
来源 :小天使·六年级语数英综合 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:battichen
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  总分:100 时间:60分钟 姓名_____ 班级______ 分数_______
  I. 词汇冲关。(30分)
  1. Listen to the music ______(careful), please.
  2. The windows are open but the door is _____ (close).
  3. There are three nice ______(knife)in my pencil-box.
  4. My kite is ______(break). Can you mend it?
  5. Thank _______(good). I''m not late for the bus.
  6. c______:to make a dish(菜肴)
  7. d______:not the same
  8. d______:to make a picture with a pen or a pencil
  9. e______:one on each side of the head
  10. h______:not easy
  11. This bag is light, but that one is h______.
  12. I''m t______. Please give me some drink.
  13. Han Mei wants to l______ English from Mary.
  14. Sue likes m_______. Look! She''s listening to it now.
  15. They often go to s_______ on the ice.
  II. 单项选择。(从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选出最佳的一项填空)(20分)
  ( ) 16. His father any washing in the morning.
  A. doesn''t do B. doesn''t have C. doesn''t does D. doesn''t
  ( ) 17. I 1000 English words by the end of last term.
  A. have learned B. had learned C. would learn D. was learning
  ( ) 18. How long you the bicycle?
  A. have...bought B. have…had C. did...buy D. do…buy
  ( ) 19. My brother knows London very well. He _______ there many times.
  A. has been B. has gone C. was D. went
  ( ) 20. The children want to know if Miss Green free tomorrow.
  A. is B. is going to C. will D. will be
  ( )21. -Would you like _______? -No, thanks.
  A. drink something B. to drink anything
  C. something drink D. something to drink
  ( )22. Lin Tao isn''t here. Let''s go _______ find him.
  A. and B. but C. so D. or
  ( )23. Mary, run _______ the kite _______ this. It''s easy.
  A. like, with B. with, like C. like, like D. with, with
  ( )24. -_________? -I can''t mend my bike.
  A. What can you do B. What are you doing
  C. What''s wrong with you D. Where are you
  ( )25. - ________? -Yes. Some apples, please.
  A. Can I help you B. What do you want
  C. Do you like bananas D. What''s your favourite fruit
  ( )26. A. No smoking B. No spitting
  C. No parking   ( )27. A. She is swimming B. She is dancing
  C. She is riding a horse.
  ( )28. A. She is drawing B. She is reading
  C. She is singing.
  ( )29. A. I''m closing the window. B. I''m cleaning the door.
  C. I''m opening the door.
  ( )30. A. I''m from Africa. B. I''m from England.
  C. I''m from China.
  Ⅳ. 句型转换。(按要求改写下列各句,每空一词)(10分)
  31. The boys are cleaning the classroom.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
  -_______ the boys ______ the classroom?
  -_____, ______ ______.
  32. He has lunch at home. (改为现在进行时态)
  He ______ ______ lunch at home.
  33. There''s some water in the glass. (改为否定句)
  There _______ ______ _______ water in the glass.
  34. The students are reading the new books. (对划线部分提问)
  ______ ______ the students _______?
  35. It''s Thursday today. (同上)
  _______ ______ is it today?
  Ⅴ. 阅读理解。(根据短文内容,选择最佳答案)(15分)
  It is Sunday today. There are a lot of people in the park. Some Young Pioneers are in the park, too. And they are having a good time there.
  Some are playing cards under a big tree. Some are singing and dancing near the lake. Some are climbing(爬) the hill. Others are boating on the lake.
  Where is Li Lei? He is sitting near the lake. What''s he doing? He is reading a book.
  Where is Meimei? Look! She is running after(追赶) a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). She wants to catch it.
  ( )36. Who is the story mainly about?
  A. Some students and teachers. B. Many old men.
  C. Many different people. D. Some Young Pioneers.
  ( )37. How many activities(活动) do the Young Pioneers have in the park?
  A. 4. B. 3. C. 8. D. 6.
  ( )38. Where is Li Lei?
  A. He''s sitting on the lake. B. He''s near the lake.
  C. He''s reading a book. D. He''s under a tree.
  ( )39. What does Meimei want to do?
  A. She wants to catch a nice butterfly. B. She is running.
  C. She is running after a nice butterfly. D. She wants to run.
  ( )40. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
  A. The Young Pioneers don''t have classes today.
  B. Some of them are playing chess under a tree.
  C. There are some Young Pioneers climbing the hill.
  D. Li Lei is reading a book by the lake.
  VI. 书面表达。(15分)
Football goal posts Bus Stop in Sao Paulo, Brazil to promote the World Cup.   巴西圣保罗为庆祝世界杯而设立的球门柱巴士站。     Bus Stop Shelter made from 3 old school buses.   由3辆旧校车做成的巴士站。   Rabbit Bus Stop in Ru
今天人们都能用正负数来表示两种相反意义的数量。例如,以冰点的温度表示0℃,则开水的温度为+100℃,而零下10℃则记为-10℃。若以海平面为零点,则珠穆朗玛峰的高度约为+8848米,最深的马里亚纳海沟深约-11034米。在日常生活中,人们常用“+”表示收入,用“-”表示支出。可是在历史上,负数的引入却经历了漫长而曲折的道路。   古人在用数字表示事物的实践活动中遇到了一些问题:如两人相互借用东西
The summer vacation is coming, and what do you plan to do?  During summer vacation, most children stay home, watch Tv and play with their friends. Some take part in a neighborhood sports program and s
课文《学弈》学得差不多了,课下,几个同学还在讨论这篇课文的词语解释。   因为是第一次接触文言文,同学们既觉得好奇,又感到吃力,对课文中好几处“之”字的意思,争论不休。棒棒老师非常赞赏同学们的这种自主探究学习的积极性,于是,就饶有兴致地与同学们聊了起来。   为了帮助同学们较准确地理解“之”字的意思,棒棒老师把这篇课文中有关“之”字的语句,端正地抄录在黑板上:   1.弈秋,通国之善弈者也。
满分:100分 时间:90分钟 班 级 :_______姓 名 :______得 分 :______  一、填空题。(2×20=40分)   1. 1.2升=( )立方厘米; 6.25平方米=( )平方米( )平方分米。   2.一个圆柱的底面半径是5cm,高是10cm,它的底面积是( )cm2,侧面积是( )cm2
一、口算。  36+48= 920-460= 570÷10= 12.5÷0.5=
圆柱和圆锥是两种简单的特殊几何形体。小学数学只学习圆柱的表面积、体积和圆锥的体积的计算,我们知道圆锥体积是同底等高圆柱体积的■,由于不少学生对这点缺乏充分认识,计算圆锥体积时经常忘记乘以■,有的学生分不清表面积、体积各指的是什么;有的学生对一些计算公式缺乏变换的能力。针对以上情况,现在举例分析。   例1:(1)一根圆柱形钢材,它的底面直径是1分米,体积是15.7立方分米,它的高是多少米? 
“孔子是我国古代伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派创始人。孟子继承并发扬了孔子的思想,成为仅次于孔子的一代儒家宗师,有‘亚圣’之称,与孔子合称为‘孔孟’。”这是百度关于“孔子和孟子”给小红帽的答案,孔孟影响力之大可见一斑。下面,我们就来说说孔孟的“粉丝团”吧!  经过严密的统计和筛选,小红帽发现,韩国的孔孟粉丝们是除了中国之外比较强大的呢。在韩国,孔子、孟子的名字家喻户晓,全国有将近80%的人信奉儒教
(一)无价之宝   一位在南美洲淘金的老财主不仅淘到了大量的金子,而且淘到了许多钻石。为了向别人炫耀自己的富有,他决定用自己淘到的钻石镶成一个世界上绝无仅有的无价之宝。第一天,他从保险柜里取出一颗钻石;第二天,他取出了6颗钻石一起镶在了第一天钻石的周围;第三天,又多了一圈,变成了两圈;又过了一天,又多了一圈,就成了三圈。六天过后,一颗钻石变成了一个巨大的钻石群,真的成了一块闪闪发光的无价
满分:100分 时间:90分钟 班 级 : 姓 名 : 得 分 :  一、填空题。(每空1分,共20分)