
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cenzijn
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一我有一个女孩,在小学二年級学习。有一次,我从她准备抄书到抄书完毕,作了比較細致的观察。我发现,孩子已具有一定的独立工作能力——在她动手抄书之前,能有次序地做准备工作;拿出語文課本、鉛笔、横线格本、削鉛笔刀等用具,然后开始抄写。抄写完毕,用具一件件收起来。显然,经老师的培养、训练,孩子开始具备这样一种良好的习慣了。但是,在整个抄写过程中,也还存在着不少問题,譬如,抄写时,视线忽而移向課本,忽而转到簿本,写一个字就要看几下,铅笔头塞到嘴唇边,甚至咬在嘴里;每写错一笔,立即习慣地使劲用橡皮把整个字擦掉重写,笔划多的字,有些笔順不合理,并且不按横线格写字,大小不一,行款不整齐,歪歪扭扭的。书写很費劲,用力过猛,在这次抄写过程中,断鉛笔头四次,削铅笔头六次。写字时,头向左歪,背脊随颈項向左弯,前胸紧貼桌边。我細細看了孩子写好的几行字,少一笔,多一笔的有;一笔分两笔写的(如我),两笔合一笔写的(如口)也有。上述书写现象,使我想到一个問題,即是如何加强识字教学,加强写字的基本訓练。我是一个家长,对于这些方面都是外行。但是,看 I have a girl, sophomore in primary school. Once, from the moment she prepared to copy the book to copy the book, I made a more detailed observation. I found that children already have a certain degree of ability to work independently - before she hands-on paperwork, she can do the preparatory work in an orderly manner; take out Chinese textbooks, pencils, horizontal lines, pencil sharpeners and other implements, and then start copy. Transcription is completed, with a piece of equipment up. Obviously, after the teacher's training and training, the children begin to have such a good habit. However, in the whole process of copying, there are still many problems, for example, copying, the sight suddenly move to the textbook, and suddenly go to the book, to write a few words to look at, pencil head plug to the lips, or even Bite in the mouth; every write a mistake, immediately habitually hard with rubber erased the entire word rewritten, strokes and more words, some stroke unreasonable, and not according to the crossbar grid, the size of different lines Irregular, crooked. Writing is very strenuous, too much force, in this copy process, broken pencil head four times, pencil head six times. When writing, the head crooked to the left, the spine leaned to the left with the neck, and the chest clinging to the table. I carefully read the children's written few lines, one less, one more; there are two written in one (such as me), two written together (such as the mouth) there. The above writing phenomenon reminds me of the question of how to strengthen literacy teaching and strengthen the basic training of writing. I am a parent, and I am a layman in these areas. But look
搞要素质教育贯穿于整个教育教学过程之中。尤其是学校体育,在中学体育教学中如何具体实施,需要我们在具体的教学实践中不断探索和积累经验。 To carry out quality educati
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给学生当面批改作文是发挥写作指导作用的有效方法。当面批改的主要作用有以下三点: 第一,可以了解学生的思路,弄清错误的来由,对症下药。我们批改学生的作文,有时会碰到一