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案例:米兰自己都不知道是怎么沾染上妇科病的,当她得知患上了细菌性阴道炎时,心情一下子就灰暗了。拿了药回家自我治疗,晚上老公大刘却没有分寸地过来索爱。米兰不肯,一来没心情,二来医 Case: Milan himself did not know how to get infected with gynecological diseases, when she learned of bacterial vaginosis, the mood suddenly dimmed. Took the medicine home self-treatment, her husband Liu did not come in the slightest come Sony Ericsson. Milan refused, one mood, two to medicine
Pyridine nucleotides including NAD(H) and NADP(H), are essential compounds in all living organisms and well-known as electron-transferring coenzymes in many red
Soybean (Glycine max) is an important oil crop and one of the major food protein sources in China.Different to other crop plants whose growth relying on the ind
Gene expression profiling and biochemical analysis suggests that hybrids have more efficient protein quality control mechanisms than their inbred parental lines
Darwin famously characterized the sudden appearance and rapid diversification of flowering plants (angiosperms) in the fossil record as an "Abominable Mystery".
A Chinese expat in Mexico, I was impressed with the efforts of the Mexican people coping with A/H1N1 flu, as well as China’s uncompromising preventive effort;