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  Anchorman: Princess Diana, she was in the news this morning because of those allegations[指控] about the U.S. spying on her or not. Or even on the night she died those questions were going on, and that’s still heating up. But now her sons Princes William and Harry are speaking out. Nick Watt is in London with the latest, Nick!
  Nick Watt: Good morning, Chris. Well, the National Security Agency (NSA) has now released a statement[声明] about those bugging allegations. They say that their files did “contained references to Princess Diana”but they state categorically[明确地], the NSA “did not target Princess Diana’s communications.”
  The U.S. spy agency stressed it has “cooperated[合作] fully”with the three-year investigation into Diana’s death. Results in that investigation will be released Thursday. But this morning Diana’s sons announced how they would remember their mother ?a concert next July 1st, her birthday.
  Prince William: We wanted to have this big concert with, you know, full of energy, full of the sort of fun and happiness which I know she would have wanted. And on her birthday as well, it’s got to be the best birthday present she ever had. The evening is all about our mother. The main purpose is to celebrate and to have fun and to remember her in a fun way.
  NW: Headlining the show, Sir Elton John, of course, Andrew Lloyd Webber. And for the younger crowd, William’s buddy, Pharrell Williams.
  PW: Yep, we’ve decided that it’s going to be called “Concert for Diana,”and because obviously the evening is going to be purely about her.
  Prince Harry: There’s plenty, plenty more. Don’t worry!
  PW: That’s a little flavor.
  PH: A little flavor.
  PW: But it’s uh……it’s a……the idea is we wanted to get artists that our mother really loved, and then artists that both Harry and I enjoy.
  NW: And will we see you dancing?
  PW: I really hope not!
  PH: I hope so! Him! Not me. I hope that we can get the chance to see him dance.
  PW: It’ll be a terrifying[可怕的] sight if we do.
  NW: And on the anniversary of Diana’s death, there will also be a more somber[庄严的] memorial service.
  PH: The service is going to include both sides of the family, our mother’s side and our father’s side-everyone getting together. It should be a very sort of simple and nice service.
  NW: A true show of family unity[团结] because remember one of the wilder conspiracy[阴谋] theories surrounding Diana’s death suggested she and her boyfriend were in fact murdered[谋杀] on the order of a senior royal. Chris, this report due on Thursday is expected to state that there’s absolutely no truth whatsoever[无论什么] behind those claims.
  Diana’s Death Speculation Continues?戴安娜之死为何扑朔迷离?
  Reporter: ……and after a three-year inquiry[调查] the British police said today that the death of Princess Diana was, indeed, an accident. Diana died in a Paris car crash in 1997. Ten years later, there are still many conspiracy theories, but today’s report called it “a tragic accident”and said allegations of murder are unfounded[没有理由]. The report does not seem to be silencing[抑制] all the conspiracy theories that have lingered[徘徊] all these years, nor the interest in her legacy[遗产]. We asked Robert Lacey, a royal biographer[传记记者], about why Diana’s death still captivates[迷住] that nation.
  Lacey: I think it’s very difficult for anybody to believe that princesses can die like anybody else. Princesses are fantasy figures, so the idea that Diana just died in a car crash, the sort of fate that could unhappily befall[遭遇] anybody, isn’t what people want to know. And, in a way, these conspiracy theories are a way of holding on to her, just as America has held on to the memory of JFK注, through wondering how and why he was killed in Dallas. So people here and all around the world don’t want to let go of Diana.
  Reporter: Several members of Princess Diana’s family have accepted today’s report, but the father of her boyfriend, Dodi Al Fayed, who was also killed in the crash, called the report, “Garbage.”
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