中国人像摄影行业的同仁们、朋友们:大家新年好!一元复始,万象更新。新年钟声已敲响,我们迎来了充满希望的201 5年。值此辞旧迎新之际,我非常高兴地代表中国人像摄影学会、各专业委员会、各地方行业协会向560万人像摄影人,向长期以来帮助支持中国人像摄影事业发展的各级领导、社会各界朋友致以最诚挚的新年祝福,祝大家新年快乐!事业兴旺!身体安康!阖家幸福!2014年对人像摄影人来说,是辛勤付出的一年,也是充满挑战的一年,更是硕果累累的一年。伴随着我国经济发展进入新常态,行业经营也面临着成本持续上升、竞争不断加剧等多方面的压力和挑战。但是,在市场经
China portrait photography colleagues, friends: everyone happy new year, a dollar, Vientiane update. The bell of the new year has been ringing, and we have full of hope 201 5 years. On the occasion of this welcome, I am very happy to represent 5.6 million portrait photographers on behalf of the China Institute of Portrait Photography, various professional committees and local trade associations, and to all levels of leaders and people from all walks of life who have long helped to support the development of China’s portrait photography industry I wish you all a very happy New Year greetings, I wish you a Happy New Year! The cause of prosperity! Physical well-being! Happy family! 2014 portraits for photographers, is hard to pay for the year, but also challenging year, but also fruitful Tired year. With the economic development in our country entering a new normal, the industry is also faced with the pressures and challenges in many aspects such as rising costs, increasing competition and so on. However, in the market