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修建金温铁路,曾经是浙中、浙西南多少代人的梦想。1997年,在铁道部和各级地方政府努力下,在爱国人士援助下,依靠铁路沿线群众的力量、智慧,金温铁路终于全线铺成,浙中、浙西南人民实现了近百年的梦想。这条金温线建成距今已近20年,而就在去年,新的金温线已正式运营,并将在今年12月迎来周岁生日。根据规划,新线主要承担客运和轻快货物运输,老线主要承担重载货车运输。金温铁路作为中国第一条由地方、铁道部和香港三方合资兴建的铁路,途经的地区占浙江省57%的土地面积和49%的人口。铁路的建成有力地促进了浙西南地区经济与社会的发展,并为完善东南沿海铁路路网建设奠定了良好的基础。 The construction of the Jin-Wen Railway, once the Zhejiang, Zhejiang and Southwest generations of dreams. In 1997, under the efforts of the Ministry of Railways and local governments at all levels, with the help of patriots, relying on the strength and wisdom of the masses along the railway, the Jin-Wen Railway finally paved the way. The people in the central and western Zhejiang and Zhejiang Provinces achieved the dream of nearly a century. The gold line was completed nearly 20 years ago, and just last year, the new gold line has been officially operational and will usher in a birthday in December this year. According to the plan, the new line mainly undertakes the carriage of passenger and light goods, while the old line mainly undertakes the transportation of heavy goods vehicles. As the first railway in China to be jointly built by tripartite localities, the Ministry of Railways and Hong Kong, the Jinwen Railway occupies 57% of the total land area and 49% of the population in Zhejiang Province. The completion of the railway has effectively promoted the economic and social development of southwestern Zhejiang Province and laid a good foundation for the improvement of the railway network construction along the southeast coast.
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