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  ◆ 苏珊·格林菲尔德(Susan Greenfield):1950年出生在英国伦敦,曾就读于牛津大学学习哲学和实验心理学,至法国巴黎深造后返回牛津大学格林学院任研究员,现为牛津大学药理学教授,英国皇家研究所首位女理事,并获前任英国首相布莱尔所封终身贵族,在英国时尚杂志评选的“全球最具影响力50名女性”排行榜上,她位列第14位,是英国科学界最富个性和争议的人物之一。她的研究着重了解意识的物理基础和大脑功能及紊乱,例如帕金森症和阿茨海默病,并成为该领域的科研翘楚。除了在神经学研究领域声名显赫外,还是“科普大使”、电视节目主持人、时尚和娱乐杂志的常客。
  ◇ 所持观点:认为数码科技会损伤大脑并使大脑结构异于常人
  ◆ 汤姆·奇弗斯(Tom Chivers):《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph)记者。◇ 所持观点:认为人们用网络与人沟通是一种良好的方式
  Host: What impact are videos 1)like that, or games like that, having on our children’s brains?
  Susan Greenfield: Well, that’s a very big question, and there’s lots of work going on about it. But rather than give an exhaustive review of the literature here, let’s just look at a so-called 2)meta-analysis. And this was of about 130 papers, w h i c h t h e r e f o r e
  3)encompassed about
  130,000 subjects using
  a hundred or so tests,
  and there the broad
  conclusion was that
  there’s an increase in
  4)aggression, increase
  in 5)recklessness, high
  levels of 6)arousal,
  decrease in 7)pro-social
  behaviour. But, of
  course this paper has,
  itself, been 8)critiqued
  as 9)biased, but that is
  the nature of scientific evidence. There’s very rarely the killer paper, the 10)conclusive paper that everyone buys.
  Host: Do you think it might be right? Your concerns.
  Susan: I think…as a 11)neuroscientist…let’s start from the beginning. As a neuroscientist: it is a 12)given the brain adapts to the environment, the human brain is 13)exquisitely 14)evolved, more than any other species, to adapt to wherever it is placed. It follows that if the environment is[sic] therefore shifts to a 15)two-dimensional world with only hearing and vision being accessed, it is a given the brain will
  change. Most people accept this. The big question: is it good or bad? What do we want to do about it? Let’s try and unpack all the different issues that come from that, but no one would dispute the 16)plasticity of the brain.
  Host: What would you say to that?
  Tom Chivers: Well, I think you’re absolutely right, no one would dispute the brain changes to its environment. This is the case, but, I mean, that’s always been the case, just because…our environment’s now involved lots of screens and lots of computer games and all that sort of stuff. That’s we…it’s accepted that will change our brains. But there’s no evidence (Audio skipped) world. There’s been a lot of evidence, a lot of studies into these things, and as far as I’m aware, there is no solid evidence either way.
  Host: I mean, most people are obviously not scientists. I…I would suspect most parents…they would just think instinctively, “If my child has got a constant diet of this sort of thing, it must affect them in some way”.
  Susan: Okay, so let…let’s just think of two separate things. One is the 17)anecdotal evidence, and frankly, I’ve yet to meet a parent who says, “Do you know it’s just
  great my kid spends so much time on the computer”. That’s the first thing. Second are the statistics that are coming out. For example, a recent study in the States showed that between a child’s 13th and 17th birthdays, over half of them—over half—were spending 30 plus hours in front of a screen outside of school, not walking along a beach, not feeling the sun on their face. Now that’s the first thing. So, no, that’s…it is then in the nature …
  Host: Just briefly, ’cause I need to break.
  Susan: … Yeah, very…yeah.
  Host: Yeah, come in to that point.
  Susan: Yeah.
  Tom: That’s…that’s not true for a start, “30 hours in front of a screen”…
  Susan: What’s not true?
  Tom: “30 hours in front of a screen” is not time not spent sort of talking to a friend. I spend a lot of time on the computer and people do sort of speak to friends all the time. It’s what a lot of…
  Susan: But you’re not… you’re talking to a screen, you’re not talking to a person.
  Tom: Well…
  Susan: You don’t give them a hug, you don’t look them in the eye.
  汤姆:一开始的说法就不对,“在屏幕前30个小时” ……
  Tom: Do you… wouldn’t you agree talking on the mobile…on a phone you’re not talking to a …
  Susan: Well I’m not saying that’s the ideal medium...
  Tom: … you’re not talking to a phone, you’re talking to a person, you know what I mean…
  Susan: I’m not saying that’s ideal, either! (laugh)
  Tom: …I’m just, you know, well, I’m saying, but I mean, they… that’s another
  one, another of the
  interesting things is
  that there is some
  e v i d e n c e , a s I
  understand it, that
  they’re... the people
  who have… have
  active lives on social
  media actually slightly
  tend to have more
  active real social lives
  as well. It’s not this
  18)closeted geek sitting
  in a darkened room.
  Host: Is that right?
  Tom: 19)Apparently. I’ve…I’ve ...
  Susan: Well, …
  Tom: I quote by one, there’s another, if you have time…
  Susan: Okay, so, as a…as a …
  Host: That would surprise me.
  Susan: It would surprise …
  Host: It may be true, but it would surprise me.
  Susan: Well, then also you look at other papers such as reported from the University of Michigan, a decline in empathy in 1,400 college students over the last 10 years. We can look at different papers, my whole point being, it is never the case in science that you have the conclusive paper that everyone says, “Great! We will believe this.”What you need to do is 20)iterate and 21)evaluate and think about and discuss and …
  Host: …and check it out.
  Susan: …be very specific in what you’re asking, so what I want to do this evening is to ask the government: please let’s have a 22)coordinated 23)initiative so for ordinary human beings…I…the majority of people are not scientists,
  who are parents, who are concerned, who are teachers, who are employers; there’s a means for them to understand what is happening so they can then, in turn, question and challenge what is happening, and we can actually go
  forward in some way.
  Host: Brief word from
  Dale: I …
  Host: We’ve got 20
  Dale: … I work with
  24)ex-offenders and youth
  at risk …
  Host: Yes.
  Dale:…and they spend
  a lot of time playing
  Call of Duty and they all
  understand and accept
  that it’s not good for
  their brains, just as they
  understand smoking all the
  25)cannabis they do is not
  good for them either…
  Host: Really.
  Dale: …The fact that they
  do it doesn’t mean that it’s okay.

说起“It Guy”,不得不先说说“It Girl”。这个最初只在时尚杂志上出现的名词,如今已经渐渐攻占了主流媒体领域,成为人们茶余饭后颇感兴趣的话题。“It Girl”最早出现在1927年,英国小说家Elinor Glyn形容电影《IT》中的影星Clara Bow时所用,后来“It Girl”逐渐被人们用来形容极富性感、品味及性格的名人明星。  “It Girl”、“It Guy”屡见报端,我们
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2011年8月17至22日,美国副总统约瑟夫拜登(Joseph Biden)应邀对中国进行正式访问。在即将结束访问之际,拜登于21日来到四川大学就中美关系进行演讲,并与数百名学子展开互动。本期《滋味人生》选取了拜登在互动环节对川大学生提出的有关演讲与双边关系问题的回答。让我们一起来感受这位能言善辩的副总统的妙语连珠吧!    人物背景  约瑟夫拜登(Joseph Biden),现任美国奥巴马政府副
美国作家吉尔彭德(Gil Pender)随未婚妻一家到法国巴黎采购婚礼用品,却意外地在午夜登上一辆神秘的汽车。吉尔意外地见识了“黄金时代(The Golden Age)”巴黎的纸醉金迷,邂逅了当时生活在巴黎的各界名人,包括海明威、毕加索……在梦幻与现实的迷失与穿越中,吉尔最终在自己的写作生涯上找到了突破口,也在浪漫之都结识了心灵伴侣。  由美国影坛传奇人物伍迪艾伦(Woody Allen)执导的影
对于像小编这样“以食为天”的人来说,一口健康的牙齿简直太重要了。可是最近,本来勤勤恳恳的牙齿一直状况不断,先是一颗结实的板牙被虫蛀了一小块,接着就是智齿又冒了出来,害得小编只有望着美食流口水的份了。看来,是时候去看看牙医了。    该去检查一下了。  Time for a check-up.    我觉得我的牙齿上有个洞。  I think I have a 1)cavity.    你需要补牙。
如果票选全世界最无语言隔障最通用的单词,我想“mama”和“OK”一定高居榜首。但是“OK”一词究竟有何来历?在它已然融入全球各地每个人的生活中,成为使用频率最高的单词之时,我们寻访它的来历。    Millions of people all over the world use the word OK. In fact, some people say the word is used mor
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在美国,如果你问最受儿童欢迎的作者是谁?不论是孩子、家长还是书店或图书馆人员都会告诉你是苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)。苏斯博士创作的48本图画书共有20多种语言,包括盲文的译本,销量达两亿册。在英语世界里,他是家喻户晓的人物,美国教育部指定他的书为重要阅读辅导读物。他的作品人物形象鲜明,个性突出,情节夸张荒诞,语言妙趣横生,是半个多世纪以来孩子们的阅读至爱,陪伴了几代美国人的成长。  苏斯博士只
《跟奥巴马学英语》、《疯狂英语教师版》、《疯狂英语口语版》、珍藏海报和明信片等你拿!    第一波 送给老师的礼物——《跟奥巴马学英语》、《疯狂英语教师版》  各位亲爱的“蜂蜜”注意啦!在教师节来临之际,《疯狂英语口语版》温馨推出“教师节的礼物,CS帮你送!”活动!想对你的老师表达感激之情吗?还在为选择送给老师的礼物而苦恼?其实送给老师的礼物,有什么比书更有价值呢?不如就把这件差事交给CS。CS会
世界杯在即,除了期待精彩的比赛之外,也给广大球迷,特别是上班一族带来了烦恼。既想欣赏惊心动魄的球赛,又想要学习、工作看球皆不误,确实是一件为难的事情。当然,为了世界杯,诈病请假不工作,是不倡导也不可取的。    Marcus: What’s with the suitcase? Don’t tell me you are going on holidays again!  Jordon: Yeah