Lack of Iron Can Cause Learning Problems in Kids

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今日上网,读此短文,双眼一亮,尤其是文章的开头!男孩和女孩相比,小学或初中时,女孩的学习成绩往往胜出同龄男孩,但是,进入高中阶段,男孩即可能后来居上,甚至超出女孩,数学成绩尤其如此。想不到美国也演绎着这种现象!不过美国人并没有让这种现象从眼皮底下悄然溜走,而是做了认真的研究,研究发现:iron deficiency(缺乏)may affect children’s ability to understandmath problems!缺铁现象的原因有二: …loss of blood due to menstrual(月经的)periods and poor diets makeadolescent girks susceptible(易受影响的)to iron deficiency。 为何缺铁单单影响数学成绩呢?研究人员很老实地承认:it is not clear whyiron deficiency affected only math test scores,adding that the effects of iron on thebrain are not well understood。 文章末尾提出了一些有助于补铁的食品。有心读者勿忘一读。】 Go online today and read this essay with your eyes shining, especially at the beginning of the article! When compared to boys and girls, girls’ academic performance tends to outperform boys of the same age in elementary or junior high school. However, when they enter high school, boys may be behind and even beyond the girls, especially in mathematics. Unexpectedly, the United States also interprets this phenomenon! However, the Americans did not allow this phenomenon to slip away from the eyelids, but did a serious study and found that: iron deficiency (may lack) may affect children’s ability to understandmath problems! There are two reasons for the iron deficiency phenomenon: ...loss of blood due to menstrual (periodic) and poor diets makeadolescent girks susceptible (to be affected) to iron deficiency. Why does iron deficiency affect mathematics performance? Researchers honestly admit: it is not clear whyiron deficiency affected only math test scores, adding that the effects of iron on the brain are not well understood. At the end of the article, some foods that help iron supplements were proposed. Deliberate readers should not forget to read it. 】
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