The Concept of Chinese Economy:Emphasizing China-EU Cooperation

来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:massmass
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Bilateral economic and trade relations have developed rapidly between China and the European Union(EU). Today, the EU is China’s largest trade partner. During recent years, the “Concept of Chinese Economy” which was firstly proposed by some mainstream European media has been extensively recognized by the European business community. It has been mentioned many times in numerous separate interviews by Wang Yi, Head of the European Affairs Group of the Executive Commission, Partenariat 2006.. What is this concept? Does it has any special significance for Partenariat 2006 in Chengdu? With these questions in mind, China’s Foreign Trade interviewed Wang Yi. The following are her answers. Bilateral economic and trade relations have developed rapidly between China and the European Union (EU). Today, the EU is China’s largest trade partner. During the recent years, the “Concept of Chinese Economy” "which was previously proposed by some Major European media has been extensively recognized by the European business community. It has been mentioned many times in numerous separate interviews by Wang Yi, Head of the European Affairs Group of the Executive Commission, Partenariat 2006 .. What is this concept? for Partenariat 2006 in Chengdu? With these questions in mind, China’s Foreign Trade interviewed Wang Yi. The following are her answers.
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