccups were so bad she couldn’t breathe. Who was she without him? She had always followed him across the country and across the world. Who was she now? What was she? Where was home? What was she supposed to do?
  A new word was pounding through her head now, in rhythm with her feet. Re-mem-ber, re-mem-ber, re-mem-ber.
  His last words caught at her as she was nearly out the door to grab his noodley teriyaki deliciousness.
  “Hey,” he said. “Remember—remember that all the best moments in life rarely happen when you’re alone. Don’t be alone, Madam Morbid.”
  She was gasping now, pounding the treadmill hard, gracelessly, awkwardly. Two steps from falling right off the back.
  Re-mem-ber, re-mem-ber, re-mem-ber.
推销产品、保险被拒、找工作被拒绝……加上“本期专题”传授的七招,这个世界真是充满拒绝啊!  没错,人的一生总会遇到各种被拒绝的情况,而被拒绝也并不好受。如何不被这种消极情绪打倒,并化悲愤为动力?小编马上为你支招——    Harry Potter was rejected. So were Bella and Edward. If authors J.K. Rowling and Stepheni
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自古以来,人类触碰天空的梦想就从未消失。从巴比伦的通天塔,到巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔,再到今天的摩天大楼,人类的建筑物在不断刷新建筑纪录。预计今年落成的迪拜塔更会达到前所未有的高度(在建的迪拜塔已经超越台101大厦,成为世界第一高楼)。这是一场终点设在蓝天的竞赛,一场终点只能遥望、却不可能到达的比赛。    The desire to build big is nothing new. Big build
Rico最讨厌接到推销保险的电话了……看在他们也是打工的份上,每次总听完内容介绍再说不需要购买,又不想无情地挂掉电话,拖拖拉拉浪费很多时间。不知道同学们是否有过类似经历,总是不知道该如何拒绝他人?实际上,当别人的请求跟自己的利益有所冲突时,我们应该学会用正确的方法说“不”,这既是保护自己的权益,也是尊重自己和他人的时间。拒绝不一定是不合群,说不也可以很给力哦!    Do you have dif
八句英语发泄不满  在日常生活中,人与人之间难免会产生摩擦。有时会因为事情不公或者意见不合而产生不满情绪。憋着一肚子火怎么办?下面我们就来看看如何用英语发泄你的不满吧。    1. Sooner or later, you’llget your conscience smitten.  总有一天,你会受到良心谴责的。  get one’s conscience smitten 受到良心的谴责   
今年的4月24日是复活节哦(基督徒认为,复活节象征着重生与希望,是纪念耶稣基督被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子)。也许我们对复活节不太了解,但可爱的复活节兔子绝对是人见人爱。今年又是兔年,兔子成了银幕上当仁不让的主角!快来看看这只蹦蹦跳跳的摇滚兔!    If you want to see an animal with   musical talent beside Alvin and the
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有时你会发现身边出现了某个人,你说不出他的样子、着装和举动与其他人有什么区别,但就是觉得这个人特别与众不同,似乎散发着某种隐形的光彩和吸引力。也许这就是所谓的气质,所谓的自信,那是一种拥有梦想并为之奋斗的激情和魄力——请记住,不被别人限定,勇于追逐梦想的人才能活出属于自己的彩色人生。    He walked into the city engrossed[全神贯注的] in his own th
听力小提示:本文发音清晰,语速适中,但由于文中涉及的词语对中学生而言比较生疏,而且复合句型较多,因此对同学们的听力可是一大挑战哦。建议先通读全文,对文章内容先作大致了解,再听声音,以便加深记忆。  还记得周杰伦的《爱在西元前》吗?每次听到这首歌,感觉时间好像一下子跨越了几千年,把人带到一片遥远而神秘的地方——美索不达米亚。这片深埋在时间流沙的地方曾经孕育出人类最早的文明之一。那么美索不达米亚在哪里
To really understand Shakespeare, you need to see his plays live on stage and explore the theater experience   during Shakespeare’s lifetime. It’s a sad fact that today we normally study Shakespeare’s