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现在照本宣科的教学生已经不能适应当今社会,如果我们还是习惯于硬将书本上的内容原封不动地灌输给学生,那这些学生的学习可能就会变得死气沉沉,变得没有任何创新意识,让学习面变得很狭窄,学生甚至会对枯燥的数学学习产生反感。 Now that the syllabus students can no longer meet the needs of today's society, if we are accustomed to imposing the contents of the books intact on the students, then the students' learning may become lifeless and without any creative awareness The learning curve becomes so narrow that students can even be averse to boring math learning.
侦察弹借用了普通炮弹的弹体,所以外观上和普通炮弹没什么两样。但由于其“本职工作”是战场侦察,因此内部构成与普通炮弹相比,已面目全非。 Reconnaissance bombs borrow o
AIM: The role of the appendix has been highlighted in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC). The aims of this study were to elucidate the immuno-imbalance
AIM: To determine the complex of AST and immunoglobulin and to investigate its clinical significance in patients with liver disease. METHODS: The complex of AST
数字化学习资源的特点具有全程性、开放性、灵活性、全面性,与学习型社会的终身性、全民性、自主性、广泛性是相符的。开发数字化学习资源是学习型社会建设所必须的。 The c
Aim: To evaluate two enzyme immunoassay-based stool antigen tests, Premier Platinum HpSA and Amplified IDEIA HpStAR, and one rapid test, ImmunoCard STAT! HpSA,
我十分关注抗日战争中的日军骑兵,收集到的侵华日军的骑兵装具有骑兵军刀、骑抢刺刀、马镫、马靴、骑兵弹药盒、军马用水筒等。 I am very concerned about the Japanese ca
Various hepato-biliary complications are an increased incidence in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and portal bacteremia is well documented in patient