Low? carbon Economy 低碳经济

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  Developed and developing nations can learn from each other seeking a low?carbon economy,a Chinese government official said in Shanghai yesterday.
  “China doesn’t lag developed nations in terms of energy saving and green economy”,said Zhou Changyi,director of the energy saving department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
  “While we can learn many aspects from developed nations,they also should learn something from us,such as water conservation,” Zhou said in a speech during the new Path of China’s Industrilization forum at the ongoing China International Industry Fair 2009.
  He said industrilized nations and China are dealing with different issues to combat climate change. The United Kingdom,for example,is concerned about transport,buildings and new energy in reducing carbon emmissions. For China,the most urgent task is how to realize new?type of industrilization and avoid mistakes that other countries made when they industrilized.
  As such,overseas exhibitors at this year’s fair are showing ways to help China achieve low carbon emissions in the industrial section.
  Swiss power and automation technology group ABB called for a stronger focus on product life?cycle assesment,or LCA,which is used to study the environmental impact of a product from the research and manufaturing stage through its usage and recycling.
  Tobias Becker,head of ABB’s process automation division for North Asia and China,said LCA is an effective tool in helping manufacturing industries to reduce carbon emissions.
  LCA shows that industrial customers should focus on a product’s environmental impact throughout its life?cycle instead of on its initial investment or ready?to?use stage. For example,a motor’s initial investment accounts for only 3 percent of its life?cycle cost,while 94 percent goes to fuel consumption and the rest to maintenance.
  Richard Hausmann,North East Asia CEO of Siemens,said,
  “The color of future industrilization is green.”
  The Germany Company recently announces that it wants to receive orders worth more than 6 billion Euros (US 8.8 billion) for intelligent net power networks,Smart Grid,over the next five years. Siemens has set a 20 per cent market share target for the global smart grid business.
  A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using digital technology,advanced sensors specialized computers that save energy,reduce costs and increase reliability. The United States and China are considered the two biggest markets for smart grid.   1.“ _______ ”can replace the underlined word “lag”.
  A.Fall behind
  B.Be superior to
  C.Attack D.Fear
  2.Which of the following about LCA is TRUE?
  A.LCA is used to study the impact on a product.
  B.LCA can help manufacturing
  industries decrease carbon release a lot.
  C.LCA shows industrial
  customers should focus on a product’s environmental influence on its initial investment.
  D.LCA was one of the exhibitions
  at this year’s fair.
  3.We can infer ______ from the eleventh paragraph of this passage.
  A.Siemens has occupied 20 percent market share for the global smart grid business
  B.Siemens received orders worth 6 billion Euros recently
  C.Siemens will earn $ 8.8 billion from intelligent power networks
  D.Siemens’ plan about Smart Grid may come true in the future
  4._____ about Smart Grid isn’t mentioned in the passage.
  A.Energy?saving B.Low?cost
  C.Security D.Small in size
  5.The best title for the passage _______ .
  A.Developed and Developing Nations Can Learn From Each Other
  B.Low?carbon Economy—a Shared Goal
  C.Intelligent Power Networks
  D.Two Biggest Markets for Smart Grid
  1.A。詞义猜测题。根据第二段“China doesn’t lag developed nations in terms of energy saving and green economy,...”可知,就节能和绿色经济方面,中国并不落后于发达国家,所以选择A项。
金风传雅韵,国粹聚知音。秋高气爽,沪上不少中学纷纷举办戏剧艺术活动。除了戏剧艺术节,一些学校还请来戏剧大师亲临。  记者 郭漪  英雄人物随着京剧走进学生心里  金山中学不但自己的京剧活动开展得有声有色,近日还举办了金山区首届青少年京剧艺术节。艺术节上,金山9所学校、不同年龄段的同学们呈现了一场精彩纷呈的京剧演出。在每一个节目开始之前,各个学校的同学们通过视频镜头,向观众们展示了平时学习京剧过程中
多位来自教育界、艺术界的专家、学者近日做客第十五届上海教育博览会新时代美育高峰论坛,他们不约而同地提出,让孩子们反复“刷题”的学科不是别的,而最应该是艺术,要让艺术教育陪伴他们整个学习生涯。  早在上世纪初,陶行知、蔡元培等教育家就在思考怎样通过美育塑造合格的公民。美育既是审美教育,也是情操及心灵教育,它是通往艺术世界的必由之路,也是开启美好生活的钥匙。  “学生最应该反复刷题的学科应该是艺术。在
全球最长跨海大桥——港珠澳大桥10月24日正式通车运营。当天,随着客运、货运通道的开放,货车和旅客在大桥上川流不息。  港珠澳大桥跨越伶仃洋,东接香港特别行政区,西接广东省珠海市和澳门特别行政区,是在“一国两制”框架下、粤港澳三地首次合作建设的超大型跨海交通工程,2009年12月正式开工。  整个项目包括海中桥隧主体工程,香港接线及香港口岸,珠海、澳门接线和珠海澳门口岸,总长约55公里。其中主体工
记者 郭漪  近日,南方科技大学2018年综合评价招生实施办法公布。该校在上海市投放招生计划20名,全部采用综合评价模式择优录取,并按理工科大类招生,录取时不分专业,学生在入学两年内根据自己的兴趣、特长选择专业。  考生须单独申请报名,报名时间截至2018年5月15日,按考生综合成绩择优录取。其中,高考成绩(折算成百分制)占综合成绩的60%,校测成绩占30%(机试25%、面试5%),高中学业成绩占
日前,自然出版集团更新了2018年最新的自然指数(统计时间节点为2017.2.1至 2018.1.31)。作为2014年新推出的一项科研评价指数,自然指数对于评价科研机构在国际高水平学术成果产出方面具有重要作用。  2014年11月,自然出版集团首次以全新的“加权分值计数法”(WFC,Weighted Fractional Count)指数方式发布了全球“自然指数”。自然指数的分析是基于前一年各科
陪伴祖国改革开放四十年来的建设脚步,今天,我们走进一所中职校,从它的故事里感受经历近四十年美术职业教育的改革和创新。  1980年,时任华山中学校长的陈平首创高中美术师范、美术动画、装潢设計、室内设计等专业,并与上海美术电影制片厂、上海美术设计公司等单位展开联合办学,开创了中国中等美术职业教育的先河,这也是华山美育事业的起点。  “这里是我艺术梦想的起点。”作为原华山美校的第一届毕业生,当代艺术家
在“五一”国际劳动节来临之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平给中国劳动关系学院劳模本科班学员回信,向他们并向全国所有劳动模范、向全国广大劳动者致以节日的问候。  习近平在回信中指出,你们为党和国家事业发展作出了突出贡献,被评为劳动模范,如今又在读书深造,这是对大家辛勤劳动、无私奉献的褒奖,也是党和国家对劳动者的关怀。  习近平强调,社会主义是干出来的,新时代也是干出来的。希望你们珍惜
1818年5月5日,卡尔·马克思诞生于德国特里尔。  1844年,马克思和恩格斯在巴黎相识。1847年,马克思与恩格斯一起应邀参加正义者同盟,并将其改组为共产主义者同盟。马克思还与恩格斯一起为同盟起草了著名的纲领《共产党宣言》。宣言的发表标志着马克思主义的诞生。  1864年,马克思在伦敦创建了“国际工人协会”,也就是第一国际,并成为该组织的领袖和灵魂。1867年,马克思发表了经济学巨著《资本论》
“少用‘我’,多用‘我们’。”众多人际交往技巧帖总会这样告诉你。人称确实对我们的沟通有很大影响,“我们”往往比“我”更容易拉近彼此心理距离,消除隔阂。  不仅如此,人称也能拉近或拉远人们和自我的心理距离,在不知不觉间对人产生影响。  我们经常能看到,当人们需要自我激励的时候,常常不用第一人称的“我”,而用第三人称来跟自己对话。比如在运动到快要放弃的时候,对自己说,“加油!小明!你可以的!小明!” 