省委召开深入开展创先争优活动动员大会要求 坚持做到“四个贯穿始终”确保创先争优活动取得实效

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4月26日,省委召开在全省基层党组织和党员中深入开展创先争优活动动员大会,全面启动我省创先争优活动。会议要求,要深刻领会和准确把握中央、省委关于深入开展创先争优活动的决策部署,坚持把服务大局、典型带动、党组织基本建设和整改落实贯彻始终,推动基层组织和广大党员在经济社会又好又快发展的实践中建功立业。省委书记、省人大常委会主任陆浩对会议召开提出明确要求。省委常委、省委宣传部部长励小捷主持会议,省委常委、省委组织部部长、省委深入开展创先争优活动领导小组组长侯长安作动员讲话。 April 26, the provincial party committee held in the province’s grass-roots party organizations and party members to carry out in-depth activities to create a campaign to mobilize the congregation, comprehensively start the province to create excellence activities. The meeting called for deep understanding and accurate grasping of the decision-making arrangements of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee for deepening the activity of creating excellent activities and adhering to the principle of serving the overall interests and promoting the Party’s basic construction and rectification and reform so that grassroots organizations and the majority of Party members Economic and social development is good and fast in the practice of building a successful career. Provincial Party Secretary, Provincial People’s Congress Lu Lu, chairman of the meeting made a clear request. Li Xiaojie, member of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department of Hunan Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting. Hou Changan, member of the Standing Committee of provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and leader of the Leading Group for Creating Excellent Activities in depth, made a mobilization speech.
分析筒仓滑模施工中 ,仓壁产生偏扭的原因 ,提出相应的预防措施 ,并阐述筒仓仓壁发生偏扭所采取的纠正措施。 In the construction of silo sliding mode, the cause of par