亲爱的同学们:为了更好的与您沟通,本刊特别策划了“《高中数理化》月月通讯赛”单元与您互动哦!快来试试吧!!互动须知: 1.解答请独立完成.2.答案请寄北京师范大学《高中数理化》编辑部(100875),信封注明“月月通讯赛”字样.请写明学校班级姓名等联系方式.我们将从每期的答对者中抽取10名获奖者,在刊物中公布获奖者名单,并有精美礼品赠送哦!!!
Dear classmates: In order to better communicate with you, the magazine has specially planned the “High School Mathematical and Chemical” month-month communication unit to interact with you. Come and try!! Interactive Notes: 1. Answer please complete independently. 2. Please send the answer to the “High School Mathematics and Physics” editorial department (100875) of Beijing Normal University. The envelope indicates the words “Moon and Moon Communications”. Please specify the school class name and other contact details. We will select 10 winners from each respondent, publish the list of winners in the publication, and have a gift!