The application of communicative principles in English listening teaching in junior middle school

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  【Abstract】The communicative principle focuses on the use of language, which can effectively improve students’ communicative competence. Listening process is a process of communication, the essence of listening is a communicative behavior. The purpose of English listening teaching is to cultivate and develop students’ ability to use this kind of communicative tools. The communicative principle dominates the English listening teaching in junior middle school, which can effectively improve students’ listening level.
  【Key words】English listening teaching; Communicative principle; Embody and apply
  The communicative principle of language teaching originated in the late 1960s, in part because the development of linguistic research has given new enlightenment to language teaching. In 1971, American anthropologist Hymes put forward the famous concept of communicative competence in his article on communicative competence. He thinks that this general language theory should include the communicative and cultural aspects, which should emphasize the linguistic knowledge, as well as the ability to use language, as well as the accuracy of structure and the appropriateness of use. On the other hand, some English teachers in Britain, represented by h. g. Widdowson and d. a. Wilkins, established A new foreign language teaching method, namely communicative teaching method. The cultivation of communicative competence in English has become the core and necessity of the current English teaching reform. That is to say, the communicative principle should be embodied and applied in language teaching. Second, the main function of language is the communicative function. Third, the main unit of language is not only grammar, structural features, but also functional categories.
  English teaching is language teaching, the emergence, existence and development of language is the need of social communication, the most essential function of language is the communicative function. Communicative English teaching can effectively achieve the interaction between teachers and students, let students take the initiative to use English, exercise students’ language communication ability, reflect the advantages of communicative English teaching. Therefore, in the process of teaching, teachers should be fully communicative, use communicative strategies and create a communicative environment. Then how is the communicative principle applied in the English listening teaching of junior middle school
【摘要】文章介绍了层次分析方法确定评价指标权重的一般过程,尝试用Excel进行简单计算,操作比Matlab等软件便捷,用以辅助大学英语教学团队进行决策具有一定的实用性。  【关键词】层次分析法;决策;Excel  【作者简介】王榛,四川工程职业技术学院。  一、引言  层次分析法(Analyze Hierarchy Process)简称AHP法,是美国运筹学家Thomas L Saaty教授于20
【摘要】在如今互联网 的时代背景下,高职英语智慧课堂的构建成了很多人研究的目标。这既可以促进高职英语的提高,也可以促进高职英语课堂的整体改进。本文将在解析智慧课堂内涵的基础上,结合具体的案例来对智慧课堂进行仔细的讲解和深入的分析。主要是通过对于任课教师的个性化构建以及学生所需求的不同来进行主要分析。目的就是为了能够更深入地对高职英语智慧课堂的构建,有着更多的经验,为后来高职英语课堂的深入提供更多的
【摘要】在新时代背景下,教师角色不断变化发展。在课堂话语分析的热潮中,越来越多的学者对教师角色进行了系统的共性研究。本文以课堂话语为切入点,初步探讨了英语教师角色在课堂话语中的体现,并分析探讨了两者之间的内在联系。  【关键词】课堂话语;教师角色;话语功能  【作者简介】朱丽丽,上海财经大学浙江学院。  一、引言  教师所使用的课堂话语体现出教师的素质,也是能否有效发挥其作用的关键点。在课堂教学中
【摘要】语言是日常沟通互动必不可少的工具,要保证英语语言的顺畅沟通,必须要具备丰富的单词储备,从而形成完整语句,表达正确的含义。由此可见,单词是英语语言学习和利用的基础,也是英语教学的重点,直接关乎学生语言能力的发展。所以要想提升英语教学效果,必须抓好单词教学,积极探究提升单词教学有效性的策略,明确新课改对单词教学提出的更高要求,创新和优化单词教学活动,促进学生整体语言素质的提高。  【关键词】初
【摘要】虽然“听说领先,读写跟上”是英语教学中的一个重要原则,也早已形成了共识,但是在实际的英语教学中并没有充分重视英语口语,不少学生学了十几年的英语,有嘴就是开不了口,“哑巴英语”一直没有改观。以薄弱地区中学英语口语教学为研究对象,发现存在于其中的典型问题,继而提出相应策略。激发学生学习口语兴趣,推动口语的交流,使学生能够掌握一定的知识与技能,使所掌握的语言技能满足当今社会的需求。  【关键词】
The Chinese nation has had a fine history of “changing generations and revising history” and collating classics literature since ancient times,which has created a large number of classics literatures.
新的课程标准体现了素质教育的全部内容,把外语学科素质教育的目标对形成外语能力的各因素提出了明确的要求,具有科学性和可操作性。  情趣教育实质上是一種情感教育,它要求英语教学不仅是一种语音、语调、语句的传授和训练,而且是一种亲切的情感交流和智慧的开发。语言学习本身是一种单调和枯燥的,加之学生好奇心强,生性好动,课堂上如果一味的以老师讲、学生听,势必会使学生缺乏兴趣,从而直接影响学习效果,因此,在英语
【摘要】口语能力是小学英语教学中学生必须要掌握的学习能力,但从现如今小学英语教学实际情况来看,学生口语能力并不乐观,教师在教学过程中也没有对学生的口语能力给予足够关注,因此小学生普遍缺乏口语表达能力,这也是影响小学英语教学质量的一大重要问题。本文详细地阐述了培养学生英语口语能力的实施策略,希望能在一定程度上起到促进小学英语教育发展的作用。  【关键词】小学英语教学;小学生;口语能力;培养策略;研究