惜此落日暮,爱此寒潭清。 西晖逐水流,岩漾游子情。 空歌望明月,曲尽长松鸣。 这是唐代诗人李白留下的诗句。句中的“此”字到底指的哪里呢?从天府之国沿成南高速东行,不过三个小时,但见巍巍华蓥,松涛迭宕,幽幽渠江,逶迤蜿蜒。这里,就是中国改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师、一代伟人邓小平的故乡广安。 广安位于四川东北部丘陵地带,华蓥山以伟岸的身躯护卫着广安;嘉陵江、渠江犹如母亲的双臂怀抱广安。这里物华天宝,人杰地灵,悠久厚重的历史孕育了一
But this sunset, love this cold tan clear. Xihui by water, Yan Yang child love. Empty song Mingyue, Song song long song. This is the poem left by Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. Where is the word “this” in the sentence? From the land of abundance to the south along the east, but three hours, but see the towering Hua Tuo, Songtao dango, secluded river, winding meandering. Here is the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up and modernization and the hometown of Deng Xiaoping, a generation of great people. Guang’an is located in the hilly area of northeastern Sichuan. Huaying Mountain guards Guang’an with its stalwart body. The Jialing River and Drainage River are like mother’s arms embracing Guang’an. Here Tianhua treasure, outstanding people, a long history of heavy birth