Research on Junior Middle School Students’ Self-confidence and Training Strategy

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  摘要:In the process of language learning for junior middle students, the self-confidence is a very important factor. Teachers can improve students' language ability and create a good language learning environment by implementing various teaching activities so that students' self-confidence in learning English will also be strengthened. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of cultivating students' self-confidence, and develops a series of measures to cultivate students' self-confidence in learning English according to the actual situation of students. It is hoped that this paper can help to improve the situation of junior middle school students' learning English.
  關键词:junior middle school, self-confidence, training strategy,  current situation
  Students usually start formal English learning in junior high school, so English teaching in junior high school is very important part in the whole students' English learning career.But for junior high school students, there are some difficulties in English learning.Teachers should master the students' basis and interest points, and then make a series of scientific teaching methods, only in this way can students' self-confidence be improved, and students’ interests in learning English be enhanced.
  一、Factors affecting self-confidence
  1.Personal birth defects
  Some students suffer from congenital defects such as stammer, etc. when they are communicating with others, they feel very stressed(Dornyei,2005),. They are often in a tense state of passive precaution, for fear of making a fool of themselves in public.
  2.Negative psychological suggestions
  Teenagers pay special attention to their relations with others, and others’ evaluation on them. Therefore they suffer lot of thought, consideration and doubt because of their self-consciousness and high self-esteem(ZhangHongzhu,2016). Introverted people often feel "I can't" for lacking of self-awareness so that negative self-suggestions restrain their self-confidence. After many setbacks, they began to doubt their competence. They are prone to be disappointed in their prospects.
  3.Improper external evaluation.
  In life and study, some parents are too picky about their children. In the school, some teachers only focus on the few students who have done well, and there is no objective evaluation and sufficient affirmation for other students(Qi Lihua,2015). If these students rarely experience the joy of success or have never been appreciated by others, their confidence will be suppressed.   二、Strategies for Establishing Self-confidence.
  1. Communicating with students and overcoming the fear.
  Learning English is a non - native language learning process, so it is difficult for primary school students or new learner. Even some students are fear of learning a new language. As a teacher, we must actively communicate with students, understand their difficulties in learning English, and help them to analyze their strengths and weaknesses in English learning process, so that they can recognize their strengths and establish confidence in learning English.Cultivating their sense of pride and confidence so that can improve the interest and achievement of learning English, and establish confidence in learning English eventually.
  2.Giving more praise and encouragement.
  Teachers should not be stinting with their praise. Pay attention to the students' small progress and praise and encourage them in good time. For students with poor English level, teacher should take more care of them. If the answer is wrong, teacher should use a soft tone to correcte. Over time, students will be confident in learning
  3.Innovating teaching methods.
  As a teacher, we should innovate teaching methods on the basis of communication with students. We should make full use of advanced teaching methods such as situational teaching method, task-based approach and group-cooperative learning method. At the same time, teachers should make the best of the advanced teaching means, such as multimedia technology, distance teaching system and so on, to improve the teaching effect(SongYueying,2013). Only helping to reduce the resistance of pupils in learning English, let them feel that learning English is not as difficult as they originally imagined, so as to establish self-confidence and interest in learning English.
  Self confidence is the most critical factor for junior high school students to learn English, which is beneficial to stimulate students' interest in learning English. Conversely, when students learn English knowledge well, it will also play an important role in the cultivation of their self-confidence in learning English.When cultivating students' self-confidence, teachers should respect students and formulate a series of practical teaching methods according to the specific conditions of each student. It is necessary to create a democratic and lively teaching atmosphere, encourage students and give more encouragement. Only teachers and students establish a good teacher-student relationship, which helps to cultivate students' self-confidence. It is also hoped that this paper has certain reference value for the study of junior high school students' self-confidence in learning English.
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摘要:在教学方式逐渐革新的形势下,将信息技术融于教学中成为备受人们关心的问题。在小学科学实验教学中,有效应用信息技术能够提升课堂教学效率,同时信息技术的良好应用也可以让课堂教学更加具有活力,不但能够激起学生的学习兴致,也有利于教师完成相应的教学目标。本文重点针对小学科学实验教学中融入信息技术的有效策略展开论述。  关键词:信息技术;小学;科学实验  引言:  当前信息技术正处在快速发展时期,并已走
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