来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fan20090603
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The 2002 Acta Materialia, Inc. Gold Medal has been awarded to Emeritus Pro-fessor Robert W. Calm, currently a Distin-guished Research Fellow in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge. The medal (orig-inally named the Acta Metallurgies Gold Medal) is an international award, established in 1974 to recognize outstanding contribu-tions and leadership in materials research. It is awarded annually by Acta Materialia, Inc. with financial support from Elsevier Science Ltd. It was awarded to Professor Calm on the independent recommendation of both ASM International and the Institute of Materials, London. Professor Calm is well known for a range of research contributions in physical metallurgy, for editing a variety of professional books, encyclopedias, book se- The 2002 Acta Materialia, Inc. Gold Medal has been awarded to Emeritus Pro-fessor Robert W. Calm, currently a Distin-guished Research Fellow in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge. The medal (orig-inally named the Acta Metallurgies Gold Medal) is an international award, established in 1974 to recognize outstanding contribu-tions and leadership in materials research. It is awarded annually by Acta Materialia, Inc. with financial support from Elsevier Science Ltd. It was awarded to Professor Calm on the independent recommendation of both ASM International and the Institute of Materials, London. Professor Calm is well known for a range of research contributions in physical metallurgy, for editing a variety of professional books, encyclopedias, book se-
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The 2002 J. Herbert Hollomon Award of Acta Materialia, Inc. has been awarded to Dr. Craig R. Barrett, president and chief executive officer of Intel Corporation
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