
来源 :疾病监测 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jerklie198091
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目的了解天津市慢性乙型肝炎跨年度重复报告数量及对报告发病率的影响,以规范慢性肝炎报告标准。方法应用Microsoft Excel程序对国家疾病监测信息报告管理系统的天津市乙型肝炎疫情数据库作前期处理,根据患者的姓名、性别和年龄3个主要字段进行查重,其要求是姓名、性别完全相同,年龄±3岁,姓名同音不同字。运用函数提取姓名的1、2、3字分别放在3个单元格内,同时把每个汉字转成拼音附后单元格内,年龄转成数值型,运用Access查询功能汇总分析。用卡方统计分析组间差异。结果2007年1-4月份慢性乙型肝炎病例与2004、2005、2006年比较累计重卡率为28.76%(700/2434),分年度重卡率分别为6.57%、11.79%和17.09%;其中姓名、性别相同,年龄基本一致的累计重卡率为24.24%;姓名同音不同字累计重卡率为4.52%,二字姓名重卡率(10.65%)高于三字姓名(3.37%),差异有统计学意义(!2=39.827,P<0.01)。由于重卡(跨年度重复报告)致2007年报告发病率上升幅度较2006年同期增加32个百分点。结论制订慢性肝炎报告标准是当务之急。 Objective To understand the number of repeat reports of chronic hepatitis B in Tianjin and the impact on the reported incidence in order to standardize the reporting criteria of chronic hepatitis. Methods Using Microsoft Excel program, the database of Tianjin Hepatitis B outbreak in the national disease surveillance information report management system was pretreated. The investigation was based on the three main fields of the patient’s name, sex and age. The requirements were the same name and gender, Age ± 3 years old, the same name different words. Use the function to extract the name of the 1,2,3 words were placed in the three cells, while each character into Pinyin attached to the cell, the age into numerical, the use of Access query summary function analysis. Chi- square statistics were used to analyze the differences between groups. Results The cumulative rate of heavy-duty trucks from January to April 2007 was 28.76% (700/2434) compared with that of 2004, 2005 and 2006. The annual heavy-duty trucks were 6.57%, 11.79% and 17.09% respectively. Among them, The average rate of heavy truck with the same gender and the same age was 24.24%. The total heavy truck rate with the same name of homonyms was 4.52%. The rate of heavy truck with the first name was 10.65% higher than that of the third name with 3.37%. The difference was statistically significant ! 2 = 39.827, P <0.01). As a result of the heavy truck (cross-annual repeat report), the incidence of the 2007 report was up 32 percentage points from the same period of 2006. Conclusion The development of chronic hepatitis reporting standards is a top priority.
摘 要: 为解决义务教育阶段学生水平参差不齐,学生需要的差异这一矛盾,作者在化学学科实践分层教学,主要从确定教学目标、完成教学设计和堂教学、生作业、学生管理这四个方面着手,进行分层教学的操作。  关键词: 初中化学 分层教学 走班教学  初中作为九年义务教务的一部分,学生没有经过选拔和筛选,学生之间的能力差异很大,学习态度、学习效果等都参差不齐。前苏联的教育家维果茨基的“最近发展区”理论认为,每个
本文报告 2 5例 ,男性 13例 ,女性 12例 ;发病年龄 10~ 6 6岁。位于上颌骨 4例 ,下颌骨 2 1例。 X线表现 :含纤维组织较多者示颌骨内呈单房或多房膨胀性透亮区 ,其中可见条状