
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ysq2009123
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从研究课题的角度看,军人待遇学基础理论的研究应探讨马克思主义经典作家关于军人待遇的思想;军人劳动的性质、特点与军人待遇的依据和关系;各国不同历史时期军人待遇演变的形势背景、理论根据和相互比较;国民经济发展状况和人民生活水平高低以及军队的任务对军人待遇的制约和影响;军人待遇制度体系。军人待遇学应用理论的研究亟须解决军人待遇的立法问题,指导思想问题,与其他人员待遇的比例关系问题,军人薪金的结构和模式问题,管理体制问题,激励和奖惩机制问题,军人物质生活待遇与物价的关系问题及军人薪金、工资的正常增长问题。研究军人待遇学,除了应用社会科学研究的方法以外,还必须依靠各类单位、人员的紧密结合进行研究。 From the perspective of research topics, the study of the basic theory of the treatment of military personnel should explore the thoughts of the classical Marxist writers on the treatment of military personnel; the nature and characteristics of military labor and the basis and relationship of the military treatment; the evolution of military treatment in different historical periods in various countries , Theoretical basis and comparison with each other; the development of the national economy and the level of the people’s living standards as well as the restriction and impact of military tasks on military personnel; the system of military personnel treatment system. The research on the application theory of military medical treatment urgently needs to solve the problem of legislation, guiding ideology, the proportional relationship with other personnel treatment, the structure and mode of military salary, the problems of management system, the incentive and rewards and punishment mechanism, the material life of military personnel The relationship between the treatment and the price and the normal growth of the salary of the soldier and the salary. Studying the treatment of military personnel, in addition to applying the methods of social science research, must also rely on the close combination of various units and personnel.
一、导论有关现代性(modernity)、法律与台湾社会的议题,比较难用简单的涂尔干(Emile Durkheim)的机械连带(mechanic solidarity)到有机连带(organic solidarity),突尼斯(Fer