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  Innovative[创新的] design makes us look again at everyday objects, so when an everyday
  object thinks for itself, we really notice. London-based designer, Assa Ashuach, has designed a lamp with artificial intelligence[人工智能] – the AI Light. It can vary the shape of the lampshade[灯罩]
  automatically[自动地], producing different intensities[亮度] of light at different times of the day.
  The creator of the moving parts, Dr. Sia Mahdavi, explains, “The aim was to create a light capable of
  controlling its body-shape according to the environment.
  If the light is placed in a noisy room with lots of people moving around, it would behave differently than if it were placed in a library. If people are constantly moving past, it can relax and shut down and only react when something new happens.”
  The sensors[传感器] record changes in the lighting
  conditions, noise levels, and movement in the
  environment. Then the light can move under the control of two rotation[旋转] motors that twist the light and two linear actuators[线性致动器] for the push and pull actions.
  The complexity of designing new internal[内部的] structures has led to the creation of unique software to determine the exact[准确的] modifications[更改] needed. Mahdavi says, “We change the internal structure so it is exact to what is needed. Also, we can vary the properties[性质] throughout the structure of the part. So it is possible to have one area that is very flexible while the material can be much stiffer in another area. With the AI Light we used high-tech artificial
  intelligence that is normally used in things like aerospace[航天航空] or advanced robotics.”
为了纪念母亲戴安娜王妃逝世十周年,今年7月1日,英国王子威廉和亨利筹办了一场纪念戴安娜的音乐会,音乐会上群星云集。在8月31日纪念日当天,英国民众也将一如既往地自发举行各种形式的纪念活动。然而十年来,有关戴安娜王妃的死因猜测从未间断过,各种说法疑幻疑真。本期“新闻广角镜”找来了最新鲜的现场声音,让同学们重温一下两位王子对母亲的思念之情。    Anchorman: Princess Diana,
I tasted, tasted love so sweet  And all of it was lost on me  Bought and sold like property  Sugar on my tongue    I kept falling over   I kept looking backward   I went broke believing   That the sim
这边Wendy还抱着最新那本《夏目友人帐》唏嘘啊感叹啊,那边一大堆十月新番已经在摩拳擦掌拼萌点拼收视拼人气。虽然夏娜第三季证实只是个谣言,但《绝望先生》推出了2.5季OVA来抢钱,新一季的《高达OO》、《吸血鬼骑士》、《地狱少女》、《交响情人梦》、《CLANNAD》、《ef》也纷纷回归—在这么多有名续作的包围之下,哪部新动画能够杀出生路,成就年底大热?    Someone told me thi
是否有人曾抱怨听不懂你的话?在和英语母语人士交谈时,别人会否对你的提问摸不着头脑?当终于搞懂了要表达的意思,他们重复了那个词,你也许会纳闷:“那不就是我刚才所说的吗?”  其实我们常常忽略了自己发音的小毛病,比如吞音、清浊混淆、发音不到位等等,而在英语中,微弱的发音差别会完全改变单词的意思。以下是列出了一批极容易发错音的单词—同学们有则改过,无则嘉勉哦!    Limb PK Limp: 注意这些
常常有同学抱怨词汇量不足,单词总是今天记住明天又忘了,很多人对如何增加词汇量的问题束手无策—怎么办?其实记单词并不是Mission Impossible,只要经过一个积累的过程,它也并不是一件让人畏惧的差事—以下这些点子,也许能让你累积起单词能量哦!    Connect: 在一个常用主题的基础上建立单词记忆,这样会更容易记住单词哦。建立属于你自己的单词间的联系,还可以用蜘蛛网的方式组织单词。  
Seven apples on a witch’s tree  With seven seeds to plant inside of me  In springtime I grew a magic song  Then skipping[蹦跳着走] along, I sang the song to everyone    I looked at the world through apple
If I was a flower growing wild and free  All I’d want is you to be my sweet honey bee  And if I was a tree growing tall and green  All I’d want is you to shade me and be my leaves    If I was a flower
Audition[试镜]. Finally get role. Get more roles.   Become internationally famous. Have baby?   That seems to be the path of Jessica Alba, the 20-something actress often regarded as one of the most beau