On Chen Dengyi’s and Wan Zi &Yu Ning’s Translation of the First Paragraph in Rip Van Winkle by Washi

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  【Abstract】:This paper centers on the comparison between the translations of the first paragraph of the famous American novel Rip Van Winkle by Chen Dengyi and Wan Zi & Yu Ning. Through the detailed discussion in the paper, the core of different translation strategies and words choices in accordance with different aims for translation can be felt. It can also be considered as a guide for the analysis of other texts’ translations.
  【Key words】: comparison, translation strategies, analysis.
  1.Analysis of Source Text
  1.1 Theme
  The source text describes the beautiful natural scenery of the Catskill Mountains where the protagonist of the story—Rip Van Winkle just lived. The author, Washington Irving, created a harmonious and tranquil atmosphere at the beginning of the story in order to provide a basis for the narration of the following parts. His depiction about the mountain adds its mystery and unpredictability, which in turn paves the way for Rip’s mystical adventures in the mountain.
  Through Rip Van Winkle, the author wants to express his obsession on the traditional culture and life. After the American Revolutionary War, the citizens in America were at a loss about their life which was undergoing huge changes. In terms of this, Irving agrees on the preference of the past, which is reflected by the peaceful natural scenery, to the present. Irving’s conservative attitude towards revolution can also be seen from the story.
  1.2 Style
  1.2.1 American Romanticism
  Washington Irving is a typical writer in the period of American Romanticism which covers the first half of the 19th century. A rising America with its ideals of democracy and equality, its industrialization, its western expansion, and a variety of foreign influences were among the important factors which made literary expansion and expression not only possible but also inevitable in the period immediately following the nation’s political independence.
  Yet romantics frequently shared certain general characteristics: moral enthusiasm, faith in value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source of corruption. Romantic values were prominent in American politics, art, and philosophy until the Civil War. The romantic exaltation of the individual suited the nation’s revolutionary heritage and its frontier egalitarianism.
  1.2.2 Writing stories based on his self-experience and preference   Washington Irving’s parents were Scottish-English immigrants. From 1819 to 1820, he lived in countryside of Britain, leading to his yearning and infatuation on the countryside scenery. Moreover, Irving is a fan about European culture and legends. This story was just adapted from a German folklore. The overall social background of it was also the same as the real life background of Washington Irving himself. And Washington lived just along the Hudson River, where the village of Rip sat, too. The author indirectly integrated his own experience into his workings to show the real American life.
  1.2.3 Distinctive features of Irving’s works
  First of all, he combined the European culture with the American natural scenery and real life together to reveal the theme. Irving wrote The Sketch Book during a tour of Europe. That is why parts of the tale may be traced to European origins. The headless horsemen in the speculative story of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow were staples of Northern European storytelling.
  Second, the element of humor and sarcasm has built itself into the very texture of his writings, although we cannot tell it from the first paragraph discussed. An example to illustrate the author’s sarcasm is the depiction of Nicholas Vedder and other idlers in the village. “…a kind of perpetual club of the sages, philosophers, and other idle personages of the villages…”, “The opinions of this junto were completely controlled by Nicholas Vedder, a patriarch of the village, at the door of which he took his seat from morning till night, just moving sufficiently to avoid the sun, and keep in the shade of a large tree…as accurately as by a sun-dial.” and “His adherents, however (for every great man has his adherents), perfectly understood him, and knew how to gather his opinions.” Those idlers were called “sages” and “philosophers”. Nicholas, as the “patriarch”, was always sitting under the tree in front of the inn so that people could tell the time by his position. And his “adherents” were always trying to figure out his mind.
  Third, he is good at enveloping his stories in an atmosphere to enrich the whole story which is just the role the first paragraph plays overall. He was also greatly influenced by the Gothic culture. Many of his works are concerning such kind of culture such as The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
  1.3 Language features
  Washington Irving is the first American author to adopt geographical description about the nature in the writings. He used vivid and refined words to reappear the real scenery for the readers. We can also see that the author uses humorous language to entertain, meanwhile showing his concern about the theme.   The majority of the sentences in the source text are structured in SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) and SLVP (Subject-Link Verb-Predicative). Among them, many clauses are used including subject clause “whoever has made a voyage…”, adverbial clause of time “when the weather is fair and settled…but, sometimes, when the rest of the landscape is cloudless…” and attributive clause “…gather a hood of gray vapors about their summits, which, in the last rays of the setting sun, will glow and light up like a crown of glory.”
  1.4 Artistic skills
  Washington Irving uses personification to invest the Catskill Mountains with human qualities. They are part of a “family”, a proud, majestic member, “lording it over the surrounding country.” They are also active, reacting to the weather and the seasons with changes in their “magical hues and shapes. “They are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky.” Making the mountains come alive enables them to become mysterious and unpredictable; they may even play tricks on those who venture within their confines.
  The author compared the setting sun to “a crown of glory”. In the following paragraph, there are also examples of the application of simile like “……with a rod as long and heavy as a Tartar’s lance”, “he was generally seen trooping like a colt at his mother’s heels……” and “the neighbors could tell the hour by his movements as accurately as by a sun-dial.”
  2. Analysis of Target Text One
  2.1 Language features
  2.1.1 Word features
  First of all, four-character words in Chinese are often used. Dengyi Chen is an educator, who also devoted himself to translating. We can see from the translation that the translator used very immersive and fluent Chinese to inform the readers such as “姿容色彩”,“高凌云天”,“仪态万千”,“雄浑奇伟”, “层峦叠嶂” and “光彩夺目”.
  Moreover, there are many single characters in neat and balanced form with each other such as “寒” and “暑”, “来” and “往”, “光” and “影”, “山” and “峦”, “层” and “叠”, and “翠” and “黛”. Indeed, each single character has exactly the same meaning with the other. But the application of both of them can increase the readability and aesthetic feeling of the text. Based on the social background of the translator, the translation version adds the immersive to the readers so that the readers can better understand the main idea of the text.   Third, the translator borrowed many traditional Chinese words in the translation.
  ①“四野” from “敕勒川,阴山下,天似穹庐笼盖四野” which stands for the surrounding country.
  ②“寒来暑往” from “日月盈昃,晨宿列张,寒来暑往,秋收冬藏” which stands for the changes of the seasons.
  ③“层峦叠嶂” from “层峦叠嶂,隐天蔽日,自非亭午夜分,不见曦月” which stands for the peaks rising one after another.
  ④“云岚” from “熙熙风土暖,蔼蔼云岚积” which stands for the vapors in the mountain.
  Several classical Chinese characters appear in the translation text as well such as “然” and “之”, which can enhance the classical beauty of the translation.
  2.1.2 Sentence structures
  Complex sentences and multiple complex sentences are often applied in the source text. Complex sentences with successive relation and transitional complex sentences can be found in the text. The sentence of “天气晴朗恬静的时候,层峦叠嶂披上青翠紫黛的衣衫,雄浑奇伟的山影忖着清澈的夕空,轮廓异常分明” is an example of complex sentences with successive relation which stands for two or more clauses describing the continuous activities. Also, the sentence of “虽然晴空万里,山顶上却缠绕着团团云岚,在夕阳返照之下,像一顶璀璨的皇冠熠熠然光彩夺目” is a transitional complex sentence with the signal words of “虽然” and “却”. There also exists an exclamatory sentence of “真是山光峦影,仪态万千”. “真是” is an signal words for exclamatory sentences in Chinese.
  2.2 Artistic skills
  A rhetorical device is a technique with the goal of persuading readers towards considering a topic from a different perspective, using sentences designed to encourage or provoke a rational argument from an emotional display of a given perspective or action. Such kind of language use can create a literary effect.
  A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. It explicitly use connecting words such as “像”, “如”, “好比”, etc. In order to be a faithful translation, the translator also applied simile in the translation text, and that is “在夕阳返照之下,像一顶璀璨的皇冠熠熠然光彩夺目”. The application of simile can add the vividness and picturesqueness for the translation text.
  Personification is a figure of speech where human qualities are given to animals, objects or ideas. Personification gives human traits and qualities, such as emotions, desires, sensations, gestures and speech, often by way of a metaphor. In the source text, Irving also personified the mountains in the sentence of “they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky”. In the translation, Dengyi Chen chooses to follow the guidelines in the source text and he translated “clothed” into “披上”.   It is difficult to apply the rhetorical device of reiterative location in English. But the proper use of it in Chinese can add the readability to the text. “巍巍然” , “团团” and “熠熠然” in the translation text, compared with the source text, enjoys a higher level of phonetic aesthetic feelings.
  2.3 Translation strategy
  2.3.1 Foreignization
  Domestication and foreignization are strategies in translation, regarding the degree to which translators make a text conform to the target culture. Foreignization is the strategy of retaining information from the source text, and involves deliberately breaking the conventions of the target language to preserve its meaning. In the source text, there are many geographic locations which may not be familiar with the readers in target language such as “Hudson”, “Catskill”, and “the great Appalachian family”. The translator chooses to foreignize these words in the translation which is to directly take a word from one language into another. We can see from the target text one that the translator transliterates these words into “哈得逊河”, “卡慈吉尔群山” and “阿帕拉钦山脉”.
  2.3.2 Amplification
  Amplification, also called addition, means supplying necessary words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. Many ideas, idiomatic expressions and shortened words etc. that are well understood in the country of their origin can hardly make any sense to people abroad. Amplification is adopted in such occasions.
  In the target text one, the translator amplifies the sentence of “真是山光峦影,仪态万千”. In the source text, Irving described the amazing changes of the mountains in the long term. “真是山光峦影,仪态万千” is added by the translator himself to convey his own opinions about the beautiful scenery. The application of exclamatory sentence serves to emphasize on the beautiful scenery. Also, “they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky” is translated into “层峦叠嶂披上青翠紫黛的衣衫,雄浑奇伟的山影忖着清澈的夕空,轮廓异常分明”. We can see that “雄浑奇伟的山影” is added by the translator in order to make the clause complete in the subject.
  2.3.3 Division
  Division is preferable in the translation in the long sentences. Based on the translator’s understanding, the long sentence is divided into several parts so that the logic connection within are more clear.
  In the source text, Irving depicted the scenery as “every change of season①, every change of weather②, indeed, every hour of the day③, produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains④.” The sequence of these parts in the sentence is originally ①②③④. In the target text one, the translator translated the sentence into “寒来暑往①,晴雨风雪②,群峰的姿容色彩,都会发生奇妙的变化④,甚至每日每时也变幻不定③”. And the sequence becomes ①②④③.The application of division here stresses its unpredictability.   2.3.4 Liberal translation
  Liberal translation is also called free translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original. It is better for the readers of the target language to understand and resonate with the narration. There are many examples in the target text one to elaborate on this point. “every change of season” is translated into “寒来暑往”, and “every change of weather” is translated into “晴雨风雪” indirectly.
  2.3.5 Conversion
  The translation strategy of conversion is the shift of perspective including the change of the word class, sentence segment, word order, voice etc. In the sentence of “they are regarded by all the good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers.” in source text, “barometers” is a noun. While in the translation, it is converted into a verb as “判断晴雨”.
  2.4 Translation criticism
  Although foreignization is more faithful to the source text compared with domestication, many readers actually cannot understand these geographic locations without further explanations. Therefore, brief introduction of these geographical names is highly suggested. For example, the translator can further explain “哈得逊河” as “美国纽约州的一条长河”, “卡慈吉尔群山” as “阿利根尼高原的切割部分,大部分位于纽约州东南部” and “阿帕拉钦山脉” as “位于美国东部,北美洲懂不巨大山系”.
  The application of omission is based on the translators’ own judgments. From their perspectives, if some words in the source text are unnecessary in the translation, they will be omitted. However, translation is also limited within the source text. Sometimes, the omission of certain words will lead to the ambiguity of the text.
  3. Analysis of Target Text Two
  3.1 Language features
  Wan Zi and Yu Ning are renowned Chinese translators who are good at faithful translations with simple and plain words consistent with the source text to convey the intended meaning of the text to the readers. Although they stick to the source text, the translation text still makes sense to the Chinese readers and enjoys a high level of readability.
  Similar with the target text one, complex sentences and multiple complex sentences are widely used in target text two. Furthermore, many sentences in the target text two are structured with the character “把”, which stresses the consequences and the approach of the actions. Since the core of the first paragraph is the natural background of the whole story, “把” structure can enable the mountains to be active which in turn adds the vividness to the text. There are two such sentences as “远近的好主妇会把他们看作精确的晴雨表” and “把它们雄浑的轮廓印在傍晚清澄的天空上”.   3.2 Artistic skills
  From what we have discussed about, we can see that there is originally the rhetorical device of simile in the source text. And that is why in both of the target text one and target text two, there are also the applications of simile. In target text two, the sentence of “在落日的余辉照耀之下,像一顶灿烂的皇冠似的放射着异彩” is just the example of simile.
  In the source text, “lord” and “are clothed” are both reflections of the application of personification. In target text two, they are translated into “威凌” and “披着……衣衫”, which also apply the rhetorical device of personification.
  Many assonance words also appear in the target text two. It signifies two or more characters with the same vowel formation like “转换”, “灿烂”, “照耀” and “变换” which enjoy high level of readability and add phonetic aesthetic feelings to the translation text.
  3.3 Translation strategy
  3.3.1 Foreignization
  Similarly, many culture-loaded words are transliterated in the target text two. In the language system, the words which can best embody the language carrying cultural information and reflecting the social life of human are culture-loaded words. “Hudson”, “Catskill Mountains” and “the great Appalachian family” are not familiar with Chinese readers. We cannot find the exact correspondences in Chinese. That is why the translator chooses to foreignize these words as “哈得逊河”, “卡慈吉尔丛山” and “阿帕拉钦山脉”.
  3.3.2 Literal translation
  Literal translation strives to reproduce both ideological content and the style of entire literary work, retain as much as possible the figures of speech and the main sentence structures of patterns in the source text. For example, “Every change of season, every change of weather, indeed, every hour of the day” is translated into “四季的每一转换,气候的每一变化,乃至一天中的每一小时” which is totally consistent with the source text.
  3.4 Translation criticism
  Similarly, foreignization will give rise to misunderstanding and ambiguity if there is no further explanation. Therefore, adding brief introduction after every geographical location is highly suggested.
  Literal translation is totally faithful to the source text, which means that the translator can convey all the necessary information to the readers from the source text. However, since English and Chinese have totally different sentence structures and vocabularies, literal translation will lead to broken Chinese in translation.
  For example, “Every change of season, every change of weather, indeed, every hour of the day” is translated into “四季的每一转换,气候的每一变化,乃至一天中的每一小时” which is totally consistent with the source text. Although we can understand this sentence in Chinese, we will not use such sentence structures and vocabularies in our daily lives.   4. Comparison between Target Text One and Target Text Two
  4.1 ST: Whoever has made a voyage up the Hudson must remember the Catskill Mountains.
  TT1: 凡是在哈得逊河溯流而上的人,想必记得卡慈吉尔群山
  TT2: 凡是在哈得逊河上游航行过的人,必定记得卡慈吉尔丛山
  The translation of “made a voyage up the Hudson” in the target one is more concise and elegant. But, “溯流而上” does not reflect the past tense in the original text. Also, in Chinese, “想必” is often used in “想必是…” instead of “想必+verb”. Therefore, “必定记得” is more appropriate and faithful to the source text.
  4.2 ST: They are a dismembered branch of the great Appalachian family, and are seen away to the west of the river, swelling up to a noble height, and lording it over the surrounding country.
  TT1: 那是阿帕拉钦山脉的一支断脉,在河之西岸,巍巍然高凌云天,威震四野。
  TT2: 那是阿帕拉钦山脉的一支断脉,在河的西岸,巍巍然高耸云端,威凌四周的乡村。
  “凌” can highlight that the height of the mountains may even match the sky. In the source text, “lord over” can be regarded as the application of personification. “威凌” can better convey the original meaning of the source text to the readers. But, in terms of the translation of “the surrounding country”, “四野” is more concise and classic than “四周的乡村”.
  4.3 ST: Every change of season, every change of weather, indeed, every hour of the day, produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains.
  TT1: 寒来暑往,晴雨风雪,群峰的姿容色彩,都会发生奇妙的变化,甚至每日每时也变幻不定,真是山光峦影,仪态万千。
  TT2: 四季的每一转换,气候的每一变化,乃至一天中的每一小时,都能使这些山峦的奇幻的色彩和形态变换
  First of all, in the target text one, the translator translated the subject of “every change of season, every change of weather” into temporal adverbial, while the translators in the target text two kept the original structures and forms in the source text.
  Secondly, the translation strategies towards “Every change of season, every change of weather” are different. “寒来暑往,晴雨风雪” in target text one is more concise and readable for Chinese readers.
  Thirdly, the translator in the target text one moved the translation of “indeed, every hour of the day” to the end of the sentence to put more emphasis on the mountains’ unpredictability. The target text two keeps the original sentence sequence in the translation.
  Fourthly, Chen Dengyi expresses his own views in the translation by an exclamatory sentence of “真是山光峦影,仪态万千”, which can also stress the changeable environment in the mountains.
  4.4 ST: And they are regarded by all the good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers.   TT1: 远近的主妇都会根据山色来判断晴雨。
  TT2: 远近的好主妇会把它们看作精确的晴雨表。
  In the target text one, the translator applied the translation strategy of omission. He translated “the good wives” into “主妇” instead of “好主妇”. Although target text two is more faithful to the source text, “好主妇” does not make much sense in Chinese. Therefore, the translation of “主妇” is more appropriate.
  In the source text, “barometers” is a noun while in the target text one, it is translated into a verb by the application of conversion of word classes.
  4.5 ST: When the weather is fair and settled, they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky;
  TT1: 天气晴朗恬静的时候,层峦叠嶂披上青翠紫黛的衣衫,雄浑奇伟的山影忖着清澈的夕空,轮廓异常分明。
  TT2: 天气晴朗平稳的时候,它们披上蓝紫相间的衣衫,把它们雄浑的轮廓印在傍晚清澄的天空上
  In terms of the translation of “settled”, “恬静” is more appropriate than “平稳”. In Chinese, the collocation of “平稳的天气” is seldom used. And, “天气恬静” in the target text one can be seen as the rhetorical device of personification.
  4.6 ST: But sometimes, when the rest of the landscape is cloudless, they will gather a hood of gray vapors about their summits, which, in the last rays of the setting sun, will glow and light up like a crown of glory.
  TT1: 但有时,虽然晴空万里,山顶上却缠绕着团团云岚,在夕阳返照之下,像一顶璀璨的皇冠熠熠然光彩夺目。
  TT2: 但有时,虽然四处万里无云,山顶上却聚着一团灰雾,在落日的余辉照耀之下,像一顶灿烂的皇冠似的放射着异彩。
  First of all, in terms of the translation of “cloudless”, in target text one, the translator translated the negation into assertive words. While in the target text two, the translator stuck to the original expression in the source text.
  Secondly, in terms of the translation of “gather”, although “聚” is more faithful to the source text, “缠绕” can create dynamic effects for readers.
  Thirdly, “团团云岚” applies the rhetorical device of reiterative location. Also, “云岚” enjoys a higher level of elegance and readability than “灰雾”.
  Fourthly, “in the last ray of the setting sun” is translated into “在夕阳返照之下” which is more concise than the translation of “在落日的余辉照耀之下” in the target text two.
  Fifthly, “放射着异彩” in target text two is inappropriate in Chinese. “放射” can be replaced by “散发”.
  5. Bibliography
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【摘要】:本文通过描述美国薄壳山核桃的发展概况,分析了美国薄壳山核桃在发展生态产业园过程中可能出现的问题,并就如何解决这些问题提出了自己的观点。  【关键词】:美国薄壳山核桃;生态产业园  美国薄壳山核桃,属胡桃科(Juglandaceae)山核桃属(Carya)。作为世界著名的优质干果,其营养价值是普通核桃的三倍以上,有研究表明,薄壳山核桃可食用部分,水分含量2.1%-6.4%,蛋白质含量6.0
【摘要】:社会责任理论是在分析了自由主义下新闻界存在的巨大后问题以及表现后提出的,作为对自由主义报刊理论的修正,社会责任理论强调新闻自由当中权利和义务同样重要,主张在保证新闻自由的前提下,政府可以介入新闻界进行调控。在协调新闻自由的权利义务和政府介入的关系上,法律才是最有利的武器。  【关键词】:社会责任;新闻自由;权利与义务  一、社会责任论的提出  1947年,由美国芝加哥大学校长哈钦斯等人组
【摘要】:中学阶段是学生人生观、世界观形成的重要时期,为了避免学生片面地、孤立地、绝对地看问题,语文教学要配合政治课教学,教学生学会辩证地分析问题,认识问题。素质教育是当前教育改革的主课题。素质教育目标的实现,在很大程度上决定于学科教学的落实。  【关键词】:中学;语文教学;素质教育  语文教学只有激发学生的情感,学生才容易进入课文情境中去。语文课教学之初,教师可用模型、标本、图片、幻灯、录音、录
【摘要】:行政监督是国家监督权的重要组成部分,也是现代行政管理的一个重要环节,它对维护党的方针,政策和国家的法律,法规的正确贯彻实施,惩治腐败,促进政府机关的廉政勤政建设,提高行政效能,起着极为重要的保障作用,因此完善行政监督体系将会促进我国的发展。本文在了解行政监督体系的概念上,分别从其五大系统对中美行政监督体系进行比较,力求从中发现对我国的启示,以此来完善我国的行政监督体系。  【关键词】:行
【摘要】:各种媒介在相互融合的过程中,推动了全媒体时代的产生,同时全媒体时代的到来,新闻生产方式与传播形式都带来了一次全新的变革。各种媒介之间的关系虽然在不同模糊,但是媒介行业之间的竞争也越加激烈,整个媒介市场呈现百花齐放的发展势头。全媒体时代在到来之后,数字新闻在发展中格局也发生了翻天覆地的变化。本文就对于全媒体环境下数字新闻竞争态势进行分析,希望能够对于数字新闻发展进行深度认知。  【关键词】
【摘要】:学生的学习与发展是大学人才培养的重要内容,“互联网+”时代全面到来成为高校学生发展指导工作进一步深入、优化的动力和引擎。文章以电子科技大学学生发展指导中心为研究案例,分析其在 “互联网+”环境下,在推广模式的改写、活动思路的重塑、评级体系的打造三个方面所作的探索与创新。  【关键词】:学生发展指导;互联网+;高校;大学生  随着李克强书记于2015年初在十二届全国人大三次会议上的政府工作
【摘要】:《阳光灿烂的日子》是姜文由演员改行当导演的电影导演处女作。影片以文革为背景,描述了在那一特定时期下生活于北京部队大院中的孩子们的生活故事。影片根据王朔小说《动物凶猛》改编而成。本文旨在以叙事学角度来剖析电影中独特的艺术语言,尝试解读出影片中所蕴含的不一样的“姜文”。  【关键词】:《阳光灿烂的日子》;文革;叙事学;解读  引言  《阳光灿烂的日子》虽然以文革为故事发生的时代背景,但不同于
【摘要】:在现代社会中,公共事件网络舆论已经渗透到人们日常生活中方方面面,公众通过网络舆论规范政府权力,表达利益需求已成为一种普遍现象。网络舆论作为新媒体时代下行政监督的新手段,对我国行政管理监督特别是行政权力的监督,网络贪腐方面发挥着不可忽视的作用。并结合国外对舆论监督的治理模式,理性客观地提出对策,最终,能为我国在新媒体时代下更好规范网络舆论监督,促进政府服务水平的提高建言献策。  【关键词】