
来源 :中国水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lislin
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到六月初旬,黑龙江省水产红旗竞赛运动已在一些重点市县和国营渔场形成高潮,在党政领导的重视支持下群众干劲大,信心足,想方设法增加生产,技术改革也取的初步成效。具体表现在:(1)领导加强,水产生产得到进一步发展。合江地委张书记和专署刘专员对水产生产很为重视与支持,曾亲到富锦县鱼种场检查工作,场内工人口粮不足、资金、劳力不足等困难和问题得到及时解决,职工大受鼓舞。富锦县由肖付县长担任红旗竞赛委员会主任,为了发展养鱼生产,他亲自带领工作组深入基层检查,帮助公社想出“三就一异”法利用沿江泡子养种鱼,就地采种鱼,就地放养,就地产卵, By the beginning of June, the red flag competition campaign of aquaculture in Heilongjiang Province has reached the climax in some key cities and counties and state-run fishing grounds. Under the support of the Party and government leaders, the masses are energetic, confident and confident in finding ways to increase production. Technological reform has also taken initial results. Specific performance: (1) to strengthen leadership, aquatic products have been further developed. Hejiang prefectural Party Committee Secretary Zhang and Commissioner Commissioner Liu attaches great importance to and support for aquatic products production. Once he went to inspect the fish breeding farms in Fujin County, the laborers in the field lacked enough food and the funds and labor shortage problems and problems were resolved in time. Greatly encouraged. Fujin County, headed by Xiao Fu County Magistrate as the director of the Red Flag Racing Committee, personally led the working group to conduct grassroots inspections in order to develop fish farming and helped the commune to come up with the “three exceptions and one law” , Stocking on the spot, laying eggs locally,
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一、特点 本联合制动装置系车列采用真空制动,机车采用空气制动,适用于机车单独制动和全列车贯通制动。机车的空气制动装置,不论车列的制动装置是真空式的或者是空气压力式