Lack of women in scientific and technological fields must be addressed必须解决在科学和技术领域中缺乏妇女参与的问题

来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jialin131466
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  Women and girls are at the risk of being left behind in scientific and technological fields unless countries put measures in place to address discrimination and change traditional attitudes, the United Nations said.
  “Women tend to be overrepresented in the humanities and social sciences, and underrepresented in science and technology,” said an official from International Labour Organization, Claude Akpokavie. “Measures need to be put in place to redress this imbalance.”
  “Girls are far less likely than boys to study engineering or computer or physical sciences, as stereotypes of girls represent them as less interested or capable in certain subjects – such as mathematics and science. This inevitably reduces their access to jobs with better pay or labour markets that may offer better opportunities.” said the Director of ILO’s Bureau for Gender Equality, Jane Hodges. “However, when encouraged, girls do excel in scientific subjects”, she added.
  “Education and skills training – and a change in attitudes – are vital to ensure women are not left behind,” she said.
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