
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buerzui
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  Since 2003, cases of sexual assualts of children have kept on a high level. From January 1 to December 31, 2013, the cases exposed by media were as high as 125. There was a case exposed every 2.92 days. In May, 2013, there were 14 cases of sexual assualts of children under the age of 14 in 20 days. Girls need special care and attention from the society. In this background, more than a hundred female journalists all over the country co-launched the public welfare program “Girls Protection” under Children’s Safety Fund of China Social Assistance Foundation on June 1, 2013. A few days ago, the reporter made an exclusive interview with Ms. Sun Xuemei, the founder of the program and a journalist of Beijing Times.
  Social bottom line is violated repeatedly
  The sexual assualts of children in 2013 showed that the age of victims was on the trend of becoming younger and the majority of the victims were primary school students. According to the statistics of “Girls Protection” program, among the 419 victims whose ages have been reported publicly, there were 340 victims who were aged from 8 to 14, accounting for 81.15%. (The victims whose ages have not been reported publicly were not included in the statistics.)
  Most of the criminal groups were teachers, amounting to 33. The number of criminal cases of headmasters was 10, taking the third place. The number of criminal cases of officials was 6. This was a great strike on the psychological and moral bottom line of society and had a negative effect on the sense of safety of minors and their guardians.
  The statistics of the 40 cases of sexual assualts of children in 2013 released by Beijing Youth Legal Aid Center showed that the percentage of sexual assualts of stay-at-home children accounted for 47.5%. Haidian Court issued a survey of sexual assualts of young girls which showed that most of victims were primary school students, mainly the children of migrant workers.
  北京青少年法律援助中心在对2013年发生的40起儿童被性侵案的统计时发现,留守儿童性侵案件占到统计案件总数的47.5%。海淀法院2013年10月公布一项性侵幼女案调研,指出被害人多是小学生,且以外来务工人员的孩子为主。   Sun Xuemei, a journalist of Beijing Times and one of the sponsors of the program of “Girls Protection”, told the journalist that the direct reason of the current situation is “the lack of basic guardianship for children”. In 2013, Girls’ Protection and Research Report jointly issued by China Children and Teenagers Foundation and Beijing Normal University also showed that stay-at-home children and floating children are the main victims. Their parents are migrant workers and therefore the children lack guardianship and are easy to be violated. Another important reason is “the absence of protection awareness and knowledge.”This includes that children do not have self-protection awareness, and the absence of protection awareness of guardians and sex safety education of children. “When children do not have safety protection awareness and parents and schools do not speak of the topic, children do not know what sexual assault is and how to protect themselves. When they are assaulted, they usually do not have the courage to say it and they even do not know how to describe it.”
  Hundreds of journalists started a campaign
  According to Sun Xuemei, after May 8, 2013 when “an elementary school headmaster took girl students to a hotel” in Waning, Hainan Province, several journalists suddenly became agitated on QQ and WeChat. Everyone is furious and thinks that they should act together as soon as possible to make some efforts in protecting girls in their spare time. Sun Xuemei said: “On International Children’s Day, this action was formally launched and the sponsors were over 100 female journalists from all over China.” Besides the 20 journalists from the core teams of Beijing, there are also journalists from Shanghai, Nanjing, Sichuan and Hebei, etc.
  The first thing came to our mind was prevention training for girls in remote areas. Expert guidance is needed for this kind of training. Therefore, the first thing they needed to do was to seek help from experts to compile the teaching plans. Fang Gangyi, the expert of sex education and the chief of Sex and Gender Institute of Beijing Forestry University who is devoted to the study of sex and gender research, has undertaken this work. Tang Yu, one of the sponsors of “Girls Protection” and a female journalist of Beijing Labor Noon News, made the teaching plans. She and several other female journalists searched for sex prevention knowledge on foreign websites and put the cases into the teaching plans. Sun Xuemei said: “We want to tell them what they should do and what they should not do from the perspective of common sense.”   据孙雪梅介绍,自从2013年5月8日海南万宁发生“小学校长带女生开房”事件以后,几个人气较旺的记者QQ群和微信群里就炸开了锅,大家怒不可遏,觉得应该尽快行动起来,用业余时间为女童安全出点力。“六一儿童节那天就正式发起了这个行动,发起人是全国各地100多名女记者。”孙雪梅说,这当中,除了北京核心团队的20多名记者外,上海、南京、四川、河北等地都有记者加入。
  “Actually, we can learn a lot from foreign work in girls’ protection.” Sun Xuemei excitedly told us when talking about the current situation and the contrast of the work of girls’ protection. English People will tell their children about Ten Declarations of Children which mainly talks about that safe growth is more important than success, the parts covered by underwear should not be touched by others, the drinks of strangers should not be drunk and secrets of strangers should not be kept.
  As early as in 1942, Sweden started sex education to children above the age of seven. The content covers pregnancy and birth knowledge at primary school, physical and body function knowledge at middle school and love, birth control and relationship management at college. In many countries, children will have access to education of this kind at schools and families and it is quite easy.
  “Influenced by the traditional concepts, our country is faced with the awkward situation in that teachers do not have text books and parents are ashamed to speak out. As to the aspect of establishment of social mechanism, in the US and Hong Kong, if a teacher has a criminal record of sexual assault to children, the record will be for life and can be searched out by logging on the system. Thus, they will not be employed by education institutions again that is to say they cannot undertake the professions related to children. This is one aspect we should learn from.” Speaking of this, Sun Xuemei frankly said that she thought she and the program of “Girls Protection” have a huge responsibility.
  “由于受到传统观念的影响,我们国家会面临老师没有教材、家长羞于启齿的尴尬处境。这是针对孩子教育方面可以借鉴的地方,还有社会机制的建立上,譬如美国、香港,如果老师曾有过性侵幼童犯罪的记录以后,这个记录就会伴随终身,并且随机登陆系统就可查到,教育机构就不会再录用,也就是说他们将终身不得再从事与儿童直接接触的职业,这也是我们应该建立、健全的地方之一。”谈及此处,孙雪梅坦言觉得自己和“女童保护”项目所担负的责任重大。   What shall we do?
  “Girls Protection” shows that presently in primary schools of China, there is an absence of prevention education on sexual assault. Thus, “prevention education on sexual assault in schools” becomes more and more urgent and important. Girls’ Protection and Research Report says: “In the actions of protecting girls from harm and in the process of treating the harmed girls, the majority of public does not know what to do. They even do not take the simple strategies.” “Girls Protection”, as a professional program to protect girls, prioritizes the publicity work of “preventing sexual assault” to give children a lesson of safety education and raise their prevention awareness.
  Sun Xuemei said: “Right now, the core team members are all female journalists. We know about our bodies so we have resources. We are good at communication. These are our advantages.” Besides their daily journalists’ work of interviewing and writing, they often stay up late to make and revise the teaching cases of “sexual assault prevention”, collect cartoons and explore ways to improve children’s prevention knowledge in short time with vivid methods and popular languages for children.
  The female journalists of “Girls Protection” program also invite experts of gender, physiology, sociology, psychology and law to teach lessons to them. Most experts help to revise teaching plans and questionnaires. After reviewing for thirty times, the teaching plans are finally formalized and the contents of each course and each link have all been set in details.
  Sun Xuemei told the reporter: “Many points in our teaching plans have been discussed and verified by experts for many times. For instance, the parts covered by underwear are private parts which should not be looked at and touched by others. Sexual assault does not only include touching private parts. Children should not be directed to touch the private parts of others and children should not be directed to look at the pictures and books of naked people. Which method is the most effective one to ask for help in specific cases? The ones who could hurt us are not only strangers but also can be our neighbors, teachers, headmasters and even our relatives.   “We always think that this lecture is easy because what we teach is all common sense. However, on the other hand, the lecture is not easy. We should increase children’s protection awareness and should not cause psychological shadow to them. To what degree should we teach them about “sex” is also a matter which needs our consideration. First, we want children to know their bodies and know what private parts should not be touched by others. Second, we want children to identify and prevent sexual assaults. Third, we hope children can know what to do when encountered with sexual assault. Fourth, we hope children will know what to do after being sexually harassed. The prevention education of sexual assault should not make girls have hostile psychology and sex fear towards males. When encountered with sexual assault, children should put life safety first and learn to escape safely.”
  The program of “Girls’ Protection” should not only teach children what they should do to prevent sexual assault but also train teachers to learn the ways to teach children. Teachers should not only take care of the emotions of stay-at-home children who lack care from parents but also teach with the languages children are easiest to accept. “In class, the form of address of “father and mother” should be substituted with “parents”. Prizes should be given in interactional activities in class. Teachers should also know: when tutoring students, they should not be alone with students of opposite sex in classroom, which is a supervision and protection of the reputation of teachers and headmasters. Sun Xuemei said that they were all tired. However, the thought that “One step we take can avoid one girl to be harmed” gives us energy and motivation to keep going.
  Girls’ protection:
  a long way to go   女童保护任重道远
  Up to December, 2013, the program of “Girls Protection” has conducted lesson of “sex prevention” in many places. It has given a lecture of sexual assault to 5,755 children and handed out 16,920 leaflets of “protecting children” and 6,350 handbooks of sexual assault prevention. At the same time, the survey on the status quo of sexual assault prevention is conducted through questionnaires and the results will be included in an investigation report. Sun Xuemei said: “Recently, we systemized the report and, based on it, gave suggestions to members of National People’s Congress deputies and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. We hope that they can speak out for children’s safety and the education and legislation of sexual assualt prevention of children.”
  However, there are also a lot of confusions in the actual process of "Girls Protection" program. "They are mainly derived from the barriers in the concept of parents.”Sun Xuemei said in the interview: "In particular, the effective questionnaires showed that in some areas children's parents do not agree for their children to have “sexual assault prevention education” at such an early age.”
  There are also some parents of child victims who are unwilling to take the formal channels to resolve the matters. Probably for fear of the power of the perpetrators or the humiliation of their own families, they are more willing to take methods to hide the problems by tolerating, private settling or transferring to other schools. The perpetrators eventually do not get punished, which could result in more children getting abused.
  Sun Xuemei said: "These show that we still have a long way to go. In the education of sexual assault prevention for children, we should also make the whole society and particularly parents accept prevention education of sexual assault to children. We will popularize it through reporting of the traditional media and new media like micro blog and WeChat to spread knowledge to the whole society." We have such a vision: Children regardless of gender can have sexual assault prevention classes together to have a shield of self protection in the living environment which we cannot change.”
  不过,在“女童保护”项目开展的实际过程中,也有不少的困惑。“这主要还是家长观念层面的障碍”,孙雪梅在接受记者采访时说,“特别是收集回来的调查问卷结果显示,部分地区的儿童家长不接受自己的孩子这么早进行‘防性侵教育’。 ”   还有一些受害儿童的家长,不愿采取正规渠道解决事情,可能碍于对方的权势,可能碍于自己家庭的颜面,他们更多愿意采取隐忍、私聊、转学等方式回避。这样一来,施暴者最终得不到严惩甚至还逍遥法外,从而可能导致更多儿童受到侵害。
  Postscript :
  In fact, " Girls Protection " does not only include the aspect of sexual abuse prevention and there are a lot of problems to be solved such as domestic violence , abuse, school bus safety , anti- trafficking , hunger and psychological treatment after injury and so on. Currently, the relevant public service organizations are working on these. Civilian forces and government forces should join hands to hold up the "protection umbrella" for girls. Family, society and school work together to promote child protection, purify the social atmosphere and to and create a better growth environment for girls——the future mothers .
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